The Franklin Sun from Winnsboro, Louisiana (2024)

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Page 8 -The Franklin Sun Urging Form Home Week Attendance Casey At The Bat end) oooo ra()0(b £B6 READ and USE WANT ADS It's Profitable PHONE 4522 Winns boro La August 4 1955- I Call 4522 Miss Barbara Newton nails in glass Jar located in our window 1st prise Westinghouse Fan Snd prise 3 gallon Gott Water Cooler 3rd prise 50 Water Hose No obligations or strings attached Guessing ends Saturday August 6 4 You do not have to be present to win In case of tie first guess wins WINNSBORO HDW TURN CO INC 7-31 3tc Boy Drowned (Continued horn Page Xj paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Arceneaux maternal grandparents Mr and Mrs Nappler Dunn Funeral arrangements are Mrs Rheo Stewart Mrs Joy Scott Mrs Alice Teddlie Mrs McIntyre and Mrs Fuller are pictured on the LSU campus where they represented Franklin parish during the state home demonstration club meeting this spring This group is now encouraging as many farm families as possible to Attend Farm Home week an agricultural ex-tension sponsored program which will be held August 8-11 An unidentified Winnsboro Babe Ruth slugger stands ready for a Houma delivery during the local appearance in the state championship league tournament held here July 25 26 and 27 Babe Ruth aggregation was downed 8-4 by Houma although the local Stars outhit the South Louisiana squad nine to seven largely because of errors New Requirements For Cotton Bales tie to the bottom of its container It should be well mixed In the container before putting into the THREE MkH AND THREE WOMEN to sell funerai life insurance Full or part time For full particulars call the Brown-Young Funeral home 3-35 tfc WANTED YOUR DIRTY CLOTHES to clean Expert service Carter's Cleaners 910 Alsworth street Phone 5484 I-4! Wc SALESMAN WANTED for beautiful stainless steel tableware and cookware "Lasts forever polish Write Box 93 City Will cell 8-4 tfc SERVICES FOR THE BEST IN DRY CLEANING get Sanltone cleaning at: Cleaners 1405 West Phone 5887 Save on cash and carry 3-34 tfc AND RESIDENTIAL plumbing heating and electrical contracting I have both state and city licenses All work insured and guaranteed Bond for any Job required Free estimates James Nugent phone 4851 5-5 tfc SEE -US FOR LONG-TERM FARM Improvement loans at low Interest rate We can handle properly secured loans of $4000 or more Call 5000 or 5400 Charles Varna do Agent 701 Cordill street Winnsboro La 7-14 tfc DELINQUENT TAX SALE By virtue of authority vested in me by the town of Winnsboro I will seU at the front dots: of the city hall of the town of Winnsboro within the legal sale hours of Judicial sales beginning at 11:00 am the 37th day of August 1855 and continuing each succeeding day until sales are completed of any and all Immovable property on which said taxes arc due the town of Winnsboro to enforce the collection of taxes upon the Declaration of Independence was under 36 he said men of today have the opportunity and the obligation to do better than those who have gone Prominent Jaycees named by Mr Howard were Richard Nixon vice-president of the United States Senator Estus KeFauver of Tennessee and Senator Russell Long of Louisiana Barthell president of the Rayville chapter told the group of their activities Most recent acompllshment was the signing of a contract for a slacks manufacturing plant to be located there At present they are sponsoring a teen-age a safe-driving campaign for teen-agers and have produced a state champion safe driver A Miss Rayville beauty contest chairmaned by Bruce a former Winnsboro resident netted the group well over $1000 for community use Mr Barthell said Organized in 1916 in St Louis the purpose of the Jaycees is the improvement of the Community the development of personality fellowship and the gaining of a voice in public affairs for young men National headquarters are in Tulsa Okla Average yearly chapter dues are $8 state dues are $2 and national dues $2 Local young men Indicating their interest in the Jaycees were: Mr Landis Mr Kessler Dr Worthern Mr Lang Mr Benoit Mr Yates Mr Henry and Mr Price Adams Jr Davis Jr Huey Stein Elwood Posey Dr Bra shear Earle Win-ton Lofton Sr James Woodward Jr John Lee Kincaid Bonnie Mitch Hatch Earl Carpenter Todd Jr Douglas Stephenson Jr George Sherman Jones Jr Joe Hooper Robert McCaleb Demarcus A Butler Dr Vernon Baldwin Joe Morse Gravelle James Shirley and Elmo Blackmon duster Calcium arsenate is not a dependable bollworm killer If bollworms develop-use or endrin to rid Louisiana of brucellosis this year and every cattle owner is urged to take advantage of the opportunity offered whereby indemnities will partially cover the losses incurred by the owners 4500 attend (Continued From Page 1) ver route four Oak Grove Ferguson route four Bastrop Assembling at 7 pm members from the seven-parish area listened to an hour of music by Louisiana Hayriders headed by Johnny Horton famed Hill Billy circuit artist Following the invocation at 8 by the Rev Bengtson pastor of the Winnsboro First Methodist church the vast throng was welcomed to Winnsboro by Howard president of the Winnsboro Business association Guest speakers Passman and Harry Oswald statewide manager of 18 rural power cooperatives were introduced by Robert Holladay Jr manager of the local farm power utility Congressman Passman lauded the management of the co-op for having brought electric service to more than 90 per cent of the farmers in the area whereas less than two per cent had electricity before the co-op was founded in 1939 of the nation are in trouble paying about four per cent more for what they buy and getting 22 per cent less for farm Grayson is one of the most respected rural power leaders in the nation is a superior operation" Oswald said In his report Mr Grayson said the directors had enacted study to determine whether rates can be reduced in the near future recommended that a reduction not be made at this time due to the unsettled conditions in the natural gas business Attempts to regulate natural gas failed to meet 1 congressional approval recently This Mr Grayson said gas used for power generation will go up A 50 percent increase is Secretary-treasurer report showed that the co-op serves 9748 farm families over 2098 miles of modem lines and is worth $350232957 to-date Parish winners of 50 electrical appliances awarded as attendance prizes are as follows: Grand prize large floor fan with automatic timer Randall Gibson route three Winnsboro Lonnie Lee Parker route one Delhi Mose Montgomery Jr route four Winnsboro Huey Stephens route one Wisner Henry Rushing route four Winnsboro Walls star route Winnsboro James Gorman route three Winnsboro Polk route three Winnsboro Clark route one Winnsboro Fred Shumaker route one Winnsboro co*ckrell route one Winnsboro Odom Jr route one Baskin I Simon Bales of cotton must meet certain standards before they will be accepted in the 1955 Commodity Credit loan stated A Luno parish agent These new requirements have been received from the Growers to be eligible for the loan must have bales of cotton weighing not less than 300 pounds or over 700 pounds gross weight Bales must be adequately packed in new material manufactured for cotton bale covering Used jute and sugar bagging will be accepted if bagging is clean and in sound condition Heads of bales must be completely covered New bagging used in expert-1 mental bale cover program will be I acceptable provided the bales' covered with such bagging are tagged to identify them with such program the agent stated Parish Cotton (Continued from Page Ij Some say that cotton is too tall to go through with tractor I have seen tractors go through cotton head high with fenders and not enough damage to be concerned over was detected It is better to have a few mashed bolls and a few broken limbs than to let weevils eat it up In applying dusts blow it straight down If it rains within 24 hours using arsenic put it on again This is the cheapest poison on market today Be careful about poisoning cattle Arsenate has a tendancy to set- I FOR SALE NEW AND USED Singer Sewing machines vacuum cleaners Sales and service Call Harvy Gordy phone 6148 or write box 404 Winnsboro 5-13 tic GET THOSE Identification bracelets and anklets at Jewelry We engrave free anything we sell 3-31 tie TWO AND THREE BEDROOM Houses near new high school site Lew down payments as low as $90 See Gwin phone 5380 5-10 tfc 330 ACRES OF GOOD FARM LAND located 4Vfc miles of Winnsboro Approximately 85 per cent open land top pasture land Call 5600 or 5488 Charles Vamado Agent 701 Cordill street Winnsboro La 7-31 tfc SAVE MONEY Yes sir right here in Winnsboro is the cheapest place to buy your awnings Either canvas or alumn-gtum We have satisfied customers all over Winnsboro and north Louisiana who will recommend the quality of our product and OK our prices Call 4098 day or night Winnsboro 7-31 tfc ALUMINUM AWNINGS not only make your house 15 to 30 degrees cooler they also stop water damage in rainy weather For free estimation on your Job call 4098 day or night We handle any style or make that you prefer Winnsboro Awning Co 7-31 tfc ALUMINUM DOOR HOODS that are first in looks They keep out the rain and sun but let in fresh air- Priced as low aa $2995 Solid aluminum Call 4096 day or night for free estimation Winnsboro Awning Co 7-31 tfc HOUSE AND LOT 150 57 feet House has living room dining room kitchen bedroom bath and screen porch 304 Highland street $4000 Terms are cash See Mrs Mack Bradley Telephone 5357 7-38 3tC TWO BEDROOM HOME in Crowvllla For further details call 5758 after 8 pm Phil Killian 7-38 3tc FOR SALE: Magic Chef Range good condition $3500 phone 4305 $-4 Stc ONE 1853 DODGE CLUB COUPE one owner excellent condition two tone $79800 Phone 4398 8-4 3te UPTOWN BAR IN THE TOWN OF COLUMBIA doing profitable bualneas under name of If interested in a buaineu of your own here is beat opportunity in long time See Buck Tarver Columbia 8-4 Stp FOR SALE OR LEASE: Cafe building on hwy IS Immediate possession WUl trade for farm property See Charles Kendall Phone 5090 8-4 tfc TWO ACRES LAND with right-room house and bath Located Just north of Wfsner grimmer school $3500 BUI Morgan Wisner 3-4 Stp TWO OR MORE LOTS IN Lands uer-EUis addition cm Third street See Scott 411 Second street Plume 4334 8-4 3tc HOUSE AND LOT AT 708 Eighth street Completely remodeled and re-finished Ideal for couple W1U consider trade for farm Paul Price telephone 5213 8-4 tfc NEW TWO-BEDROOM Brick Home with paneled den on large weU landscaped lot Immediate occupancy Telephone 6925 after pjn 5-4 ltp FOR RENT TWO NICE FROTST BEDROOMS Private entrance with adjoining bath $5 per week 90S Maple Prefer man Please phone 5630 7-38 Stc NICE THREE-ROOM Unfurnished apartment Private bath and large closet Close In Phone 5800 or 8468 or see Charles Vamado 7-28 tfc TWO-ROOM FURNISHED' apartment with private bath and private entrance Please contact Mrs Brown Gilbert telephone 4753 after 5 pm 5-4 ltp FURNISHED THREE-ROOM DUPLEX Apartment with private bath Mrs Sims phone 4335 5-4 ltc FOUR-ROOM HOUSE with screened beck porch at 3410 Roland street Available after Aug 1 Has hot and cold water plenty of space for garden in hack lots Apply to Mr Bailey Martin 8-4 ltp FOUR-ROOM HOUSE on CrowvlUe highway Six miles from Winnsboro See Meredith or telephone 490 9-4 Stc WANTED WANTED: TO LIST WITH US FOR BALE 40 ACRES (or more) farm properties We have reputable buyers and can finance these sales Licensed and bonded Relators Call 5600 or 5406 Vamado and Company Relators 701 Cordill street Winnsboro La 7-14 tfc WANTED: People to stop guessing what the weather is going to do but drop by and make a guess of number of tax rolls of Winnsboro for the ysar 1954 together with interest thereon from rieultiirfll extension engineer Hg cember 31st until paid at the rate of 19 extension engineer ne per centum (10 per cent) per annum I will also give points on proper and all costs I ginning of machine picked cotton Community improvement through community organization will be the thought behind the sociology program during Farm and Home week Mrs Teddlie said with sociology sessions featuring practical ideas on what community organizations can do to secure better health educational and recreational facilities and bring about a better community life A reception by President and Mrs Troy Middleton will be one of the social highlights of the week All Farm-and Home week visitors have been invited to a tea at the presidents home on the'L campus from 4 until 6 pm Wednesday August 10 Efficient production and marketing of poultry and eggs and control of the more important poultry diseases will be among topics covered in the Farm and Home week poultry program Also meeting in Baton Rouge during the week on Wednesday August 10 will be the Louisiana Garden Club federation and the Louisiana council of Nationally Accredited Flower show judges The Farm and Home gardening program will feature landscaping wiih to take this mean to and shrub and cultivation preee our heartfelt thanks to our many 8S 8 means Of adding D8Uty9 friend and neighbor for all the kind- comfort and value to a home nesses expressed and for the many The names of said delinquent taxpayers together with their poet office addresses as per tax roll the amount of taxes due by each on the assess ment roll of said year and the Immovable property assessed to each to be offered for sale is aa follows: To-wit: Smith-Midway Pool Hall Mdse Furniture ft Fixtures Total Taxes due $1380 with Interest dc costa to bo added Roy Montgomery Clerk Town of Winnsboro 7-31 6tc State of Louisiana Parish of Franklin Fifth District Court Commercial Securities Co Inc Vs No 8410 John Harrison By virtue of a writ of Seizure Sale to me directed by the honorable Fifth District Court of Louisiana in and for the Parish of FtankUn I will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Court House in the town of Winnsboro Franklin Parish La on Saturday the 13th day of August A 1955 within legal sale hours the following described property to-wit: 1-1953 Chevrolet Automobile Motor No KAM 330919 Serial No 3KKX 45501 Seized in the above styled suit Terms of sale cash with the benefit of appraisem*nt Waller Sheriff Sheriffs Office Winnsboro La July 25 1955 Advertise July 38 Aug 4 and 11 1955 by Severance associate ag- produce This inequity in the-face of an unprecedented boom in all Winnsboro other sectors of our Mr Guimbellot route four Winns-Passman said be attributed Lee route one directly to legislative acts of the Baskin CannonBas- Republican administration I Boles Jigger Winton Lofton Winnsboro Timothy I Jf StandS fOUr Parker route four Winnsboro square behind 100 per cent of Marion Chapman route three 11 Delhi Lee Easterling route two KnuHald Winnsboro- Aubrey Temple route general economic hea th of the winnsboro Lavelle Robbins nation depends upon the buying 8tar rout WiAnsboro Woodrow power and economic security of ghumaker Swampers Henry the masses He said that is why he Fife route Baskin Chester supported the recently approved route Baskin $1 per hour wage minimum Nelson winnsboro Jones leadership is star route Winnsboro and running true to history Interest- Buchan Crowville Ada route two Winnsboro Elton Boze Franklin (Continued From Page 1) Tucker Riverside Mrs Folds Midway Mr and Mrs Covington Winnsboro Mrs Ernestine Ellerman Oak Grove Mrs I Prestridge Waverly Mrs Day Wayside and Mrs A Scott Wayside Mr and Mrs McIntyre Central A progress report on the cotton breeding work being carried on at will be given by Self cotton breeder with the experiment station As the result of Mr 20 years experience in cotton breeding he has developed some very impressive strains He will discuss them as a 'part of the program Dr Newsom entomologist with the experiment station and Kirby co*ckerham extension entomologist will devote their time to demonstrations on checking cotton for injurious insects and give control measures A colored movie on pink boll worm control will be a part of the entomology information presented Machine picking of cotton for higher quality will be discussed The agricultural extension service which is in charge of Farm and Home week arrangements expects that 2000 to 3000 farmers and homemakers from throughout the state will accept the invitation to spend four days od the campus brushing up on the latest developments in all phases of farming and homemaking Farm and Home Week lectures and demonstrations will be conducted by a staff of more than 100 specialists Registration and assignment to rooms will be on Monday August 8 Activities will get under way Tuesday morning and will continue through Thursday evening A highlight on the Farm and Home week program will be the cotton program Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons Jn the agricultural extension auditorium in Knapp hall pr Jaycees (Continued from Page 1) from the Monroe Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsors of the parish group and a delegation from the Rayville Jaycees Principal speaker of the evening was Howard of Monroe national Jaycee chaplain Attributing at least 60 per cent of his success to the Jaycees Mr Howard asserted that young men in action can change the course of the world For example the average age of the signers of the North three heaviest animals are the bison Kodiak brown bear and the Alaska moose A bull buffalo (bison) sometimes weighs more than a ton and both brown bears and moose in Alaska have been recorded at more than 1600 pounds Go to church Sunday beautiful floral offering received during the illne and loa of our dear mother Mrs Ollie Nelson We 10 thank the staff of clinic the Rev Polk the Rev Parker and the Rev Braswell May God bless everyone who tried to make things easier for us and her during those hours The Nelson Family 9-4 ltp We wish to express our appreciation for the many courtesies shown us during the Illness and death of our mother We thank our friends for their sympathetic words and for the lovely floral offerings Especially do we thank Dr Samuel Carrier and Rogers and staff We are grateful to the Rev Hemphill and the Rev Hawthorne for their comforting words The Family of Mrs Dona Dunn t-14 ltp Words cannot express our deep appreciation to our many friends who extended to us words and deeds of kindness during the illness and passing of our husband and father Meredith Especially those who stayed at the hospital during his illness these who sent food and flowers and the staff at the Winnsboro Sanitarium for their many services we want to express our thanks Family of Meredith 8-4 ltc There were 50000 more persons injured in US motor vehicle acci- dents last year than in 1952 ing itself in legislation favorable only to big business and eastern investment bankers" Mr Passman declared He laid the current economic recession in the farm belt directly to policies and legislation of the Administration Pointing out that Mr Holladay has more than 40-years of experience in the utility business Mr Oswald attributed much of the success of the co-op to his leadership also pointing out that Mr Drane Extension Russell route two Winnsboro James White route two Winnsboro Joe Dilley route two Winnsboro Wesley Wright route one Baskin Johnnie Folds route two Winnsboro I Bringol star route south Winnsboro and Jimmie Orr Jigger About 3 tons of bituminous coal per capital are consumed annually in the United States Go to church Sunday Moke Snapshots? Sure We Do SO WHAT? WELL IF YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR PICTURES In Just Two Days Stop By To See Us WE'LL SHOW YOU THE WAY FRANKLIN OFFICE SUPPLY (A Business To Serve Your Business) Winnsboro La Dial 4522 FANS Window Models LUMBER (0 PHONE 3623 PAN-AM'S POWER SUPREME New Copyrighted Gasoline Guide tells jrou at a glance which grade of fuel your car really needs It shows that only highest-compression engines (about 1 car in 10) need highest- octane Premium Balanced Energy gasoline Any other car will run its test on" new lower-priced Pam-Am Regular See new Gasoline Buyer's Guide at BALDWIN Distributor N-O-M-C-E Garment (Contiuued fcrum Fge 1) applicants will continue for two weeks Howard president of the Winnsboro Business association which spearheaded efforts to secure the garment plant for Winnsboro said On August 18 and 19' A Gowan of Atlanta Ga production engineer of Kaplin associates of New York who are setting up the plant for a midwestem firm will personally interview at the city hall a selected 100 of the applicants for employment in a pilot and training plant Training operations in the Mc-Lemore Wholesale building Winnsboro' are expected to begin between September 1 and 15 The group of 100 selected applicants will include 80 per' cent women in the 18-25 age group 30 per cent women aged 25-35 30 per cent women aged 35-40 and 10 per cent women aged 40-45 A certain per cent will be chos- a en from applicants living in or within five1 miles of Winnsboro from applicants living 10 miles from Winnsboro and from applicants living 15 or more miles from Winnsboro Concert (Continued Iron Page I) in flat Mrs McClung pianist You Master Hath A the Silence of the and Tes Yeux Mr McClung tenor and Fugue in and in Mrs Moore pianist God for A Love Hills of and Mr Mays tenor Mrs Moore and Mrs McClung by Schubert Mrs Moore Mr Mays Mr and Mrs McClung Miss Miller and Miss Landis La Cattle (Continued iim Page 1) to receive state and federal indemnities provided they make such requests before October 1 1955 and have their cattle tested by December Plan requires herd testing calf vaccination marking of reactors and keeping them under quarantine until they can be marketed without heavy loss to the owner Eventual hope of all who are under Plan is to become eligible for Plan A which calls for testing of herd slaughter of reactors cleaning and disinfecting of premises retesting at 60-to 90-day intervals and possible vaccination of calves An all-out effort is being made The Annual Vacation Period Of The La Artificial Breeders Coop Is From August 1 to 22 There Will Be No Artificial Insemination Available During This Time JULIAN A RUSSELL i Phone 5558 Only steaks need to sizzle invest now in LOW COST COMFORT FROM KIPER Emerson Buzz FANS HOME FOR SALE Two Bedrooms Attached Garage Venetian Blinds Attic Fan Floor Furnace Hardwood Floors Lots of Closet Space Separate 15x20 Concrete Floor Work Shop on 210 210 Lot Located On Loop Road SELLING FOR $10000 TELEPHONE 9007 Jackson Attic Ar Mathis Floor Wisner La KIPER HARDWARE PHONE 3623.

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The Franklin Sun from Winnsboro, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.