The Leesville Daily Leader from Leesville, Louisiana (2024)

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The Leesville Daily Leaderi

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riday Sept 13 1996 3 Weather PARTLY CLOUDY 1 Today: Partly cloudy with a alight chance of afternoonhowara or Urandaretome southwest Hight about 90 Tonight: Partly cloudy with isolated evening howere or thunderstorms southwest Lows mid 60s north to 76 to 80 southeast coast Extended orecast rom the National Weather Service Saturday: Partly cloudy with a slight chance of mainly after noon showers or thunderstorms west Highs 85 to 90 Saturday night: Partly cloudy with a slight chance of evening showers or thunderstorms west Lows 60 to 65 north to 65 to 70 south Sunday: Partly cloudy with scattered mainly afternoon and evening showers and thunderstorms More numerous west Highs in the mid 80s Monday and Tuesday: Partly cloudy scattered mainly after noon and evening showers and thunderstorms Lows 60 to 65 north and 65 to 70 south Highs 85 to 90 Pilot aviation weather briefings from DeRidder AA A88 462 6101 or 1 600 992 7433 Lottery Pick 3 (4 4 5) US Senate delays treaty vote WASHINGTON (AP) Last minute intervention by Republi can presidential candidate Bob Dole led Thursday to Senate postponement of action on a treaty designed toieliminate chemi cal weapons President Clinton said the agreement was threat ened by bitter partisan debate" After a mutual decision to put off action on the treaty until next year John Holum director of the Arms Control and Disar mament Agency said ratification had a partisan issue rather than a national security decided it was better to step back and let things calm down and restore this to its proper setting which is not part of a presidential Holum said DEA accuse CIA of tapping phones SAN RANCISCO (AP) The CIA and other spy agencies have systematically tapped the phones of overseas Drug Enforce ment Administration offices according to a class action lawsuit agents filed Thursday in Washington The lawsuit which also names the National Security Agency and the State Department seeks a court order barring those agencies from any further wiretapping agencies have a pattern and practice of eavesdropping on DEA agents' and employees' conversations while they are serving the government said attorney Brian Leighton of Clovis Calif But legal experts say it could be a difficult lawsuit to win es pecially since an employer in this case the government gen erally has a right to listen to employee conversation on office phones It also doesn't help that national security was involved and that courts have held that US citizens have constitu tional rights overseas Cardinals gather at Capitol WASHINGTON (AP) The nation's Roman Catholic cardi nals gathered on the Capitol steps Thursday to pray that spiritu al as well as election year forces will compel lawmakers to ban a type of late term abortion The prayer vigil led by all eight of the American based cardinals came as Republicans vowed a pre election vote to override President Clinton's veto of a bill that would have banned the late pregnancy procedure used the rather than political ral lies to express the views said Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago this is such a hideous procedure that I am very proud to be here The House is expected to hold an override vote as early as next week There is as yet no scheduled vote in the Senate where supporters of the ban now have the two thirds ma jority for an override but Majority Leader Trent office said a vote was likely before the session ends in early October Christian Coalition contributions drop WASHINGTON (AP) After five years of explosive growth contributions to the Christian Coalition declined last year for the first time tax records show The bad financial news comes as the conservative religious group gathers here for its annual meeting a session also dogged by a government lawsuit and an investigation by federal prose cutors of billing by one of the vendors The conservative religious group reported donations of $187 million in 1995 a decline of nearly 12 percent from the previ ous year when supporters gave $212 million Coalition spokesman Mike Russell said the decline meant lit tle because 1995 was a non election year that gave the state affiliates a chance to concentrate on their own local fund raising Those dollars show up on the national organiza reports he said Inexpensive defibrillators approved WASHINGTON (AP) The government has approved small er cheaper machines that can shock a stopped heart into beating again a move that could help make the devices as common as first aid kits Experts say a third of the 300000 Americans who die of car diac arrest every year might be saved if emergency workers had delivered an electrical shock to restart the heart during the criti cal first minutes Paramedics carry defibrillators to do that but the machines are so bulky complicated and expensive that most police officers and firefighters typically the first to respond to emergencies carry them costing precious time in treatment lorida State named No 1 party school TALLAHASSEE la (AP) Go Seminoles! lorida State University is No 1 in partying SU was named the top ranked party school nationwide in the latest Princeton Guide to the Best 310 It dethroned three time champion University of Rhode Island which banned alcohol on campus last year George Washington University in Washington was No 2 and arch rival University of lorida came in third Dole shifts to drug issue plans ads WASHINGTON (AP) In a risky gambit designed to shake up the presidential race Bob Dole plans to double his adver tising next week and open a hard hitting assault on Presi dent record in the drug war campaign and Republican officials said Thursday Significantly some of the money to pay for the ad blitz will be squeezed out of already modest advertising budget in California the officials said this despite repeated assurances to national and state party offi cials that Dole would wage an all out California effort The Dole campaign is spend ing roughly $25 million on ad vertising this week according to Republican insiders who spoke on condition of anonymity Two of them estimated it would cost about $5 million to implement the plan settled on Thursday and several million more if it is continued into a second week While eager for Dole to reinvigo rate his campaign several GOP strategists said spending so much in mid September could come back to haunt Dole later on Dole communications director John Buckley declined to discuss advertising strategy except to say that in the coming days plan to be more aggressive in our advertising both in the reach and in the Substantively the focus on drugs will replace recently launched ads promoting tax cuts as a way of putting more money in the pockets of working Americans The shift comes de spite acknowledgment by Dole advisers that they have yet to successfully frame the tax de bate than a third of Ameri cans even know Bob Dole has a tax cut plan much less what is in said Dole media adviser Alex Castellanos Strategists who favor the shift to 'hard hitting drug ads say most urgent task is to put the incumbent on the defensive and erode his poll standing Re cent national surveys have shown Clinton drawing more than 60 percent support and en joying a job approval rating of 66 percent or more have time to develop the tax said a senior Republi can close to the Dole hierarchy we need to take this guy down a few notches first and As part of the effort Dole will focus on crime and drugs in his public events next week ad visers said' A key goal of the new ad strat egy is to win back normally Re publican voters who remain un decided or who plan to support Clinton Dole will run ads in tra ditionally GOP oriented commu nities that had previously been bypassed US moves more troops to Gulf BAGHDAD Iraq (AP) Iraq and the United States moved closer to a showdown Thursday with more US firepower sent to the Persian Gulf Iraq claiming missile attacks on American jets and both countries spitting harsh rhetoric After almost two weeks of con flict each side seemed willing to raise the stakes but neither looked prepared to make a deci sive move Iraq said it fired missiles at US warplanes over a no fly zone for a second straight day Thursday hours after accusing BATON ROUGE (AP) aced with losing tax revenue if video poker machines and casi nos are shut down in some parishes the state is looking how it might become the first to impose a tax on Indian reserva tion casinos Gov Mike oster said that if his administration can find a way it would face a certain court fight all the way to the US Supreme Court will be a move nation wide to look at the Indian tribes for revenue It is a growing Kuwait of an of for agreeing to open its airfields to American jets Pentagon officials confirmed that Iraq fired three surface to air missiles Thursday but said they were aimed at an area near the southern zone where allied aircraft were not flying had nothing in the area Clearly he released them only to make a a military of ficial said on condition of anonymity were no (radar) tracks" indicating guid ance systems were not left on long enough to direct the mis thing and it has never been test ed in the courts It is a distinct oster said oster revealed the tax study when asked how Louisiana would replace state jncome from video poker and riverboat casi nos that would be lost if some parishes vote in November to terminate gambling The oster administration is looking at two ways to tax Indi an casino revenue: A new theory of law based on the fact that the state and lo cal governments provide public siles to an intended target took a hard search to find or days Iraq has reported firing on US and allied aircraft in the no fly zones in the north and south The only other con firmed attack came Wednesday when Iraqi forces fired a missile at two 16s in the northern no fly zone That missile missed its target The United States responded by sending four 52 bombers and eight 117 fighter planes to fortify the some 200 aircraft in the region services to the casinos but the state receives nothing New federal court rulings that say Indians are free from income taxes only if they live and work on the reservation The state is looking at how the Indi an casino income is distributed to see if this opens a new avenue of taxation A team of lawyers and advis ers has met twice to discuss the new theory Research is under the direction of John Kennedy secre tary of the Louisiana Department of Revenue and Taxation Hortense grows stronger NASSAU Bahamas (AP) Packing 140 mph winds Hurricane Hortense took a swipe at the Turks and Caicos islands and barreled past the Bahamas Thursday on a track that could threat en the northeastern United States over the weekend In Puerto Rico where at least 14 people died in the storm Tuesday residents and work crews continuedtheir arduous cleanup from sorting through soiled clothing to clearing roads and bridges Their misery was com pounded by widespread wa ter and power outages about 40 percent of the is 36 million people still had no power Thursday but federal help was on the way More than 7600 people were registered at 115 shel ters Thursday A US Air orce hurri cane hunter plane recorded sustained winds of about 140 mph making Hortense a very dangerous Category 4 storm State looking at taxing reservation casinos Louisiana DEQ issues controversial permit HOUMA (AP) An oilfield waste proces sor has won a state environmental permit to flush chemicals into Bayou Black about 1000 feet from Houma's drinking water in take The permit is being opposed by Terre bonne Parish officials and a landowner whose property the chemical laden water must cross before it enters an adjoining canal Agency to help rural poor BATON ROUGE (AP) The Louisiana Housing inance Agency plans to set aside $8 million of a $35 million bond issue to help poor residents in 30 rural parishes buy homes establishing a special set aside for priority parishes which have not been served well by recent bond agency president Jean Butler told board members Wednes day Jerry owler takes heat BATON ROUGE (AP) A joint House Senate panel scolded Commissioner of Elec tions Jerry owler on Wednesday for hiring ex legislators overworking and overpaying part time employees and for other problems in his office owler received criticism during a meet ing of the Joint House and Senate Govern mental Affairs Committee looking into whether his office should be continued or consolidated with the Secretary of Of fice Committees go on the road BATON ROUGE (AP) Legislative com mittees are taking their interim meetings on the road to communities across Louisiana in what House Speaker Hunt Downer tagged an or example the House Education Com mittee will try to visit each of public universities between now and the spring 1997 start of the next regular session said Downer Houma Excluder devices recommended NEW ORLEANS (AP) Shrimpers would need trap doors for fish as well as sea turtles if rules endorsed Thursday become part of federal regulations The Gulf of Mexico ishery Management Council recommended reduction de on all shrimp trawls other than small test nets in federal waters up to 100 fathoms deep from Cape San Blas la on west across the Gulf International Bosnian Serbs uninclined to reunite PALE Bosnia Herzegovina (AP) Bosnian Serbs heading for the polls savoring the idea of freedom in a Serb sphere for the first time in 600 years seem far from ready to unite with Muslims and Croats old foes they fought to a bloody standstill cannot accept ethnic mixture any Momcilo Krajisnik the principal public face tells cheering rallies for election do not hate Muslims and Croats any more than they hate Russia halts Chechnya withdrawal MOSCOW (AP) Russia has halted its troop pullout from Chech nya because of rebel demands that common criminals in Russian jails be released as prisoners of war The announcement by the commander of Russian forces Lt Gen Vyacheslav Tikhomirov on Thursday came as the Chechen peace agreement was put under increasing stress by a dispute over forming a coalition government and by a chorus of criticism in Moscow North Korea famine gets worse SEOUL South Korea (AP) amine is biting ever harder into North Korea with children and the elderly especially threatened and the government reducing food rations still further Aid experts say North Korea will need substantial food aid again next year and possibly for much longer South Korean officials said Thursday that North food cri sis ease unless the communist nation fundamentally changes its economic policies They said massive floods the past two years merely aggravated a chronic problem Relief workers halt aid MONROVIA Liberia (AP) Relief workers halted an aid convoy to a northern town cut off by factional fighting saying Thursday that armed rebels had abducted civilians at a food distribution center Relief crews have been delivering tons of food and medicine this week to some 35000 people facing severe hunger in the rural city of Tubmanburg some 50 miles north of the capital Monrovia inancial Gillette purchases Duracell BOSTON (AP) Gillette took another shelf at the checkout line adding the biggest name in disposable batteries to its best sell ing razors with the $71 billion purchase of Duracell deal would give Gillette Co yet another well known product to sell through its worldwide distribution network while offering Duracell International Inc a chance to grow in markets where Gillette al ready has strong clout Time Warner purchase approved NEW YORK (AP) Nearly a year after Time Warner Inc agreed to buy Turner Broadcasting System Inc the ederal Trade Commission has approved the deal with modifications that it says preserves cable TV competition But consumer advocates said Thursday the agency should have pushed for more con cessions before deciding to permit the $68 billion buyout that would create the biggest media and entertainment conglomer ate Hacker attacks Internet NEW YORK (AP) An unscrupulous computer hacker taking advantage of a weakness in the construction of the Internet has driven an Internet access company to its knees in an attack computer security experts say is one of the longest ever seen The attack has prevented Public Access Networks Corp the first company to provide Internet connections to New York City resi dents from connecting its customers to the global data network for nearly a week Lehman Brothers agrees to settle WASHINGTON (AP) Lehman Brothers Inc agreed to settle allegations that its pre decessor firm overcharged Consumers Union Inc by $1 million during government bond purchases The Securities and Exchange Commission slapped a $50000 fine Thursday on Lehman Brothers the successor to Shearson Lehman Brothere Inc for failing to supervise a former broker in his dealings with Consumers Union publisher of Consumer Reports magazine i Weather Lottery US Louisiana International inancial.

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The Leesville Daily Leader from Leesville, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.