Remembering Jim Humble (1932-2023) – Jim Humble (2024)

Jim brought a great discovery to the world. It's the responsibility of people who have freely received to freely give. We carry on. Spread the word…

Curious Outlier ( - 2023-09-05 12:37:27

Dear Jim,
I feel extremely privileged for being able to be alive during the same time period as you. Unlike other people, I don’t have many years of experience using & promoting the therapeutic use of Chlorine Dioxide, but discovering its properties and finding out about your discovery became my passion in the last few years.
I thank you Jim and I honor your life.
I give you my word that as long as I live I will protect your legacy and will continue to tell others about your amazing discovery. I will follow what you asked the community to do, get trained and train others. Jim, we are YOUR Army!
I deeply regret not being able to talk to you when I had the chance. I guess I didn’t want to bother you, but I am thankful you got to realize how much progress it was done.
You will always be remembered my dear Jim.
Love Always & until we meet again,

Tanya CD (Carmona Daniels - literally, Chlorine Dioxide is in my name!) - 2023-09-05 05:27:44

Hey Jim, you have transitioned to the other side! Won't be long before I will be joining you at my current 85 years of age.
I remember all the emails we shared in the early days of CDS and CDH, and the one time we voice chatted. It was a pleasure to have met and worked with you.
Those who know of your humanitarian work will always remember your important contributions helping to heal those suffering from so many ailments.
Rest in peace, Jim Humble.

C L - 2023-09-05 04:45:59

Jim bless you. Thank you. Rest in peace my friend. I will continue your mission, the mission you brought me in after I travelled to the Dominican Republic in 2011 to train with you. In 2015 you personally me invited me to Mexico to update my knowledge and I am so grateful and happy to you for that opportunity. You changed planet Earth! In my mind you are a Saint. For ever, with love and blessings. :Leon: Edwards.

Leon Edwards - 2023-09-08 11:03:54

Jim love in appreciation of all the health - your sharing has brought the world and and being able to share some time with you in Mexico.
Peace and Blessings,
Loving what you created

Guy Priano - 2023-09-05 11:03:42

Jim Humble was a remarkable explorer, a dedicated pioneer and a gentle soul who brought forth a transformational remedy to prevent disease and restore health. In 2013, we interviewed him & in 2019 it was retroactively removed from You Tube.
Jim persevered when practically everyone associated with him and his creation was under threat, being attacked & some people even jailed. You know that he had something very unusual to have awakened the pharma industry, who did everything they could to try to stop him and poison the perception of the remedy.
May he fly with the angels and know that right where he is, that he left a much- needed legacy for this and future generations. Thank you Jim Humble.
God Bless You!

Kim Greenhouse ( - 6/25/2024 07:53:42

During my life's journey, I was trained and taught by 13 world mentors. One of my favorites was Jim Humble, who had a unique way of expressing himself with humbleness and kindness!
His book “Secrets of Enlightenment” was the last puzzle in order to attain my “Transformation” and is allowing me to carry on his legacy of sharing knowledge with those who are willing to transform their lives!

Sol ( - 45214.8071296296

I am greatful to have known Jim personally and had a lot of face time with him. He was as humble as his name. I wish those who believe what they see in the media would know the truth. He cared about people and was frustrated that he couldn't do more. He never completely realized what his efforts did accomplish. I'm sure he would have preferred to still be around to do things, but he is clearly in a better place doing what he does best... helping other souls upstairs. Jim, enjoy your new freedom.

A close friend - 45196.6440972222

Thank you so much for the Millions lives you saved, for the millions live you improved and for all the other millions lives that can be saved or improved in the future.
Thanks you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Manuel Zanghi - 2023-09-06 15:40:13

I don't get sick often, but when I do it's severe. I have had several experiences of taking MMS to cure severe colds and headaches. I started my MMS journey through the introduction of my friend Mike. I was dubious at first, and because of its strong taste, I didn’t try it at first. Until I read too much information, I happened to be sick, so I bit the bullet and gave it a try. I didn’t expect that my illness would be cured soon. I aroused my curiosity and conducted in-depth research, collected information from various sources, and found out after reading that chlorine dioxide has long been used for disinfection of drinking water, disinfection of medical equipment, food disinfection and other applications. Therefore, the results of the preliminary study were also published on Mike's website: At present, the research results are slowly being compiled into a book, hoping that one day it can benefit more people.
Humble is a humanitarian. He spent his own money to cure countless people in Africa, and he was able to cure most of all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases. However, he is suppressed by Western medicine and is regarded as a thorn in the side, because if his therapy is vigorously promoted, it will shake the global pharmaceutical market of 1.48 trillion ( #topicOverview).
Randomized double-blind testing is the gold standard that Western medicine considers to determine whether a drug is effective, but no one (including the government) is willing to verify whether MMS is effective, so it cannot be promoted as a drug that can cure diseases. This is a typical tactic used by the Western pharmaceutical industry to suppress alternative therapies.
It is normal for you to have doubts about MMS. I also hope that you will make a judgment after in-depth research. I also hope that you will read the testimonies of those who have been cured. If you have to wait for Western medicine to prove its effectiveness, I guarantee you will never wait.
Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Humble for his contribution, and I would like to express my deepest condolences!

Rolland - 2023-11-24 21:23:25

Jim, your revolutionary discovery has brought hope and happiness to thousands of people, in a world full of selfishness and greed. Rest in peace.

José Seijas - 2023-09-09 00:42:33

I started using the famous MMS from Jim…. So many years ago…. 20+ years ago! Family and friends thought I was crazy. Instead, it was revolutionary and amazing! It took some years to get more information, research and studies but I kept using it for everything, and it worked! I remember when I took up to like 16 drops of activated CD (MMS) at night before going to bed! That was a bit challenging (LOL)
That was then and now… with different protocols, still works. With the partnership of Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker, we have learned so much more! What a great evolution MMS has had. Jim was the most important building block for all that we have today.
I would have loved to have met him. I hope that he knew the impact he had and still has and always will by discovering chlorine dioxide.
Sending love and light to the family for healing from loosing a loved one. It is never a good time to loose a loved one.
There are certain people we think we will never see part, and then again… we all have a due date and we will all move on at some point.
I celebrate today the wonderful human being Jim was! Jim was definitely an asset to society. Thank You!

Monica Shoukair - 2023-09-06 04:57:42

Thank you Jim, my heart is with your family. I imagine you are back home and doing what you enjoy and working joyfully for the universal all. As a young woman, I worked as a volunteer Nurse in Papua New Guinea. I wish I had known about MMS then. It is definitely part of my first aid kit now and I have personally used it as a detox.

Janet Dougherty - 2023-09-06 01:21:50

It is part of the history of humanity. It will be remembered by future generations for its invaluable contribution to health. What others did not want to be a reality for health, this man gradually achieved that today we know his masterpiece, the MMS1 and the CD. Thank you in the name of humanity, Jim Humble, we will always remember you, those of us who are alive today and benefit from your discovery, which opened the doors to human beings to control their health.

German Restrepo - 2023-09-05 15:18:44

Saved my Life a thousend time. Thank you. Rest in peace.

Melanie Woscidlo - 2023-09-05 14:30:37

Jim. You Changed my life and help me help other. God bless you Jim. Im so proud to have met you personally. God bless you Jim. So sad to see you go.

Joe Rivas - 2023-09-05 13:54:58

Dear Jim,
I was able to meet you in person twice. The last time in Berlin. Without you my life would certainly have been different.
We will definitely see each other again and the whole MMS family will celebrate with you.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart

Monika - 2023-09-05 13:26:33

Thanks for my cancer fix.

Bruce Freeman - 2023-09-05 12:32:45

Jim Humble was a one off. A legend. A trailblazer. A pioneer. A true thinker. He pioneered a global self health movement that will continue to thrive in his absence and one that will now be even more motivated to spread his knowledge and wisdom to honour his name and legacy.

Anthony Carlin - 2023-09-05 08:14:04

I want to send my gratitute to this great human being. He helped more people than he’ll ever know. Lots of love, dear mister Humble

Carol - 2023-09-05 06:53:49

I never had the honor of meeting you in person Jim but the impact you have had on my life is tremendous.
Through your teachings others will be helped and that's what it is all about.
My team and I share MMS on a daily basis with many thousands of people. The healing stories are music to our ears.
God Bless you Brother

You Had Me at Truth - 2023-09-05 05:34:51

Gracias Jim, without your discovery I would not be who I'm today,
Thank you

Virginia - 2023-09-05 05:25:55

To a Soul who served all Souls I bow in deep gratitude and humility at the feet of such a being on Earth.

JudyM - 2023-09-05 05:01:31

Bulgaria knows about chlorine dioxide. We carry Jim in our hearts. God forgive him and the world be his way. Jim, Bulgaria thanks you for the thousands cured with chlorine dioxide

Bulgaria - 2023-09-05 21:03:30

Rest in Peace, Precious Brother Jim. I did not know you, but I knew your work. You provided me and my family with comfort, knowledge and care, during the last 3 years when our medical system failed. All of us were prepared when the sickness came, and our recovery was complete. We will carry on for you, and teach others. Thank You, for your dedication, inspiration and Love. Love You Forever!!!
Well Done Good And Faithful Servant

Retired Nurse - 2023-09-28 06:45:02

Mr Humble, you're my Hero!
Many thanks for your books too.
You are love in action.

Gisèle from Québec, Canada - 2023-09-09 01:07:51

Thanking you is not enough, those of us who remain here continue your legacy. There is much to do. God surely has a special place for you near him.

@iPodMusica - 2023-09-08 23:14:03

Thank you Jim! You have changed my world!

Paola - 2023-09-07 11:08:29

This is good news. Dearest Jim, you have been a true Freedom Fighter here in this realm. You are now on the other side of the veil, with no boundaries, no one to hinder you, and in full power mode, just in the nick of time! My condolences to family for the loss of a great man. My congratulations to the Cosmos for regaining a warrior. On behalf of the world, we thank you for your service to humanity, Jim Humble! Salute!

Julie B - 2023-09-06 13:18:53

Thank you Jim for your legacy that has paved the way to save millions of lives and, above all, for giving us the key to regain control of our own health.
Rest in peace

CMS - 2023-09-06 05:20:37

Thank you Jim Humble♥️

Per - 2023-09-05 21:29:31

Jim saved my life, thanks to MMS I cured colon cancer stage IV, he is our savior, God bless his soul!

Muki - 2023-09-05 20:08:36

Dear Jim: You saved my father's life. Heaven and Almighty God is welcoming you. All my life I will be grateful. I will continue your legacy of helping others with MMS. Strength to your entire family. We love you. From Córdoba, Argentina.

Eduardo Colazo - 2023-09-05 18:29:16

It is difficult to accept his departure but we have his memory, his wisdom and his love. He is the angel that shines brightest in heaven because here on Earth he had that light that radiated to those of us who knew him.

Blanca - 2023-09-05 17:52:43

It was my discovery of MMS thanks to him that changed my life and my control of my health. Goian Bego as we say in Basque. May the source of light illuminate you.

Rafael Recio - 2023-09-05 17:01:49

You were looking for Solid Gold and God granted you the wealth of discovering Liquid Gold for human, animal and plant health. Graduated with honours! Thanks Jim Humble!

Carlos Iván - 2023-09-05 16:50:16

Thank you to Jim Humble for sharing his knowledge, leaving a legacy that has helped so many doctors, therapists, health personnel and others, saving and helping so many people. There are no words to explain the dimension of the benefit that he left to humanity. I am sure that his path to eternity is full of light and love. God welcomes you with open arms. Strengthen his family for this irreparable loss.

Sonia Rodríguez - 2023-09-05 15:19:53

Thanks Jim for your amazing work... I am alive today because of you ... Rest in peace
Love Tony

Tony - 2023-09-05 15:11:00

From our group we have paid tribute in life to Jim Humble. Today we say goodbye to him with an infinite THANK YOU!, for his precious treasure left in the hands of all humanity...a gold digger...saving lives!...
God bless you Jim, we love you!
Thank you thank you thank you!...
Jim Humble, a name unknown to some, but he is the first man to spread throughout the world that chlorine dioxide is capable of curing different diseases, including cancer and autism. He called it the “miracle cure,” using it through MMS “miracle mineral supplement.”
This North American worked in the mining area looking for gold. A principled and loyal man...
December 27, 1932 - September 1, 2023

Mónica Oliva - 2023-09-05 15:06:50

Dear savior, I joined your discovery to save thousands of sick people, as I am a healer, I will continue to share and heal those who need it most, a soon path of light,
from Ecuador, Dr Guerrero

Manuel - 2023-09-05 15:02:34

Well done Jim. Now you SEE, better than ever. You've only just begun.... LOVE is the only key. You found it! We benefited from it. Thank YOU for laying your life down for TRUTH. Your 'tools' will be different from your new dimension, however, the message is the same. Love with Truth win. Thank YOU!

JudyB - 2023-09-05 14:52:49

Dear Jim:
You were a light in the lives of many people. I am infinitely grateful for your knowledge and I wish you to rest in peace in a place full of love. There will be many of us who will continue to spread your message. Infinite love to you and my sincere condolences to your family.
Love you!!

Vivian Bay - 2023-09-05 14:28:07

"Thank you for the legacy you left Jim
Blessings on you flight!"

Angélica - 2023-09-05 14:02:41

Will have a dose of 4 drops to commiserate Jim and his influence on all our lives - RIP Jim, you blessed us as humanity, thank you always

Sky - 2023-09-05 13:05:46

To the most honorable man, Jim Humble. A true humanitarian and Southern gentleman!
I've been studying about MMS and thanks to working with Dr Kalcker CDS. My main focus is to help animals as there are as many benefits to them as for humans.... Thank you so much for your courage to think outside the box and find a solution for diseases which has saved many lives... May your soul be at peace and at rest.

Kat Walker - 2023-09-05 12:32:22

Thank you!
CDS has change everything!
I help my vax injured friends, gaut and so on.
I can talk all day about it!
You are my hero!
Sleep in peacefully!

Mariola - 2023-09-05 12:07:33

My deepest admiration and respect goes to Jim Humble. I discovered MMS about 18 years ago and since then I have recommended it to thousands of people as a naturopath. And I just discovered that he was born on the same day of the year as me, just many years earlier. Thank you Jim for your bravery and contribution to the well-being of humanity. Surely Jehovah the Creator has you in his memory, the best place you can be.

Angel Piriz - 2023-09-05 10:35:49

Thank you for sharing your discovery with the people of the world. Your book changed my perspective on everything. Your honesty , bravery and willingness to do this for the betterment of mankind and to absorb all the he slings and arrows from the establishment is truly Epic. You are a true saint and a hero. Thank You , Sir.

Nick T (one) - 2023-09-05 06:37:07

Dear Jim,
You are a being of light, an angel of God for helping humanity, we will not let our guard down, I will always share how wonderful the CDS is. Thank you to heaven. Rest in peace.

Normis - 2023-09-05 06:07:17

Dear Mr. Jim Humble, you changed my life forever. I wasn’t fortunate enough to meet you whether it be in person or on a phone call, but I hope you know that the spirit of you, Jim Humble, remains within me, Cody, and it always will. Forever and always.
My team and I, with Gods help of course, will proudly carry on your legacy and we will make sure that MMS is solidified as a CURE to all of these man made “diseases” that [THEY] have plagued us with.
I know you’re looking down just smiling because you’re well aware that God used you as a vessel. A vessel that can’t be compared to anything that I’ve ever seen with my own eyes.
The amount of lives that have been saved and changed because of Jim Humble’s discoveries with Chlorine Dioxide is astounding. There isn’t a word for it. It is everlasting.
You are FOREVER in our hearts. I can’t wait to meet you in God’s Kingdom some day.
Rest In Heavens Glory.

Qody1776 - 2023-09-05 06:04:42

May he rest in peace my dear Jim.
You were the first one I met online in this adventure of MMS and CDS. You opened my eyes to a new paradigm of life and health. May God keep you in heaven forever. We will see you there, my dear Jim.

Roberto - 2023-09-05 05:53:39

Thank you and God bless you.

Edson - 2023-09-05 05:45:48

Jim, Thank you for listening to and following your intuition when you discovered the healing potentials of MMS/CDS. And, for bravely assisting and educating so many people and animals back to better health, even as you were warned not to do so! Your strong spirit will always be an inspiration for right actions. Many blessings and joy to you on your journey onwards. Much Aloha

Eric Brandt - 2023-09-05 05:22:10

It was an honor meeting you a few times. You stood for Truth. Love you always

Tine - 2023-09-05 05:12:20

Thank you Jim, the world is beautiful thanks to people like you. It was a pleasure to know you. Your legacy will continue to reach more people.
Reste in peace, Jim Humble

Diana - 2023-09-05 05:09:45

Jim your mission to save lives helped to save mine! I will never forget how doctors gave up, but you and your Bag Protocol helped to give me back mobility and helped fixed my brain.
I became a student of MMS, a Health Minister and Bishop. What you taught us will never leave me. Your fortitude of faith in how much good MMS could bring to the world, made you a target, but through God's goodness and grace, you persevered.
Now your work lives on through those of us whom you guided with your books, your Newsletters, your emails, and very, very rare telephone conversations.
You'll be missed, but your legacy remains. Lives will forever be saved because of your selfless sacrifices, to help restore health in humanity.
Sleep in peace Jim. Take your much needed rest my dear. May your soul RIP!
Medical Missionary,
MMS Health Minister.
Philippians 4:13.
Hebrews 13:16.

Medical Missionary - 2023-09-05 05:01:13

Real genious
Real hero.
Posterty will honor your name.
Thank in behalf of humankind!

R. Giraldi MD - 2023-09-05 04:51:11

Finding Jim’s work turned my life around completely, I will forever be grateful for all he’s done for humanity. His work gave me hope, strength and lead me to health and truth. He changed my whole world!
May your soul be in peace, Jim! I don’t have enough words to thank you for all you have given this world. You and your commitment will forever be cherished by millions <3

Triinu Reiter - 2023-09-05 04:46:44

Discovering Jim's work and legacy has changed my life, improved my health, and inspired me mentally, physically, and spiritually. I am proud to be a bearer of the light Jim Humble has cast out for the world to see. May we all endeavor to burn so bright and may he rest in peace. - JWM

John W Moore - 2023-09-05 04:37:24

I was absolutely mortified to have learnt of Jim's passing, I have been following his work and taking both MMS1 and 2 for various ailments since 2012. Thank you for all the great stuff you have done for humanity. in my eyes he is the number one Earthling and should be celebrated. RIP Jim Humble.

Mike - 2024-06-20 12:49:59

Dear Jim, thank you for being a Beacon of Light for humanity through Andreas Kalcker. I bless you and know that you have heard me. A hug

Maru - 2024-01-02 19:59:50

I've been following Jim Humble for a long time. I've read his books and watched his videos and I've always appreciated his wisdom, compassion, and kind demeanor. He was a treasure of a man whose contributions will continue to benefit humanity.

Joh - 2023-10-17 03:34:37

Jim chose to disincarnate at this time, surely knowing that his Being would be more useful in another dimension, in these times of the end of an Era and with the elevation of vibration that is needed for this ""step"." He did, I believe , the greatest contribution to humanity, it was very generous to give his life to share it, a definitive being of Light. The same as Andreas who continues his legacy, I do not wish you to rest in peace, because you surely moved away to continue helping. in these unique hours for humanity, from a better place, then we will all rest together from this time and enjoy it in united celebration. See you soon, this is over, I want to hug you to thank you so much.
For those who do not understand my words, look for the documentary film "Our Place" or "Nosso Lar" by the André Luiz de Chico Xavier foundation.We will all see each other.

Andrea de Uruguay - 2023-10-02 12:51:08

He provided great services to people without material goals. I ask God to forgive him and have mercy on him.

Tahir - 2023-09-24 14:24:09

Giving thanks to Jim Humble. A great man!!

Farai Joseph - 2023-09-24 11:38:39


Manuel Rodriguez Duran - 2023-09-15 18:23:37

This knowledge has helped my family and friends. Thanks Jim Humble!

Carlos Winkler - 2023-09-14 05:22:50

Thank You!
Fly high!

Blanca Robledo - 2023-09-14 00:09:42

Thank you Jim! You helped a lot of us, thank you that. RIP

Maryna Conway - 2023-09-13 17:56:17

Thank you Jim for the discovery, Sharing the information, and for NEVER buckling under the enormous pressure.
Forever Grateful.
Enjoy the next journey.

John Stephens - 2023-09-13 12:46:32

In 2017, Muhammad Kilani introduced me to The Miracle Drink by Jim Humble I watched Jim for the first time on YouTube explaining one of his protocols and he was counting the points and I found it wild and funny at the same time. I got excited and bought his book and read his story and found that he is a great man who served humanity. I decided to try the miracle drink and it tasted bad at first, but over time I got used to it. This drink is not good. My understanding is complete, thank you very much, I am very grateful to you for giving light to humanity and peace to your pure soul.

Mona - 2023-09-10 12:26:32

We carry on the light. He is now immortal.

Kai Hackemesser - 2023-09-08 08:11:29

Jim has already saved my butt in so many ways even though we've never met -- UTI's, brain fog, fatigue, histamine reactions, congestion... way better. So many improvements. I'm so grateful for him and for the woman who shared about these processes with me.

The Kitty - 2023-09-07 13:51:19

I stumbled across Mr Humble while I was searching for anything to fight off the hot topic of 2020. I bought your book and Dr Andrews Kalkers too. Your testimony in Africa testing the ppl positive to AIDS, HIV and Maleria and several hrs later the footage shows a negative test appear. And the list of things this stuff reverses is mind boggling. My 15 yr old Jack Russell was developing cataracts and 3 wks later began to vanish. Two yrs later and she can still see and never bumps into furniture. At $40 and on the same bottle 2 yrs later sir you are a jewel. Oh yes, forgot to mention that you don't even have anything to do with the sales not draw anything from the marketing. You truely are humble, Mr Humble. Then to discover that CD makes us alkaline and helps fight off so many diseases including the latest one also. Thank you sir for not sitting on this and for sharing what you learned about how CD saved the lives of those two men on your journey into the caves digging for gold. God bless you sir. I am honored to have lived during any portion that you did too.

Vickie Calhoun - 2023-09-07 07:36:21

I feel very sad about his departure but I feel very happy and very lucky to have known and learned about a hero like him, a man who risked everything with all his heart and the strength of his soul to save humanity. For me, he was one of the best heroes this planet has ever had and another Angel from heaven in human form that God sent to this world to save millions and open the eyes of humanity in one of the worst times in our history.
Thank you Jim Humble for everything you risked to save us all and for leaving us your legacy. God now has you by his side enjoying his Holy Glory. Thank you for all your love towards humanity.
I know that now he rests in peace and I wish a lot of strength for his family, best friends and collaborators ♥

Karyna - 2023-09-07 05:04:00

What a great discovery you had Jim, and for all the people around the World that you helped! if only the Main Stream Medical Society could wake up and recognize the true Miracle you found. I wish you well in your travels on the other side. Sending you Love & Light

Matt - 2023-09-06 18:43:43

Thank you very much for leaving us your wonderful legacy Happy trip back home

Maui - 2023-09-06 15:07:14

I met this great human being in Hermosillo Sonora, one day his contribution to humanity will be publicly recognized. It's an example to follow.

Francisco Javier Gómez Solorio - 2023-09-06 13:11:04

Thanks to this wonderful being, I saved my life and since then I have dedicated myself to helping save lives with everything I learned from him. Heaven receives an invaluable being. I heal myself with MMS.
Thank you eternally. "JIM HUMBLE

Claudia Lorena Calderón - 2023-09-06 10:12:30

Thank you Jim Humble, my daughter was bed ridden after the HPV vaccine, a man who had known you years ago told me about MMS and so we tried it, within weeks my daughter was able to get out of bed and is now able to work and live again, God bless you always, forever grateful to you for taking the courage to let people know about this miracle cure we use it for every ailment now.

Mir - 2023-09-06 08:23:17

I feel great gratitude and respect towards this man.

Christine - 2023-09-06 06:34:47

A man who knew how to be an observer, who also shared his knowledge. May he rest in peace.

LAU URBAEZ - 2023-09-06 05:34:22

My deepest condolences to Dr Humble's family, to the entire world population, it is an irreparable loss for humanity. May a great person who saved and will continue to save millions of lives with his discovery rest in peace. a hug of light.

Zammy - 2023-09-06 04:02:18

Saved millions and thanks to your kindness and discernment millions will continue to heal

Hector Gomez - 2023-09-06 03:27:57

I am a Muslim from Kuwait and I ask God to have mercy on you and accept you with the righteous. I am very sad about this news and I wish you a better life next to God... I will take calcium hypochlorite today to remember you... Goodbye, angel.

Kuwaity - 2023-09-06 01:00:18

Jim Humble: a legendary friend to all humanity. For we who were blessed to be a part of your grand adventure, there are no regrets. See you soon Jim.

Daniel at al (PGL) - 2023-09-06 00:07:41

Jim was a blessed soul, from whom we all could learn the importance of sharing, not for our own benefit, but the benefit of us all. Despite the opposition he endured, he kept true to his course. Millions of lifes have been saved. May it be billions soon.

Marco - 2023-09-06 00:04:01

God Bless you Brother! It has been my greatest pleasure in life to stand beside you while we help others to achieve healing through the teachings of Jim Humble and Mark Grenon.

You Had Me at Truth - 2023-09-05 23:51:20

Thank you Jim. RIP.

Hiram - 2023-09-05 23:24:40

Humble Jim, you were indeed humble because you didnt keep de secret of the healing with MMS for yourself , instead, you gave it to the World despite persecution and difamation. Rest in the light of Godess, of our Mother.

Nydia Ocelocihuatl - 2023-09-05 22:49:54

Heaven gained an angel. Rest in peace Sir. Our World is a better place because of you. Love in Christ.

Tamara - 2023-09-05 22:43:31

JIM you have helped me and my dog so very much! you will always be in my heart. Godspeed

freesiagirl - 2023-09-05 21:53:31

We are all one and as such we will be together again. R.I.P. -Jim.

Carmen Martínez farre - 2023-09-05 21:18:33

Jim, you were a divine Molecule in your passage through this world, you have left a great sentimental wound to all of us who knew the benefits of your discovery of NaClO2. Michael of Nevadon guides your path to the source of light from which you come. I carry you deep inside my being.

Crisanto Pérez García - 2023-09-05 20:12:27

Dear Jim, thank you for your selfless service to humanity. Through you I discovered MMS many years ago and being a vivid traveller, I always took it with me to many different countries in my first aid kit. You would have been so thrilled to learn how many people, fellow travellers and locals alike, with all sorts of different symptoms and ailments found amazing healing through your discovery. The "liquid gold" that you taught us about is a blessing for the world. Rest in peace!

Roundtheworld - 2023-09-05 20:00:44

Jim..Men like you are what the world needs since the world and men of science are enslaved by greed and money and contempt for human beings. We thank you Jim and enter the home of our Lord Jesus Christ because you knew how to give humanity your legacy without any interest. May God have you by his side.

Nelson - 2023-09-05 19:56:39

I had the good fortune of meeting Jim a couple of times and spending a few weeks in his company. I was blessed to meet this great man. Many people are aware of what a truly great man Jim Humble was. Condolences to all of his family and friends!

Greg Lien - 2023-09-05 19:43:28

RIP enjoy traveling with the stars
MMS helped us so many times all around the worl. I wish everyone a happy, peaceful and enlightened life.

Andrea and Hannes - 2023-09-05 19:09:53

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am here because of you. I discovered MMS during the pandemic and it saved our lives. May your path of light back home to the Father be blessed since on this plane you left us a great legacy of health for humanity. Rest in peace.

Julia Martha Armas - 2023-09-05 19:02:57

Hey thanks my friend for this long time to use and propulse the healt of body we are my best friend for your reserch we have done à New direction of my life on this world.
I Nevers forget you.
Im calling for use the mms and i m do not shut my mouth on the internet link.
Rest in peace friend love you.....
JelielLR Officiel ️
AgitateurOfficieldesreseaux ️

JelielLROfficiel - 2023-09-05 18:19:45

May my thanks go to this wonderful being who has helped the world so much. In this moment of great contrasts of intentions, his existence has a lot of value. I wish you much love wherever you are now.

Daniela - 2023-09-05 17:40:28

You shared you work to the world, now anyone can benefit it. Thanks for this legacy.

Danny EL - 2023-09-05 16:39:15

Rest in peace dear Jim. Thank you for giving to humanity all your knowledge about chlorine dioxide, you will live forever in our hearts.

Anabella Neri - 2023-09-05 16:32:08

Thank you so much for bringing this amazing means of healing the body naturally! You have been an inspiration for my mom and me. We both have lyme. I am on day 9 of your MMS protocol and mom is on day 7. God Bless you young man and thank you for all you have done for humanity. You are greatly appreciated!

Jessica Austin - 2023-09-05 16:29:46

Thank you for one of the most important discovery in my life! Thank you for standing the storm, always strong and sincere. May god bless you in heaven and may you be rewarded for spreading your knowledge....R.I.P

Jay Jessica Hauers - 2023-09-05 16:23:37

Thank you Jim Humble for sharing your excellent knowledge. You gave us the antidote for good health saving every humans life possible on this earth . You will always be remembered as a great peace warrior . My deepest condolences to Jim Humbles family .

Maria Teresa Q. M. - 2023-09-05 16:15:38

Dear Jim, you are a Great One, ahead of these times, the true story will never forget you, you have freed yourself from the witch house, I am sure that from the dimension you are in, you will continue to awaken souls. THANK YOU

Legar - 2023-09-05 15:54:46

Let's celebrate as the heavens receive our brother. He has fought a good fight, we blessed us with an unlimited intelligent knowledge. We will continue with the legacy. Thank you Mr Humble,

Jonathan Maphanga - 2023-09-05 15:48:01

Eternal gratitude to Jim Humble, wonderful man, unique human being, spectacular and unmatched scientist and researcher. May the eternal God have him in his glory. His legacy will remain in humanity forever. Atte. Crnl Guillermo Tamayo

CONUVIVE MUNDIAL - 2023-09-05 15:30:45

Only a soul that loves unconditionally can do a great service to humanity... we will continue your legacy... thank you. thanks thanks.

Julio Cesar - 2023-09-05 15:23:17

Dear Jim, I am infinitely grateful for your beautiful mission that you accomplished, for having helped in the health of so many people and for the courage and humility with which you lived. I bless and honor your life and existence. Thank you thank you thank you

Debbie jimeno - 2023-09-05 14:56:43

Jim a hug to heaven.
Since about 20 years ago I came across the first book you had just written, you changed my life forever, because I made Chlorine Dioxide one of my life priorities, by using it and making it known.
When we met in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and I also had to live with Andreas Kalcker and his still rudimentary beginnings in the elaboration of the CDS, I was even more encouraged to ride that huge wave of health that you started.
May God have you by his side

ralaco - 2023-09-05 14:56:32

Thank you dear Jim for your discovery, it was the best for the world and subsequent improvement and creation of the CDS that Andreas made. I started using it 3 years ago and I am very grateful.
Gratitude always to infinity

Violeta - 2023-09-05 14:09:47

Thank you so much Jim for changing my life.
Until we meet again dear friend
See you in the stars!

Maria - 2023-09-05 14:08:05

Giving Thanks and Praises to you dear Jim Humble! Thanks you for shining and sharing your Love, Light and Blessings with all of Humanity.

Sam - 2023-09-05 14:02:14

Thank you very much dear Jim for everything you taught and for your great love for the world. Your departure will not be in vain, since you left a great legacy that we will continue to expand in your memory. A hug to heaven and my respects to your great person. With love, Natalia.

Natalia - 2023-09-05 13:32:19

Thank you for all your contribution great Master. Happy journey

Leandro Mocha - 2023-09-05 13:16:25

Jim Humble,
Sending you a wave of Gratitude as powerful as your wish to help humanity and as vast as your hearts Generosity. Deep bow to your life’s work fuelled by purity of your intentions

Nataliya - 2023-09-05 12:58:42

Heaven needed an angel, thank you for everything you lovingly did for humanity. He was just ahead of us and I am sure he occupies a place at the right hand of the Father. Let us carry him in our hearts.

Sandra Guinea - 2023-09-05 12:38:48

Jim Humble, a being of light and hope for humanity, his memory and memory will always be in my heart, thanks to him I learned the gift of sharing and I will continue with his noble work, making known the CD or MMS wherever God takes me , Thank you infinitely and may God keep you in his glory.
Let us continue the legacy of humility and humanity that he left to the whole world.
Greetings from Cusco, Peru

Juan Velmont - 2023-09-05 12:34:02

A wonderful human being... He gave us a great contribution of salvation and healing to many people destined to die for science... You are just another little angel in Heaven.

Marley Vega - 2023-09-05 12:12:14

Always remembered and loved Jim,
We appreciate your contribution to the health of the people,
Thank you for having been recovered by MMS, and your advice,
You will always be in our hearts,
From Bolivia, and with loving affection to the family.

Juan & Esther Núñez - 2023-09-05 12:06:28

Jim's work has been a blessing in my life. MMS solved many little problems and some not so little. Some live to be light in the darkness. Thaks God for Jim's life, work and struggles.

´Beatriz - 2023-09-05 11:59:50

Dear Jim, thank you for your contributions to humanity, thank you for these years of light in the midst of so much darkness, health and life was your work motto, today we say goodbye to you with love and immense gratitude, may God have you in his glory dear Jim, we will always remember you.

Miguelina - 2023-09-05 11:35:49

Dear Jim,
You saved my life. I couldn't walk, I couldn't stand, I couldn't lift up my arms or talk. I had declined into an extremely sick state, and didn't think I would live past a few more months with what I found out was late stage Lyme disease. I started chlorine dioxide and in only a few weeks I was up and out of bed, and within 4 months I felt I could run a marathon.
I honor you and thank you. I will always share with others what you have given to this world.
Thank you. Rest in peace, and til we meet again!

Tuli - 2023-09-05 07:42:51

Thank you, Jim... May you always be remembered for such a gifted legacy.

Brian - 2023-09-05 07:39:04

May this wonderful human being rest in peace who has made an incalculable contribution to humanity by discovering the benefits of chlorine dioxide - and sharing his knowledge with all of us. My deepest condolences to his entire family.

Luisito - 2023-09-05 06:32:55

If it were not for your discovery, I would never have met Mark Grenon and his sons who broadcasted MMS that then saved my life. Thank you, Jim, for your determination and dedication to man-kind. I know God has a special place for you in heaven. You are a heavenly ANGEL now and I look forward to meeting you one day. You have saved millions of lives. May you sleep in Peace until the coming of our LORD. GOD BLESSED YOU.

Lizellie - 2023-09-05 06:04:36

Thank you for your legacy, I know you are in a special place, I have no words to say other than see you soon. I pray to God one day I will see him and give him a big hug. He flies high, rest, God is with you.

Mery Ann - 2023-09-05 05:21:35

"RIP this great man!!!!
Thanks to his humility, many of us enjoy good health because of that miraculous molecule.
God receive him in his Holy Glory.
Much strength to his family and friends!!!!

Yeti - 2023-09-05 05:15:55

The knowledge provided by Jim Humble has been a blessing in my life, leaving us with a great legacy and a responsibility to make this knowledge known about MMS. May God bless you forever wherever you are, may Jim Humble rest in peace and much strength to him. family.

Margot - 2023-09-05 04:59:13

Jim, thank you for this legacy you leave to humanity! Without you we would not have known the benefits of chlorine dioxide, let's hope that one day you will be given the recognition you deserve! Humanity will always be grateful to you!!! A hug to heaven.

Mayela - 2023-09-05 04:58:06

Jim Humble, thank you for having made a change in my life and that of my family, thank you dear and beloved human being, thanks to you the world knows what true health is, thank you brave Angel of light. God bless you and when it is my turn there I will find you again

Isabella - 2024-06-23 14:27:29

Rest in Peace beautiful soul.
With deep gratitude .
Nick from Brisbane, Australia.

Nick - 2024-05-30 10:29:48

Just learned of Jim's passing. have been using ClO2 since about 2008 and was making a batch + activator when I came back to this site for reference. Sincere condolences to Jim's family and friends, he pioneered the use of ClO2 (MMS) and was persecuted for it. Brave man. The big pharma & govt mafia still tries to repress the benefits of ClO2 but Jim's spirit and knowledge live on!

John Frymire - 2024-05-17 19:22:37

I learned of Jim Humble passing a couple months after his passing. I learned of Jim Humble via a couple of sources back in 2015. Primarily via Kerrie Riveria and shortly after Kerrie Cassidy. Both have the name Kerrie. Lol. Two year later, I thought I had skin cancer, but it turned out to be bed begs. I, however did many if not seemingly all of Jim Humble protocols from his MMS Health Recovery Guidebook published circa 2015. I gradually over six month period for 48 hours a week as in eight takes for six days a week back in 2017. I did experience side effects. When that happened I cut dose in half and continued on as Jim recommended. I ended up feeling much more energetic wise. The bed bugs did go away. thou I found Crossfire great for bedding and pet friendly years later. Back in 2017 I thought I had skin cancer with huge health deductible therefore was hesitant to be tested. I did not keep up with the maintenance doses which I regret. Back in Mid February 2024, I was on international flight to visit mother near Montpellier Airport in France, I got very sick. I would not go way after six weeks of terrible mucus build up which the amino acid NAC supplement helped moderate. I went to Jim Humble book published 2019. I did mucus relief protocol and protocol 1000 three drops with HCL as activitor along with the sinus routine Jim demonstrated. Wow did my condition clear up. I'm so thankful for his work. I will continue with maintenance dose for sure.
What I included here is I have history of taking Jim Humble routine years ago for six months 48 hours a week a long with the type of pure pool shock he recommended and felt more energetic in the long run. I found it comical that the order followers against him were claiming chlorine Dioxide and pure pool shock is harmful.
So this is a note in honor of Jim Humble to say have courage even if you don't need actived chlorine Dioxide, years later you will be glad you know how to get started rather swiftly since one has already done the protocols of Jim Humble and for modernity Andreas Kalcker. I highly recommend Andreas Kalcker website and training course.
Last note I remember Jim Humble doing a medication on coming to terms with passing on. I believe it's in his book published in 2015 to last release in 2019 MMS Health Recovery Guidebook. It's a marvelous meditation on coming to terms with ones mortality.
One last thing I some how came across of video with Jim Humble himself on Odysee saying to add one eight (1/8) teaspoon of baking soda to one quart water for eight takes at three Actived drops for each take for an entire day. I was amazed how this improved the taste of Activated Chlorine Dioxide pre made for a day supply when using the HCL as activor is my recommendation. One can use the Citic Acid as activor but it is really hard to swallow when using citric acid unless one does CDS which is a more advanced way for those doing this for some time.

Kevin - 2024-05-07 14:28:54

Thank you Father for Mr. Humble. I came across this blessed man during a difficult period. His information was very instrumental in my recovery and that of my family, man and beast. Rest in peace. God Bless in Jesus name.

KJ - 2024-04-16 01:46:52

God bless Jim! I am sad to hear about his passing. Once in a while, a good (not perfect) man does the right thing. Thanks to all his friends and supporters who also worked with him to help others and continue now.
Just knowing he did not profit off MMS (like big-you-know-what does), makes him the real deal. Now we know how the world works don't we?
I share MMS at every opportunity.

Dawn - 2024-03-14 02:55:31

You were such a good man.... I thank God for you!!! Semper Fi!

Lisa Martin - 2024-03-12 20:35:05

God Bless You, Sir. Dear Sweet man willing to help others for the goodness of recovery and better health! RIP, you have done your best and went beyond to fight for the truth to be shared by millions, I dare say, you shall be honored in the heavens. God Speed to all who have benefited and share this great knowledge!!! We must turn our health around by turning our ears away from the current establishments (pharmekia kills) Eugenicists should be held accountable and dealt with expediantly~ much love to all who remain as part of his team with success and his long quest.

Willing2Learn - 2024-03-05 00:33:13


Jorge Romero - 2024-02-28 02:41:14

Jim Humble Stood For The TRUTH In Human Health, In The Best Interest Of HUMANITY.
John Burns of UMOJA Research Salutes Your Commitment To Humanity and will continue to support your efforts & the people who are following in your footsteps, for HUMANITY. Your Efforts To Improve Human Health In TRUTH “WILL Echo An ETERNITY”.
“Blessings To All Worthy Of Being Blessed”
John Burns UMOJA Research
Private Health Research Since 1986

John Burns - 2024-02-24 20:47:33

Took me some time to trust anything with chlorine, but having little knowledge in chemistry, I read through Jim's instructions on CLO2 ( Took over one week). We now use it and make it but since there's a heavy fine in this country, for making it. Thanks to big Pharma. We're weary. God bless you for your brave, unrelenting, commitment to the work u've done. Roger.

R. Wall - 2024-02-22 20:31:03

Dear Jim, you're an angel disguised as gentleman, under your white hat. Always thoughtful in the interviews I've watched, since 2009.
Your nicknamed Miracle Mineral Solution, and your great service, is a blessing for humanity. You did the right thing! You've saved many lives, Jim May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Devon Seamoor - 2024-01-06 11:41:42

Sir, I salute you. Like Nikola Tesla, your wisdom and love for mankind is Balm of Gilead. Your dedication to truth and sacrifice evoke the atonement of Christ who stands supreme of all powers. We are all winners when we stand with truth and light. Thank you my dear friend of mankind. I continue to pray for those that still fight on this side of the veil including Daniel Smith. May God bless us all. We will meet and sit down to feast with Christ!

Ingrid L - 2023-12-27 01:45:09

You are one of the top most greatest men of our time Dr. Humble. A gift to all mankind. I have followed your work from 2009, and only recently 2023 - am putting your work to use on a precious feline. You have provided hope and knowledge where there was nothing left for us to turn to. I hope to meet you on the other side to Thank you. Heartfelt Love to you, Dear One.

SandeP - 2023-11-12 14:20:40

RIP Jim. Light and progress on your way home. Thanks to the Creator who enlightened you for your discovery and formation of the new instruments that you instructed to help in the health and quality of life of people, I thank you and wish you the eternal blessing of the Creator.

Carlos - 2023-11-11 23:18:32

God bless you Jim Humble.
I was saddened to find out that you passed away today. I wonder how many life's you saved. The numbers must be very high!
Originaly, my friend Chaz Hawley told me that he had suffered horribly with Lyme disease, until a friend told him about you and MMS.
Since then he has been cured, and helping others find out about you.
I had a near fatal case of Cellulitis, which the MMS cured. After that I told many people.
7 friends came back from end stage cancer, 3 from HIV, 26 from absess gums, 1 from Liver failure, 2 from Kidney failure, 31 from Covid19 and 10 from Skin conditions.
I pray that your cure will live on to save lives and nothing will stop this fron happening. Thank you for saving my friends life and mine. You have been a blessing to so many!
I will send tons of love and prayers to your family and loved ones and for your gift to continue.
With my greatest of respect,
Love, Pip

Pip Reynolds - 2023-11-11 20:06:24

God WILL bless this man, Jim Humble l just found out he had pasted away. Saddened by this news. Back in 2020 while our world was floating around in uncharted waters, l came across an interview of Sasha Stone and our friend Jim Humble. Remarkable testimony and what an honorable, kind man. Ordered the MMS. Throughout the pandemic, my husband and l were fine. I have shared this miracle solution abundantly. Jim Humble has left a legacy of love for humanity and a healing remedy for all. God Bless

PWG - 2023-11-02 00:57:35

I am so saddened to read this! Your books taught me so much. Rest in peace good man. Your words of wisdom will forever be remembered.

Lynzee - 2023-10-29 14:21:16

The world lost an angel September 1st. May he watch over us all. Jim saved millions of people form all manner of affliction, including myself, my husband, and my extended family and friends. Cured my skin cancer, cured my husband's 50 year old allergy (in just 3 weeks I might add), granddaughter and niece's acne, on and on. I have shared this far and wide with friends and family and will continue to do so. I will forever be grateful to Jim Humble and all the rest who worked in the Churches to selflessly help people. I pray for their exoneration. I'm am sorry for your loss, it is truly the world's loss. Collectively, we will make sure his legacy lives on. God Bless Jim Humble and his family.

Kelly T - 2023-10-25 18:00:46

Bless you on your loving and well lit journey. You have left arming us with so much ammunition to fight the evil warlords who seek to poison us. We are following in your path of love, light and service to others. We love you and will miss a truly memorable and kind soul. Love and light on your journey to the Elohim !

Jaby - 2023-10-23 20:01:01

Sleep with the angels dear Jim, you were a beacon of light in " the never any cure industry"!!
YOu saved me and my own "dear Jim".

liz - 2023-10-21 06:22:04

There are no bigger words that can give respect to this great man. THANK YOU... your discoveries are the clearest example of what every human being should do,... give to others! And when we do for others what we do best, we leave a legacy to follow. Infinite thanks!!!

Magda Garza - 2023-10-08 17:25:03

A man of courage, a man of might,
Who stands up for what is right,
Who fights against the corrupt and vile,
And walks the extra mile.
He knows the path he takes is tough,
But he never backs down, he's always rough,
He knows the risks, he knows the cost,
But he never lets his spirit be lost.
He's a beacon of hope in a world of despair,
A shining light that shows us we care,
He's a hero to all, a champion of right,
A man who never gives up the fight.
So here's to the man who stands up tall,
Who never falters, who never falls,
Here's to the man who fights for us all,
Who answers the call.
May his courage never falter, may his spirit never break,
May he always be there for humanity's sake.
Thank You Jim For Being a REAL warrior To The Most High Spirit!
Your Legay will Continue for internal.

Miguel C. - 2023-10-07 04:13:18

Rest in Peace Dr Humble. Words cannot express the respect I have for you and and for what you have achieved. A true friend to humanity. My condolences to your loved ones. Till we meet again

Alma Popovski - 2023-10-06 00:52:33

My condolences to Jim's family, a great human being with a purpose on earth, thank you very much for your legacy Jim Jumble that will remain for all my generations, thank you very much for being a light in the midst of so much darkness.......Peace and rest your soul thank you, thank you, thank you

Mirna Vazquez - 2023-09-27 23:03:10

My sorrow for Mr. Jim's passing, my gratitude for his discovery.
P.S. If possible, it would be good to indicate the cause of death as far as possible, to avoid conjectures from evil beings.

Pato - 2023-09-27 02:45:32

My dearest JIM HUMBLE -- heart and soul-felt thanks and praise! You fought the GOOD FIGHT ... you did the RIGHT THING ... you are indeed a WORLD-CLASS GOOD SAMARITAN!! You awesomely followed Jesus' command: "As I have loved you -- you are to love one another!" Looking forward to meeting you 'upstairs' in our future . . .

Roger S. - 2023-09-26 02:15:24

Dear Jim, I have met you through your book and my friend. We never met personally, but nevertheless we did, in a higher stage of the consciousness and one day we all will meet... Thanks a lot for your not just spiritual heritage you gave to the mankind. Thanks God for every peaceful warrior in this World. :-)
Best regards to everyone, who has posted a comment. There is no Goodbye at all, there is just Oneness for all of us. ;-)

Romana Hladíková - 2023-09-25 11:42:29

With all the love in my heart, grateful for having shared your experiences, knowledge and learning with everyone, and in turn, that others have used them to reduce, eliminate and cure humans, animals and plants when used correctly.
As many as many will remember him here, he will be received by many others in the other place.
A very strong hug dear friend Jim. Thank you for your dedication and revolutionary dissemination against darkness.

David - 2023-09-21 17:48:46

Jim Humble now rests until the [very soon] return of our Creator, Jesus Christ. It was a pleasure meeting Jim when he came to New Zealand in 2014 and stayed at our home. God has used Jim to achieve His will, and Jim against all the unjust attacks by the enemy pressed forward in the face of adversity. The journey that was initiated through Jim, is now being moved forward by millions of people around the world who have experienced the wonders of his discovery. We look forward to the coming Earth Made New [2Pet 3:13 and Rev 21:1], in which dwells righteousness and all those who trust in the Lord. See you again soon Jim ...

Roger William - 2023-09-20 23:31:43

Thank you so much, Jim.
You will be blessed wherever you go
How much good have you done, friend
A hug

Gloria Rodríguez Nuñez - 2023-09-20 09:26:24

Jim Humble was a man of God and saved our lives. God gave him a gift and he gave it to the world. He will be truly missed but never forgotten at the legacy he has done on earth. My husband's and I had numerous health issues including Diabeties, neuropathy, hashimoto, back issues, arthritis, head injury, brain fog and so much more. We have and are healing 100% thanks to the gift God gave to Jim and Jim shared with the world. May his soul rest in peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

BoomerSooner - 2023-09-19 13:35:02

A supernova has been sent towards the stars and there are no words to thank you for the gift you have given us all. Now we are the ones who will carry your torch and fight against those forces of evil, we only ask that you protect us from wherever you are and if you can guide us in this sea of ​​suffering. You are our Hero.
May the gods reward you for what you have done, greetings...

RAMS - 2023-09-19 10:36:20

Rest in Peace Mr Jim Humble. My condolences to his dear family. I would have liked to have met him in person and learned about his discovery of MMS. Please, how could I acquire his book.

China - 2023-09-19 01:55:50

Dear Jim, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all this wonderful work, so necessary and so essential that God in his immense wisdom has entrusted you to guide so many souls that we have dedicated ourselves to your discovery, for me to use the great chlorine dioxide It is a blessing that has enlightened me and shown me many truths, I will continue with your work of bringing chlorine dioxide to as many people as I can. God bless you, see you my dearest Jim Humble, my most humble condolences to the family and friends. friends.
Thank you for creating this space where I can express all this feeling of emotion and gratitude even if words fall short.
Thank you

Chaitanya - 2023-09-17 23:33:28

Thanking God for the gift of Jim's life! What an amazing contribution he's left to humanity. Deepest condolences to his loved ones.

Kimberly - 2023-09-15 17:33:07

Jim Humble was truly an Angel to this world! I bought his book and immediately started taking MMS with great success! I also treat my children with it and we absolutely love it and recommend it to everyone. I’m so grateful to Mr Humble for his brilliant discovery and the way he went about spreading it to the world. He is an amazing man and he will be missed on this earth plane. Rest easy Jim and see you on the other side!

Cummins Mabry - 2023-09-15 15:25:31

Jim was a good man who enjoyed helping others more than chasing the dollar. He was especially humble, which is why we all loved the guy. And a shout-out to another maverick good-guy, Dr Kalcker, for letting me know.

Meir - 2023-09-14 18:41:58

Thank you, dear Jim Humble for your life and work and compassion - you are a trailblazer and a gift to Humanity. I have taken my chlorine dioxide this morning and raised a glass to you....I tell many people about the true natural magic of this simple infusion.....until we meet again...

Joanna Bates - 2023-09-14 11:14:37

Infinitely thank you. Also to engineer Crisantos and engineer Arturo. We are still alive.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous - 2023-09-14 02:38:03

Only the most High could have sent the Man!
For Truly he was and is a GOD send.
countless millions have been helped and lives turned around
because of his courage to persist in helping his fellow man.
to that I say a very, very warm hearted, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Michael S. - 2023-09-13 20:04:45

...a tear to my eye...thank God for you Jim Humble...departing from this earth and off to do other good things...

Noel Klint - 2023-09-13 18:30:58

Thank you dear Jim Humble, I hope you rest in peace in God. You are truly a good person, you have certainly helped so many thanks to your kindness and MMS. Much Love

Margarita Sanchez - 2023-09-13 18:16:56

God Bless you Jim Humble for all you have done for the World. A little Prayer for you...
Dear GOD/Divine Source Creator, we ask you send Jim Humble to your loving arms and carried to blessed Divine Realm in the Light to be with his family and loved ones again. Jim has done so much for us all, and for this we are thankful. Thank You. God Bless. Amen

Lord Ivars of Henwick, Chaplain - 2023-09-13 17:16:48

God welcomes you with open arms Mr. Humble. If only we, in our selfishness, could have had your inspiring soul with us a little longer. Thank you for what you have done (for those willing to look beyond the deceit of compromised regulatory bodies and corporate driven entities). Thank you for planting the knowledge of MMS so firmly on this earth. We will carry it forward only too gladly.

Michele - 2023-09-13 16:05:05

I have searched high and low for his "causa mortis" and all I find are dozens of articles vilifying Jim.
90 seems a young age for a healthy person to die!

Ben Silverman - 2023-09-13 01:10:23

An amazing, rare and extraordinary being.
Impacting the lives of thousand. Rip Jim

Vivi - 2023-09-12 12:39:48

God bless his memory-we need to PASS ON the MMS INFO n pay it forward to people who are sick.......

JERRY Marston - 2023-09-11 22:58:22

Jim Humble is a truly wonderful person. A modern day hero. God only knows how many lives Jim has saved. God bless you and RIP!

Doc - 2023-09-11 22:11:26

It is attestation to Jim all the messages reaching out to him in heaven. He was truly an inspirational person and warned us all to keep watch for trouble. All this is sound advice. Be careful out there, check and recheck everything.

Angela - 2023-09-11 14:43:22

Dear Friends,
We would like to express our deepest sympathy, love, and respect to the family of our beloved friend Jim Humble, who dedicated his life to the search of health and healing life, and showed us the way to a better health.
May this teacher now rest in peace in paradise.
To his family we give our sincerest condolences and embrace in this moment of sorrow, and we implore of the Good Lord that he may send His Comforter with His blessings.
With all our love and blessings,

Ivana - 2023-09-11 14:42:26

I did not have the joy of meeting you in person, but you are a great example to follow, may God have you at his right, so that you can guide and protect us as you did.

Teresa dasilva - 2023-09-11 14:42:22

God bless you dear Jim, beloved saviour, for your awakening work - that has benefitted both the health and awareness of us who are tuned to hear you.
You helped me clear my body ... and open my eyes.
Yes, I will be careful.
Thank you so very much for your amazing Beingx

Susie Randall - 2023-09-11 08:40:53

Dear Jim,
I wish you a safe journey and good health.
Thank you, you have given humanity such a precious gift.
How good that you were here!
I will not forget you and will carry you in my heart with gratitude.
How good that you passed on your knowledge.
Very brave and clever people can develop it further to serve humanity, like you.
Thank you

Siegi - 2023-09-10 22:30:55

Thank you Mr. Jim for your gift to all humanity. Rest in the peace of God.

Hernan Arango - 2023-09-10 17:54:33

What a wonderful man who changed our lives for 20+ years, and the lives of many more, Jim Humble will be sorely missed but thankfully his Disciples will carry on his legacy ; thank you from the bottom of our hearts for healing/saving so many lives; you're an Angel

K+J Seidel - 2023-09-10 17:34:21

My Deepest Condolences to the family and friends.Thank you for all the lives you have saved. Especially Gene Decode and countless others.
Dear Mr Humble you will be in our new History Books For your Beautiful Mind & Spirit ! The Gift Of Healing. Thank you, Thank you.

Jean - 2023-09-10 14:20:44

Jim Humble a man of Devinity!

Buzz ( - 2023-09-10 07:56:54

You have had a great life on this planet ! It was a pleasure sitting next to you New Years 2021 and hearing your knowledge firsthand, you are an incredible man until we meet again

Lynn Brezden - 2023-09-10 04:17:33

You left in peace with the Creator but you left us a great legacy!
The media has not wanted to talk about your life, nor your death because there are too many interests to silence you.
Just to tell you... Just thank you Jim!
My prayers accompany you!

Vic - 2023-09-09 22:16:07

The discovery of Jim's work was for me like a blessing from heaven. I love the way he explained things and his love towards mankind. Thanks to the reading of his book, I came across Andreas Kalcker and I share whenever the opportunity is there, the benefits of Chlorine Dioxide. Dear Jim I wish you a blessed journey in that other realm, and all my gratitude for your great work.

Giovanni - 2023-09-09 20:46:39

I just heard this news...
It is unfortunate to know that Jim Humble, a pioneer and warrior to the utmost, was persecuted to the end to silence his discovery and the spread of Chlorine Dioxide for the healing of so many diseases and ailments that afflict people, he risked so much for The truth is that he even created a pseudo religion to be able to give away the MMS without being persecuted by the States and politics in general. Only he and those close to him really know how much he fought for his convictions for the good of humanity, going against the WHO and various institutions and doctors who are only interested in the health business, keeping sick people dependent on drugs and thus fill their pockets and bank accounts with money..
We need more people like Jim, a great man!
I am grateful for everything I was able to do, otherwise we would not be here today... every day a little more awake than yesterday, investigating and raising awareness among more people, so that they can escape from the ignorance and slavery of the health system. . But an important point, the miracle occurs in conjunction with other factors as well, such as good nutrition and the attitude of committing to healing.
My respects and condolences to his family and those close to him. It was a difficult but at the same time a beautiful life mission for Jim to experience. I am glad for the legacy he has left us all. Thank you

Bely - 2023-09-09 19:59:01

I love you, Jim! I LOVE YOU! Please remain as our Spirit Guide to help us continue your work!

Carmen Vazquez - 2023-09-09 16:38:28

THANK YOU, Jim, you discovered a way to heal. You were a messenger and you were also part of the history of humanity. Your work sowed and one day when so many cognitions awaken we will have achieved the full beauty of our existence. You leave a legacy and many working in a scenario totally kidnapped by the powers that do not let us rediscover what is essential. Rest in peace.

Mireya Osorio - 2023-09-09 13:45:23

You were a great man and saved thousands of lives that no western doctor could even imagine to save. You weren't even a doctor but stumbled upon the greatest cure for mankind. RIP my friend!!!

Ron P - 2023-09-09 07:29:26

I am very sad to read this, as I was able to get to know this wonderful and courageous philanthropist personally in 2015. What he did for people's health and healing opportunities is indescribably valuable! Dear Jim, R.I.P! Thank you for your work here on earth! Your legacy is indestructible!

Ulrike - 2023-09-09 00:45:23

Fly something mate, we love you, we love you and we respect you, thank you for your infinite knowledge and your humility. May the angels take you to rest, we will never let your work die. To her family, my most sincere condolences. Peace to her remains. Amen

Freddy - 2023-09-08 23:14:18

Thank you Jim Humble for having found sodium chlorite during your life on earth and mixing it with water to cure malaria. But the greatest thing of all is having given that discovery to humanity.

JER - 2023-09-08 22:10:26

Thank you so much Jim, fly high to the arms of our Heavenly Father, your work will last forever.
Have a nice trip to Ithaca
A hug to heaven from Lima, Peru

Zoraida Mejía Casella - 2023-09-08 13:00:22

A giant has gone, but his wonderful essence remains forever for having made a better world. Thanks Jim.

Nacho - 2023-09-08 11:01:42

Thank you very much Jim for your great contribution, for caring about good things, God will repay you in heaven!

Xiomara - 2023-09-08 07:04:55

Thank you god for the life of your Humble son, and for the gifts You gave us through our friend Jim. Be praised Father and welcome your children.

Christophe Marie - 2023-09-08 05:18:01

God bless you and keep you --- forever! Thank you for freely giving the entire world the healing you discovered. It has saved many lives, including a beloved family member of mine, and my life also! What a huge contribution you have made on this earth. I look forward to meeting you one day in heaven.

Pellyn - 2023-09-08 03:27:43

Thank you Jim! The first time I saw you in a video explaining about "MMS" I knew in my heart that you were telling the truth. Since then, I have used it (along with CDS) and I know that it works. I have joined with others to do all I can to help others learn about this miracle solution to help with their health. You are a great and kind man and you have helped so many with their quality of life. We will continue to share this wonderful substance so that the world can heal from disease.

Brian Stone - 2023-09-08 00:44:49

Rest in Peace your beautiful soul Jim Humble. Your selfless endeavours to improve the health and well being of humanity, no matter what race, nationality, religion or class, shows those of us who are lucky enough to not live under the veil of enchantment, that there still are amazing people out there. You helped countless people and God’s creatures as your life’s work. I am sure that you are by God’s side now. Thank you for all that you did from the bottom of my heart.

Darren Jones - 2023-09-07 21:27:12

So this is farewell. I hope you come in a better place, for all, here, we can never proof if something comes after this. So if you are somewhere else, and you can still see, hear or feel this message, a absolute super thank you for fighting, spreading the knowledge and saving many lives.
Great men are rare these days, you where/are one of them.
I'm glad that I found your knowledge, and am able to use it.
And as long as you are safe with it, it does work.
That's by own experience from saving my kat who had FIP.
I saw, investegated, and was confronted with decied and fals information from vets around that topic.
The medical industry is often a sick platform, and the way you stood up to it, deserve a statue.
You where/are a shinning light in these dark times.
As long as i'm around, your knowledge will live, and I'm sure others will do the same and keep it alive.
So a big homage to you, my friend.
I bless you.

Jurgen - 2023-09-07 17:25:39

Thank you so much Jim. What a wonderful soul you are, placed here to help so many people. Your legacy will live on. RIP God bless you.

paul kay - 2023-09-07 15:34:50

Luminous transit Jim, our eternal gratitude for your contribution to humanity and a better world where the truth prevails.

Julian Gomez - 2023-09-07 13:56:50

My sincere gratitude for your work and love you have spread in this world.

Daan - 2023-09-07 13:08:46

Jim saved my life! When my general practitioner failed me calling my black mold symptoms "psychosomatic". To be true that is a big word for that idiot ion a lab coat, but I wanted to punch his mouth and tell him that the pain was psychosomatic. I was left hopeless until I found out about MMS. I knew this product worked in seconds as I was able to breath in fresh air for the first time in months! I was cured completely in roughly seven months. That does not happen in Western medicine! See you on the other side Jim Humble.

Walt Gaffert - 2023-09-07 12:48:46

Jim I send you a hug from the bottom of my heart.
You cured my herpes zoster, my rhinitis, you cured Teresita of her hernia, my sister took it and had 350 glucose and did not have a glycemic coma, you cured Lucianita of her burn on her chest, Wonderfully PAINLESS, my dog ​​takes chlorite and He is doing perfectly with his herniated disc.
I would never finish thanking you and asking God to have you by his side.
With Love from Argentina

Victoria - 2023-09-07 11:42:08

Thank you for everything.......see you in ALMA♥️

Toni - 2023-09-07 10:37:37

I learned this news with sadness. I know that all people who knew him will keep his memory alive.
Personally I heard from him when i was in Taiwan. With my Homeopathy background and my TCM practice , i know that biology can continue to be enhance. With all my gratitude to rhe followers on life search.
Olivier Royer France Bandol riviera

Royer Olivier wealthytao - 2023-09-07 08:38:55

Jim Humble, an angel, a soldier, a gigantic soul full of love for humanity. I hope that one day he will be recognized as the man who gave the world one of the greatest gifts, health. Jim Humble with all my admiration and gratitude and love I wish you a wonderful path full of light and happiness.

Hilda - 2023-09-07 05:59:21

One of the essentials has left.
I feel touched to have shared your era.
Thank you, thank you for your immense legacy Jim.
The future will know how to recognize the magnitude of your contribution and will elevate your image to the level of the great benefactors who have honored the condition of being human.

Emilio - 2023-09-07 02:11:03

Thank you for your great contribution to humanity and for your courage and courage to defend it. Chlorine dioxide has saved and will continue to save many lives thanks to your work!

Orietta - 2023-09-07 00:00:22

I can only thank you for the wonderful work you did for all of us, you are the eternal hero. Your light will always remain lit in our lives.

Silvia Figueroa - 2023-09-06 23:06:09

Thank you for helping to save lives with your contribution with the miraculous substance, MMS. God, reward your dedication and work in life, in favor of humanity. RIP. see you soon Jim Humble!!!

Juan Ramón Huayhua - 2023-09-06 22:08:00

Jim you did your part in spades, you deserve to live in our memory, our inspiration and our hearts.

Armando - 2023-09-06 21:36:32

You are still walking with us Jim Humble...There is just a thin veil between this realm and the one you are now walking through. While you dropped your body... your eternal spirit will forever live in the hearts and lives of all you touched. Bringing MMS to the world opened the door for us to follow in your footsteps. God Bless you Jim... for the light you are.

Gyan Bohannon - 2023-09-06 20:19:56

Dear Jim. My full recognition to your work. You saved the lives of many person's and never expected anything in return. You will always live in our hearts.
My deepest condolences to your family and Friends. You will always live in our hearts.

Yanela Zamora - 2023-09-06 20:12:43

Surely he walked many times in solitude and, even so, he did not give up; in his last years his love for his neighbor was recognized by Miles. For his humility and dedication today our eternal gratitude, we honor him and we say goodbye. Thank you so much for humanity.

Cecilia - 2023-09-06 19:53:44

Humanity Shall never forget a humble man who gave his wisdom and love for the health of all of us.
Thank you, Jim! We love you and you will never be forgetted!
Rest in peace, in God’s hands!

Anamaria Guta - 2023-09-06 17:48:16

Thanks to Jim Humble for leaving us his valuable discovery and for helping so many people by saving them from the effects of the COVID vaccine and other diseases. Rest in peace. May God bless you in His Holy Glory.

Ma. del Rosario De los Reyes Sánchez - 2023-09-06 17:12:18

Thank you Jim, thank you from the bottom of my heart, your great contribution contributed greatly to our peace of mind, in the midst of the storm unleashed, it prepares us to face the next challenges. Thank you!!!

Jesús Olivares - 2023-09-06 16:45:25

Dear legend Jim Humble,
You are my hero.
You saved my life from darkness of what’s so called developmental disorder which is actually chronic side effects of childhood vaccinations.
My life changed dramatically since I took first pill of MMS2 back in February 2016.
That was the moment when I realized that my childhood was ruined too tho, since after living through 23 years with a f*cked up brain I got to know what a normal body was like. It was really shocking.
But no regret. I am really happy to be normally functioning.
You saved my life. And surprisingly I’m just one of millions.
You gave chances to live actual lives to so many people.
I really wanted to meet you on the earth but unfortunately I couldn’t make it.
But your death reminded me of the way to live as a real man.
Recently my soul was half dead and I was considering to change myself into a totally selfish man cuz of so many personal issues but you, my role model, my hero gave it back to me with this news.
You saved my life twice.
Now, in order to meet you after the end of my life, in order to catch up with you, I’ll start trying to live my life like you lived your life.
See you soon Jim, my hero, the true legend.

Hayate Saito - 2023-09-06 16:38:55

It is very sad news. The good people are leaving and those who should leave remain. Jim Humble, the world champion of humanity. Your name will remain high.

kutaiba Asfari - 2023-09-06 16:26:43

Some angels on Earth, do not have wings, Jim is an angel that now has his wings. Love and prayers to the family

Immortal Soul - 2023-09-06 16:09:18

I want to thank you for your legacy, for all the people who are now healthy, including many acquaintances, strangers, my family and I, may God bless your way back home, thank you even though I did not know you physically, you are in my house every day when I use the MMS drops and I greatly appreciate that, blessings to your wife and children.

Patricia Svec - 2023-09-06 15:47:41

He was a true hero to humanity. We will always remember him as the great human being that he was and who saved many lives.

Carlos - 2023-09-06 15:11:16

A deep gratitude to share and contribute to the world so that it can be better. It is up to us to honor that shared knowledge, in day-to-day practice. And we also have to defend the right to knowledge that brings us well-being, above other interests. May his legacy be transmitted and reinforced now by and for future generations.

Eduardo Cervantes - 2023-09-06 14:58:33

Dear Jim, We did not meet but you will always be in my heart for your unparalleled kindness in the lives of so many people, including myself. I ask God to grant you the best place in His Glory

Héctor - 2023-09-06 14:14:43

May God forever bless your family for the sacrifices you all have made to heal God’s children. Your father was a pioneer and courageous. From all of the comments, all over the world, it is evident what he did helped so many and will continue. I wish I could have known him but will continue to carry his torch! God bless your family

Evie Green - 2023-09-06 13:59:24

Dear Jim, thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. Thank you for always maintaining your integrity and fighting for the truth, for everything you gave and shared. We continue learning from you, your legacy changed the world!! Fly high with all the love that so many millions we are sending you!! See you soon!

Shau - 2023-09-06 13:55:56

Thank you, great human being, big brother, for discovering how to help others and doing it with love,
The blessing of the universe was with you, you were a great guide and you saved many lives, today you rest as you should, you will always be in the feeling of those of us who appreciate the love to help make life happy and pleasant, rest forever.

Nelson - 2023-09-06 13:43:22

Beloved Jim Humble, happy return. Thank you infinitely for the great discovery that despite strong obstacles being put in front of you, you were brave and you have been a seed for other brave people who love humanity like you to save lives.
Blessed be your return to the light and blessed be your family.
Thank you infinitely and happy and blessed return in peace.

Cynthya Milagros Huaranca Ramírez - 2023-09-06 13:12:32

Blessed God comfort your hearts for such a heartfelt loss.
He saved thousands of lives including those of my family and myself.
Thanks for sharing his knowledge.

Patricia López Hernández - 2023-09-06 12:58:57

Jim you will be in heaven as you saved so many lives through your discovery MMS, killed malaria, COVID, so many other illnesses and cancer, you were sent to us by God. God bless you for ever and enjoy your new beautiful life. Thanks

Norma - 2023-09-06 12:46:47

I'm so sorry, may he rest in peace. A man who saved many lives is leaving. Thank you Doctor!!
Much light on its way back to the source of life. Now its energy is already part of the Universe.
And to the family much strength and encouragement. The consolation of his work in this plan.
Warm regards*

Antonia Adamuz - 2023-09-06 08:54:36

You will surely be a discoverer in a new Universe to once again relieve all the beings that will share your new existence with you. I love you, for your honesty, temperance, sovereignty and great affection that you have shown to humanity on Earth. I will never forget you, dear friend! See you soon.

Trinidad - 2023-09-06 08:50:04

Thank you for the great work you have done in these impossible and amazing times.
MMS has been the ray of light in this almost darkness like times.
It has empowered me immensely and enabled me to help people around me.
Thank you Jim Humble.
RIP. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

V M - 2023-09-06 07:10:53

Thank you so much, you helped me with my osteoarthritis. Rest in Peace

Verónica Domínguez Aldana - 2023-09-06 06:43:05

Hello Jim,
The news of your move to the higher worlds of God touched me deeply!
It was your selfless service to humanity, with your life-saving discovery of MMS, that touched my heart after reading your first book.
I try to do the same as you - every day, in my practice. So I can also feel this invisible resistance to everything that heals - and still carry on, following your example, carefully but steadily!
And you know what? Over time, I have been able to make peace with this resistance because I have noticed that it even trains me to become stronger. I think I sense that you have also had this realization, because humility is a natural consequence of it.
Thank you very much, dear Jim, for all the love that you have allowed to flow into the hearts of so many through your tirelessness. . .
I wish you much joy in your new tasks - which are now waiting for you - in the divine light!

Seele - 2023-09-06 06:34:06

May God receive you with the same mercy that you had for your neighbor because the mark you left will not be forgotten. Rest in peace

Hilda Bustos - 2023-09-06 05:32:53

A hug to his family and great recognition to Jim Humble for having shared and defended all his knowledge with the entire world for the benefit of all the people who accept, recognize and admire him. A life savior who reaches the end of his path in this life, full of blessings and surely retires happy and peaceful.

Julieta Lucía - 2023-09-06 04:57:26

Dear friends and family of Jim Humble,
I’ve been into alternate healing methods for many, many years and have known about his work for over a decade, and followed his stories closely. I have been greatly inspired by his kind persistence to help people find renewed health, even to the point of being forced to move away from his own country in order to pursue his intentions. He has been a champion of helping people with his discovery of MMS, and I am grateful for his contribution to humanity. I lost contact with his websites somewhere along the way, but was so excited when I found his channel at Telegram. I am beyond thankful!
My deepest condolences to you, for this great loss. He was a more amazing man his whole life than some may know. Everyone should read about his life. He was truly one of the greatest people ever. His legacy will live on in the lives of those who have been helped by his selfless efforts.
May God bless and may your sorrow be comforted.
One thankful follower,
Kathleen Tietsort

Kathleen Tietsort - 2023-09-06 04:53:59

Jim I see your light in the sky that will shine forever. It is a bright light that spreads the love among us. It shows us the beauty of helping each other. That is the purpose of living with dignity. Thanks for sharing your humility with us. Thanks for being part of my life.

Chris M - 2023-09-06 04:44:25

Knowledge is the treasure that raises consciousness and the treasure of your discovery Jim, will reach generations and generations that will know health, thanks to the fact that you shared this enormous gift to humanity.
Death does not exist, you will always live in the heart of every human being who is and will be healed thanks to your goodness. May the divine Light of your Spirit lead you to a new existence to continue creating life.
Infinite thanks.

María Rodriguez - 2023-09-06 03:18:36

Thank you Jin Humble for helping save lives and your contributions to the knowledge that nature contains everything we need to be healthy and free.

Roberto - 2023-09-06 03:14:26

Thanks to you I was fortunate to save more than 1,500 people during the pandemic, it would not have been possible without your research, all the other lives that were saved remain under the shelter of your immeasurable kindness...See you soon Jim!!!

Héctor Machín - 2023-09-06 03:10:22

There are no words of gratitude i can write to give thanks to this beautiful soul. Thank you for sharing your healing knowledge to humanity. My family and I are forever grateful. Thank you Jim Humble.
May GOD always Bless you.
‘Til we meet again.
Fuerte Abrazo!

Anthony Portillo - 2023-09-06 02:54:38

Humble Jim
You are peace. Humble by name and nature
We will live and have learned from your presence. Thankyou

Colleena - 2023-09-06 02:50:17

Thank you dear Jim for helping humanity. Rest in peace.

Becky - 2023-09-06 02:23:32

Dear Jim, with your discovery you saved many lives, you were the hero of this COVID pandemic, many people benefited from infections of all kinds, I am grateful for having met you, my deepest condolences to Jim's World family, we will remember you for a long time my friend

Robert Morales - 2023-09-06 02:14:31

Dear Jim Humble, there are no words to thank you for all the knowledge you gave us with the use of MMS without a doubt now that you are accompanying Sir Murphy David I hope your conversations are so enjoyable YOU SAVED MY LIFE and not only me but millions of others. people in the world. I love you with all my soul, thank you, thank you, thank you Jim for having existed during this time, we love you rest beloved Jim Humble

Comusav El Salvador - 2023-09-06 01:56:52

God bless you, Jim. I am a faithful follower. See you in the hereafter.

Jeanne Liberato - 2023-09-06 01:48:48

Jim, you returned to your true home, but your legacy of love will continue forever on this plane.
Blessings and strength to all your descendants

Maythe Berzunza Campos - 2023-09-06 01:33:28

Jim Humble you have given us an amazing gift of healing. We are grateful for your kind and generous gift. You and your work will be shared and remembered always and forever. Rest in peace Jim.

Lee - 2023-09-06 01:16:41

Brother in the Universal Light, may you have a beautiful transition towards the Light, may everything you gave to humanity become inner strength that takes you into the hands of our Creator.

Samuel Guzmán - 2023-09-06 00:58:16

I will continue learning, sharing and using this great gift that you leave us JIM.
Rest in peace and GOD bless you wherever you are friend JIM
Thank you…

Aprendiz - 2023-09-06 00:53:15

Fly high Jim, thank you for your valuable knowledge.

Juan domingo y - 2023-09-06 00:39:32

May God receive you in his loving arms thanking you for all you did for his little ones. RIP love forever ♥️

Rosario Guerra - 2023-09-06 00:14:50

There are special gifts each one of us came....But when our God sent you Jim Humble...your gift of helping so unselfishly has mad an amazing difference in the life's of multitudes....May your labor of love for humanity live on the hearts of all of hose you have helped with your amazing in the arms of our loving God

Maria - 2023-09-05 23:56:57

Jim, I thank you for your discovery and courage to defend yourself from bad people.
You are a great man and a great example for humanity.
We will never forget you!

Barbara Panczenko - 2023-09-05 23:45:44

Thank you, Jim. A true Knight in shining armour for the world. You and the GREAT men and woman who followed your protocol getting it out to the masses have suffered ridicule and horrific abuse to get your humanitarian aid and message out. I am so grateful I met you personally online several years ago after you had just written your first book. You will be sorely missed.
God speed.

P Green - 2023-09-05 23:43:49

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jim Humble, You saved my Life with Chlorine Dioxide, which will forever be a Legacy for Humanity!!!
I ask wherever you are that you lift your gaze and follow the Light, which is the Love of God!!!

José Raúl VERÁSTEGUI ABANTO - 2023-09-05 23:36:29

Thank you for helping humanity with your contribution, you were an angel here on earth, eternally grateful.

Zarela - 2023-09-05 23:32:16

A persons life may come to an end in this realm , but having fulfilled ones purpose his/her ideals live on forever . Gd bless you Jim righteous Noachide who will live on forever. One cannot begin to estimate the value of millions of lives .

Hoshana Foundation - 2023-09-05 23:31:46

A true humanitarian, thank you for all your contributions.
Peace and God Bless you.

KC - 2023-09-05 23:28:52

Thank you, for giving us so much without asking for anything, you will help us from above, humanity needs it, Thank you.

María García Garcia - 2023-09-05 23:25:32

God bless you Jim. Thank you for the gift you left humanity. May you rest well in paradise & your friends and family find comfort.

Rachael - 2023-09-05 23:23:00

God Bless you Jim.. Thank you for being a true humanitarian. I recently discovered mms myself. I shared it with family and friends.. SIP Mr.Humble

Lee - 2023-09-05 23:04:06

Millions of blessings, teacher, I know that you are with the Divine Creative Source, millions of thanks, teacher.

Wilmer Alvarado Venegas - 2023-09-05 22:56:53

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the great Jim Humble. A great and humble human being who came to leave us a great legacy, which he selflessly shared with the world to save lives. He already shines in the firmament, he rests in peace because he fulfilled his mission on this plane .

Lourdes Garza - 2023-09-05 22:55:23

May God bless you Jim Humble

Lourdes María - 2023-09-05 22:54:56

God bless you Jim a gentle giant thanks for spending your life helping others

Noel - 2023-09-05 22:52:14

Dear Jim, I hope you have a nice trip and go wherever you want to be with your loved ones. I thank you very much for all the knowledge that you have given to all of humanity, since with it we have been able and will continue to save many lives and heal many conscious beings. A hug of light from Spain. May you be very happy wherever you are. !!!!

Begoña - 2023-09-05 22:49:29

Jim, you’ve finished your work and done it well! Darkness was not able to snuff out the brilliant truth released through your humble work. Many have been blessed and will be blessed by your life and discoveries. Thank you for your bravery and humble dedication to the sort of truth that empowers and sets humanity free once more!

Mary - 2023-09-05 22:44:35

GOD bless this lovely man. He taught us the meaning of his namesake, by graciously sharing his gifts with everyone, rich and poor. He never sought to profit off of this discovery as I’m sure he realized it was a gift from GOD. I believe he knew he was just the messenger. Happy that he gets to view the tribulations from a peaceful spot on high. Well earned.

Maggie - 2023-09-05 22:43:19

You are like one of many angels who come to earth to do good, thank you very much for the gift you left to millions of people!!! Rest in peace

Jaime Martínez - 2023-09-05 22:36:42

With Infinite gratitude we send you much light for your path and evolution, great human being of Love.
We honor his existence by continuing his acts of love.

Ros Gal - 2023-09-05 22:32:37

Thank you very much Jim for your gift ! RIP

Benoît - 2023-09-05 21:59:42

Rest in Power, Jim Humble. Thank you for your work. I cured my SIBO using MMS in three weeks.

A.K. - 2023-09-05 21:53:16

God bless your soul, Thank you!

John Youssef - 2023-09-05 21:50:09

Alwsys with us, because all are one. Till forever.

Carmen Martínez farre - 2023-09-05 21:16:24

Rest in peace and may our higher consciousness be close to you to reach that light

IVAN DJ FLOWERS H. - 2023-09-05 21:05:27

Thank you for the legacy, my prayer with the family. Rest in peace

Rosario - 2023-09-05 20:46:49

May you rest in piece! Thank you for sharing MMS with the world. You have saved so many lives. You will be greatly missed.

Sunshinegirl6431 - 2023-09-05 20:40:47

Thanks Jim Humble for this wonderful finding. I have been using MMS for a decade now. Fortunately only in superficial problemas: fungus, insects bites, pulmonar problmes, inside cleaning, general maintenace, but it feels like you have an one-for-all remedy.

Maria Jesus Casado - 2023-09-05 20:29:44

Thank you for everything, thank you for your humility and detachment. My sincere condolences to your family whom you made proud with your love for humanity. Today you are in a better place, full of love and peace. We have you present at all times. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Gisela Pelaez - 2023-09-05 20:23:24

I have no doubt that this man earned heaven.
Life knew Mr Humble that only in his hands... in a soul like you, something so powerfully kind would be safe in this corrupt world and so it was.
Now his (MMS) legacy lives on and grows, saving lives the way you wanted and in good hands.
I can see him there in heaven , preparing his MMS, offering a drink to God, teaching and giving it to angels like you now, so that they can come here to continue the much work to be done.
Thank you dear Jim, friend of humanity.
Father of chlorine dioxide, the YELLOW WATER THAT SAVES LIVES

Angel - 2023-09-05 20:20:57

Always loved and remembered Jim, simply thank you for leaving us that legacy to the World and to your disciple Dr A. Kalker. You just got ahead of yourself and thank you again, rest in peace

Martha - 2023-09-05 20:18:32

Thank God for Jim's life and intelligence and wisdom."
God shower Peace, Strength and Union on family and friends
Rest in Peace Jim Humble

Adoracion Enriquez Mendez - 2023-09-05 19:59:33

Thank you! Jim humble for what you gave us and everything about you. Such a dreamy discovery and for sharing your knowledge... rest in peace. Your words will always be recorded. Thank you very much.

Sol - 2023-09-05 19:59:22

Many thanks Jim Humble..a true humanitarian ..

Geoffrey Tonks - 2023-09-05 19:58:10

The mission that God Thank you Him , now you rest in peace , thank you for your legacy s I entrust to you, you fulfilled it amply!! Rest in peace!!

Carmelita Garcia - 2023-09-05 19:43:32

Thank you Jim , now you rest in peace , thank you for your legacy

Lilibeth - 2023-09-05 19:39:05

Dear Jim. Now you are in the perfect place. You helped us a lot with your discoveries. Thank you for everything. Fly high. To infinity. Thank you.

Maria alayo - 2023-09-05 19:12:23

You were very great with your wisdom and it was for humanity, and you left for eternity like an angel, now you are in the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, thank you thank you for your file that you left us for medicine. Blessed are you

Rafael Villanueva - 2023-09-05 19:08:26

Thank you teacher for such a great contribution to humanity. You shine now among the stars of the firmament.

Laura Gil - 2023-09-05 19:08:17

Thank you so much Jim for your great insight and generosity in sharing it. His family can be very proud of him. I feel the loss of him.

Amparo López castro - 2023-09-05 19:03:39

Immense gratitude for so much light radiated with so much kindness and humanism. Example of an awake and loving being embraced in divine light. Simply a hero whose legacy remains latent in this historical moment of humanity. Thank you for being there and being there. Your life a constant rebirth of light and love

Fresia - 2023-09-05 19:00:50

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am here thanks to you. I discovered MMS during the pandemic and it saved our lives.
May your path of light, returning home to the Father, be blessed since on this plane you left us a great legacy of health for humanity.
Rest in peace.

Julia Martha Armas - 2023-09-05 19:00:47

A great, great thanks for what you have given the world.

Stef - 2023-09-05 18:42:40

I love you, we will surely meet on another level, a great person in life, love, solidarity, you left us a legacy that we will defend forever, I am life and I help with your legacy, forever and ever, thank you, thank you, thank you …

Cristina Brito - 2023-09-05 18:39:22

I was shocked to see this news. A great man, that humanity has not yet had the capacity to recognize, his great contribution to this process of evolution is unimaginable, all my admiration for the great Jim, he fulfilled the mission that he was entrusted to fulfill in this existence, he invited us all to accompany him on this path, and I am grateful to feel a part of this wonder that this substance gives us. Thank you Jim, without knowing it, I'm sure you know it, you changed my life and set the path of my existence, and not only him, but everyone who is surrounding the mms. Another great one transcended, fulfilled and returned to the source. You are surrounded by a lot of love, and you leave us here to continue your legacy. We love you!!!!. Thanks Jim!!!

Susana Alvarez Cosmelli - 2023-09-05 18:35:21

I did not know you but it is very gratifying to know that you did the right thing with your knowledge, thank you for not being ambitious and exercising the gift of science for the benefit of many, you are now in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ. My deepest condolences to your family and friends.

Vivian Madrigal - 2023-09-05 18:34:14

Rip the great hero and warrior of God! May God give you a beautiful light and accept all the work you were set on this earth to help humanity! We will keep your legacy going forward! May God give your family comfort in this difficult time! You will be missed dearly ! Never forgotten !

Diamond - 2023-09-05 18:32:40

Thank you Jim for all you gave and teach us. Thank you for helping so many people and special thanks for teaching us how to live a HUMBLE life. You will always be among us.

ALEJANDRO LOPEZ V - 2023-09-05 18:29:41

Simply thank you for your contribution to health, with great love for humanity, releasing and making your knowledge accessible.

Montero - 2023-09-05 18:29:13

Greetings from Culiacán Sinaloa Mexico to wherever you are, thank you for sharing your knowledge......Rest in peace..........

Armando de la Vega Rivas - 2023-09-05 18:28:59

A true hero in the fight for humanity's health.We are so fortunate to have had his enlightening advise.Thank's Jim!

Little Tree - 2023-09-05 18:24:05


Rosendo Zubiaga - 2023-09-05 18:16:44

RIP Jim, may you be GLORIFYING IN GOD'S LOVE. Go raibh mile maith agat Trich

Trich - 2023-09-05 18:10:22

My respects Mr. Jim Humble, your legacy to the world is invaluable, I deeply admired you, may God protect you wherever you are.

Edelmira Guevara - 2023-09-05 18:07:08

Thank you for taking the arrows to bring us greater truths & Health. Welcome Home

Donna - 2023-09-05 17:42:58

Thank you! Thank you! Jim, man with a generous and intelligent heart! Good wishes! Light of love on your path! A bright hug

Kitzia Weiss - 2023-09-05 17:23:42

Thank you Jim for your beautiful discovery and enormous generosity in helping so many people.
Thank you for your discovery because you saved my life, that of my family and friends.
I promise to continue helping more people in the same way that you did and Andreas Kalcker does. Be a worthy promoter
of ClO2 and prepare myself more and more to continue making it known and continue saving lives.
May God bless you and enjoy his beautiful presence.

Pilar - 2023-09-05 17:14:55

Thank you Jim for everything you did for humanity. You should be wearing a crown. Hope to meet you someday.

Marci - 2023-09-05 17:09:14

Thank you Jim for your genius and your generosity, God has welcomed you back into his arms. We will be alert as is good humans and help others who need it

Ercilia Aguirre - 2023-09-05 17:08:52

Regretting your departure to a better world, for more like you on this plane! Thank you for loving and doing so much for the good of all. I know you are resting in peace.

Maria Conchita - 2023-09-05 17:07:34

You left us the legacy of the best earthly life, thank you, I know that as long as we continue to awaken in the near future, good will triumph. I will follow you until we meet. Beautiful life

Cristina - 2023-09-05 16:52:09

Thank God for Jim's life! We are blessed to have people of value of that caliber! Rest in peace Jim Let's be your spokespersons

ANGY BA - 2023-09-05 16:40:46

A hug to heaven, I know that God will give you a nice place since in life you did a lot for many people. May God have you in his holy glory. See you later.

Iris rubí - 2023-09-05 16:32:29

Thank you infinitely, great contribution to humanity, thank you for your beautiful mission. I bless and honor your life. Thank you thank you thank you

Patty - 2023-09-05 16:26:12

May Our Eternal Father continue to illuminate you, for your path and transcendence. Thank you Jim for the Great Contribution to all Humanity. God confer your soul and your spirit THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU..

Carlos Javier - 2023-09-05 16:23:51

Thanks to his discovery that has helped many people and that is me, and for the immense benefit and I wish a lot of strength to his family that God has him in his memory. Rest in peace !

Rubí Loreto Gil - 2023-09-05 16:17:28

Thank you Jim humble.
May God receive you in his arms, you had already won heaven with your dedication to humanity, saving lives, thanks to you many people have been able to save themselves and have hope in diseases that they said had no cure.
God bless you in heaven.

Paola Montenegro - 2023-09-05 16:07:59

There are no words to express gratitude to this great human being that was Jim, for his great contribution to humanity, thank you so much for sharing this healing instrument with everyone, hugs to his family and friends, thank you so much and may God keep him in his arms. !!!

Edith - 2023-09-05 15:47:27

I thank God for giving me the wisdom to be Jim for having invented CDS since it is my heart treatment since I had a heart attack and I spent five days in the ICU.
I started taking CDS and when I went to the check-ups the doctors increased the doses of the medications since my heart was working perfectly and the cardiologist told me that it couldn't work like that because I had had a heart attack and it had to beat slower, so That's why I don't go to checkups anymore and I continue taking CDS, and I feel perfectly fine, thank God.

Oma - 2023-09-05 15:43:20

My Dad, Jim Humble has always been an asperation in my life. He will be missed until we meet again.

Paris-Jean Humble - 2023-09-05 15:34:37


Susana - 2023-09-05 15:32:55

Jim infinitely thank you for your dedication to humanity, from the other plane we will continue in contact, hugs your soul brother

Verónica - 2023-09-05 15:09:15

Eternally grateful for your contribution to all humanity. And also for saving many lives and alleviating countless diseases. I firmly believe that everything can be cured with MMS and CD

Leticia olmedo - 2023-09-05 14:20:02

Dear great human being, thousand
Thank you for your dedication, research and great contribution to the good of humanity.
Blessed is the life of beings like you who contribute so much to human beings.
Rest in peace

María - 2023-09-05 14:03:48

Thank you so much for that marvellous legacy. Millions of people has benefited from the MMS. Rest in peace Mr Humble

Leslie - 2023-09-05 14:03:34

Amazing man and you left an amazing legacy in the world. Leaving the world better off from knowing you. Xxxxxxxx

Grace - 2023-09-05 13:53:35


Dora Baray - 2023-09-05 13:30:49

Heaven has a new wonderful being!! Thank you for your legacy Jim. You will live in my heart forever!!!

Alessa - 2023-09-05 13:17:33

I am grateful to God for Jim Humble. Thank you for staying true to your conviction to bring your discovery to the world. My life is changed because of you.

Kasthuri Manogaran - 2023-09-05 13:15:09

Congratulations and thank you very much for the MMS that changed my life and that of my family.

Andres Carrascal Vazquez - 2023-09-05 13:12:11

Dearest Jim
Thank you for your invaluable contribution to mankind,

Shirley - 2023-09-05 12:57:33

Master of Masters, the sky is celebrating the arrival of one of the most humanitarian men this planet has ever had.
Thank you for your existence, your support and above all your way of creating good health and well-being in this dimension.

Liz - 2023-09-05 12:11:46

Mr Humble,
Thank you for obeying God and sharing what he taught you. I’m healing every day with CDS and I can’t help but tell everyone I know about it. Thank you!

Peaches - 2023-09-05 12:00:16

Thank you Jim for your effort, work and good for all humanity, may Blessed God have you at His Right Hand for all Eternity. And give comfort to all your loved ones. Your legacy will remain on this plane forever. THANK YOU Jim

Sarah OrEl - 2023-09-05 11:50:46

Dear Mr. Humble, it was a privilege for me to have learned about your career and discovery of MMS, which consequently I later learned about CDS. I will be eternally grateful to him for that wonderful legacy that he left for the whole world. May your soul rest in PEACE, I am sure that God will shelter you, in his arms, Amen.

Nelson Landrau Aquino - 2023-09-05 11:35:54

"May God have him in his glory.
And to all the people affected by this death, may God comfort you, protect you and bless you."

Manuel Izquierdo - 2023-09-05 11:28:39

Jimhumble May God bless this being of light who, together with Andreas Kacker, is saving our lives, thank you, we will continue to save the people who want to let them help, and thank you because you have contributed a lot to my loved ones, thank you, we will remember you eternally, thank you for your legacy of saving lives our hearts are sad to lose valuable people eternally in our hearts thank you thank you thank you

Frascila - 2023-09-05 10:00:50

Thank you Mr. Humble. You made a huge impact in this world and gave hope where there was none.
Jim Humble the true definition of humanitarian….

Janet - 2023-09-05 09:51:42

Thank for your legacy and all you gave us. You are in my heart forever

ME - 2023-09-05 09:30:15

I just wanted to express my sincere condolences from my Great British Bird.UK Team & myself . Your work saved my life and I and my team have made it our mission in showing everyone who came to our channels your amazing work
We wish all your family All Our love and want to say you JH are a legend and as such has been instrumental in saving Humanity from the corruption in Big Pharma
You Sir we adore and I will hold you forever dear to my Heart
Much love & respect

Clare Hocking - 2023-09-05 08:41:22

A deep thank you to Jim.
God protect you wherever you are now you have left behind a great work for us humans
Your kindness and simplicity is something we can only learn from!
I will keep it in eternal appreciation, all YOUR actions and all the knowledge you pass on to people for their health! And I will keep passing it on as best I can!

Ulrike - 2023-09-05 08:05:37

Goodbye my friend. Thank you. Rest in peace until we meet again.

Christiaan - 2023-09-05 06:59:38

Hello Jim,
I am deeply grateful for your work. I learnt from you almost 13 years ago. You changed my life for the better,
I do not know where I would be without your determination to help humanity. You have helped me in so many ways. Health-wise, I would be in a very, very different place if it wasn't for what you did. It is not just important for now. It is also important for the future by helping me to avoid the risk of various health complications.
It was also your way of thinking that I liked and ultimately helped. You used critical thinking, which is what I do and need to do for myself. Have doubts and learn to distinguish between fact and belief.
You have helped so many people that many do not even know that you have helped them.
You are a true hero and you will always be remembered!
May your next life be prosperous and exciting with the ability to always do what you love to do!

Mig - 2023-09-05 06:22:43

I thank God for your life!
You leave a legacy of health for humanity. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU... rest in the company of God Our Lord... I know that there will be a celebration in heaven for so many people who you helped on this plane!

Viviane BRUNET - 2023-09-05 06:00:57

You lived up to the meaning of your name and served humanity with humility. You are a true Messenger who accomplished his mission on earth in . Many thanks

Fatiha - 2023-09-05 05:15:03

Jim humble the greatest man, hero there ever was thanks for saving so many lives.

jac - 2024-04-19 16:32:07

Hey People.
I do hope someone creates a sculpture of Jim's bust ( upper body ) . . maybe not for profit but only to create a souvenir ( many for many people ) But not sure if such think Jim would approve ... but he deserves a whole Monument ...
Also MMS must have a Flag like a maybe silver flag with blue as the buttom stripe and with 3 golden stars stand for the "MMS drops" on the silver portion of the flag ...Silver ( grey ) and Deep blue goes well ...
I am sure Jim aware of all we his supporters desire ...

Anton - 2023-11-19 18:00:02

I have followed Jim and Mark G since 2012 when I was dealing with many health issue related to fibromyalgia and liposarcoma. Jim's book from 2009 was my lifeline. I have been teaching classes using his book and Marks workbook from his seminar. To this day, their work is the MMS standard of care. I teach classes and, in the Humble spirit, I never charge people. Often they will give me a gift. As the Fall and Winter approach, I will speak up all the more. I am so grateful for Jim's pioneering spirit and his dedication to MMS integrity and truth. Jim, you will not be forgotten.

Pat Nicolato - 2023-09-27 23:58:38

There is a beautiful place in heaven for a beautifull soul ... Happy trails , God bless you, thank you Jim Humble

Alex - 2023-09-26 11:36:54

About 20 years ago I on the web discover Jim, from that moment my life changed, Jim opened my eyes. Thanks to Jim and his indomable spirit million of people are now free .
He give us MMS but most important Jim made us free thinkers
I will be in debt for ever to you Jim !

Abraham Pardo - 2023-09-13 10:38:17

Thank you very much my dear Jim you will be missed a lot but soon we will see each other again with our father God THE most beautiful thing is that you leave a great legacy for humanity and I ask God that all this teaching always been follows for the physical and mental health of all people in the world rest in peace dear friend Jim Humble

Carlos - 2023-09-13 03:10:29


Dr. MC. Samuel Ferrer Palacios - 2023-09-13 01:17:44

Godspeed, Jim. What a fascinating, varied life you forged in your latest 'waking dream' in 3D. Thanks so much for your wellness intel.

Seonaid - 2023-09-11 15:53:21

In memory of...
Thank you for spreading this cure!

Wojciech Sobasik - 2023-09-10 20:22:49

Jim Humble sounded like an amazing man. It’s because of Jim Humble that although small my ears are no longer getting clogged. Health has never been batter in my life. Thanks Jim Humble! You will be missed.

John Doe - 2023-09-10 20:16:40

I can only say: Thank you thank you thank you

María Salud - 2023-09-10 07:35:12

Thank you so much for all the knowledge you have given so generously
With thanks a very big hug

Angels - 2023-09-09 19:41:33

The creator in his infinite goodness opens his doors promptly to hold him in his arms and wherever you go be blessed and humility can continue with his solidarity.

Esperanza Marlés Vergara - 2023-09-08 23:19:45

Goodbye Master Jim Humble. There are millions of us around the world, your fight is now ours, rest in peace Master

José Bendezu Ayala - 2023-09-08 21:44:10

My condolences to the family of Jim Humble. Thank you is not enough for finding MMS and giving it to the world as you did!! It is changing the whole course of my life and blessing me so much. The world is a better, more livable place for us having your work and discoveries. I'm so thankful God used you to bring such healing to the earth. Peace to your family. My eternal gratitude!!

Arla Pieper - 2023-09-08 05:33:17

Amazing Man many thanks for what you have done for everyone. This has helped me and many others God bless you .

Kevin Neshausen - 2023-09-07 19:43:35

You did well Jim. I thank you.
I still have the 28% sodium chlorite I got back in 1998.
You will be missed.

Viking - 2023-09-07 07:05:25

Honor to whom honor is due. Thanks Jim forever.

Alberto Salazar - 2023-09-06 23:40:34

Mr Jim, a deep thank you!
We will keep fighting with truth againt the evil, they won't win.
Peace and strenght to your family.

Jorge - 2023-09-06 23:38:13

Thank you for your great contribution to mankind! God Bless! ~T~

Tony Christian - 2023-09-06 21:24:17

A good man, he fought against all the demons in the world not being able to defeat them, he retreated and formed us into social fighters passing the baton to continue against the demons who now fear why there are many more of us and soon we will win thanks to Jim!!

Ricardo Flores - 2023-09-06 19:54:42

Jim, your life has positively helped with pharma's death. Thank you. Rest In Peace

n0tdave - 2023-09-06 15:14:53

Thanks for your legacy now anyone can benefit..thanks so much
Love always

Essau Landa Egan - 2023-09-06 14:16:36

Thanks for everything Jim. Our condolences to his family, God comfort his hearts.

amilcar - 2023-09-06 13:24:58

My light
My love
My blessings
You deserve to be on peace
I wish you be on peace
I have faith you are in peace
Thanks thanks thanks

Din - 2023-09-06 02:15:47

Thanks jim, you're a great man

leo - 2023-09-06 02:04:36

Jim, go on to a place where MMS isn't needed! You earned it!

Patricia Aiken - 2023-09-06 00:04:37

I am grateful for the synchronicity of your presence in these times and your unforgettable contributions. Bless Jim Jumble.

Raul Ramos - 2023-09-05 22:23:24

Sorry to lose you but so grateful for your contribution to mankind. We keep it around.

Steven Abell - 2023-09-05 20:54:16

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for your dedication and discovery that has saved many lives, you have left a great legacy to humanity!! May your path back home be full of light! My most sincere condolences to your entire family!! ! D.E.P
Dear teacher! Jim Humble

Silvia Garcia - 2023-09-05 20:32:49

So very sad to hear this news, he was a brilliant kind man. He will be missed by many on this earth plane but now he transitioned to higher realms his work will continue to help human and animal kingdoms. RIP till we meet up again.

Thelma - 2023-09-05 20:19:14

A great discovery.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you.

Santiago-Andrés - 2023-09-05 19:56:07

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jim Humble. Rest in peace.

Ramona - 2023-09-05 19:44:59

Thank you for your great contribution, for so many diseases fought and lives saved... :(

Angie SN - 2023-09-05 18:39:30


Armando de la Vega Rivas - 2023-09-05 18:30:40

Rest in peace great Jim the humble

Zaid - 2023-09-05 18:24:48

Thanks for your legancy! The Ethernal Father is having you in heaven

Lidia - 2023-09-05 18:04:57

Thank you for your contributions, great legacy.

Violeta Castro - 2023-09-05 17:23:40

Jim my dear teacher, thanks to you I learned the most beautiful way to save lives.
You left a great legacy and today my heart cries for your departure, but TMB is happy to have had your teaching which will be shared forever.
Happy return home master of my heart

Monidival - 2023-09-05 17:21:01

May God receive you in his holy glory, thank you for everything you left us. Blessings to the family.

Olga Marina Giron Alvarado - 2023-09-05 17:14:32

Jim, gratitude and respect for having accomplished your mission on earth. Humanity will honor you forever
My sincere condolences to the family

Luz - 2023-09-05 16:24:36

Thank you very much Jim. He flies and shines high!

Lena - 2023-09-05 16:09:36


Yazmín - 2023-09-05 16:02:24

I let you go,
I let you fly,
now that i know...
how to save in some way,
your ideal, more than a promise,
a tangible and real hope.
Thank you immeasurably, Jim.

Gilberto P. Madrigal - 2023-09-05 15:49:19

I was trained as a minister of health by teacher Jim Humble, I felt closely his light and his dedication to the service of humanity, always with a courageous attitude he confronted the system, always thinking about the greater good to save humanity. Thank you infinitely, I am doing the same, I hug you to the cosmos.

Juan José Escobedo Herrera - 2023-09-05 15:46:09

Just thank you, thank you, thank you!! R.I. I will always remember you for sharing your knowledge!!!!

Juana - 2023-09-05 15:34:32

Great human being! Rest in peace!

Eldon Peters - 2023-09-05 15:26:02

Thank you, thank you, thank you from Veracruz Mexico

N2 - 2023-09-05 14:49:16

Very nice Jim. Your knowledge has transformed my life, you will always be blessed for eternity, very much protected by everyone.

Honorato Diogo - 2023-09-05 14:25:12

Thank you Jim for the wonderful legacy you have left to all of humanity.
You will forever be alive in our hearts ♥️

Did - 2023-09-05 13:46:40

Master, I have nothing but thanks on behalf of my family and hundreds of families who benefited from your wonderful discovery.
Thank you so much!

Dr. Who - 2023-09-05 13:07:37

Thank you for all the good work! Hope you may rest in peace condolences for family and friends …

Ray - 2023-09-05 12:49:40

Thank you very much Master of Masters you are a truly wonderful real person we are going to miss you you did a lot for this humanity you are an incomparable being have an excellent trip we miss you but we will meet there

Paul Figueroa - 2023-09-05 12:21:01

Jim Humble, you were and will be an example of love for your neighbor, you dedicated your life to studying what would help many people, rest assured that each of us will keep it in mind for the rest of our lives because there is always someone who needs to recover their health and us as good human beings just like you. We will try to make his legacy known to many more people. Infinite thanks and enjoy the kingdom of heaven that you have well earned for your actions here on earth. Thank you for all.

Yesica - 2023-09-05 12:03:03

Thank you for so much that you contributed to humanity. Thanks to CDS, I am alive and grateful to GOD and to your discovery.
Your mission has been accomplished. Go back home. You will be present in humanity.

Dulce Vargas - 2023-09-05 11:39:14

See you soon, thank you for being a light in the lives of so many people... thank you on behalf of my family because when we went through impossible things, you from the Hand of God gave us your wisdom... thank you dear Jim

Kevin Aguirre - 2023-09-05 11:30:46

Thank you for all the dedication and effort you make to improve health and that great legacy.
Rest in peace GREAT HUMAN BEING!

Chava - 2023-09-05 09:04:47

Jim was a gift from God to all mankind. With my own eyes, I have seen lives changed -mine included- with his discoveries with Chlorine Dioxide and its applications. Those conditions that we were led to believe were incurable, became "curable" with this wonderful molecule. Thank you for all the contributions to humanity. It is definitely a before and after in the history of human and even animal health. May God embrace, comfort, strengthen and bring peace to the heart of each family member, friend and relative.

Dante Barboza - 2023-09-05 06:07:00

Thank you Graciano Jim Humble for your wisdom and leaving a legacy to humanity, God bless you until eternity, I will live eternally grateful for so much benefit to my family

Marce - 2023-09-05 05:52:43

Outmost admiration for the real super hero of era. Touched the life's of well over 100 millions planet wide before his passing. Deepest condolences to the family as we is one with Jim Humble the best teacher ever.
Love you abuelo

Bernardo Becerra - 2023-09-05 05:05:57

Romans 8:28 ESV
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
I thank the Lord our God for this man. For His love for his Savior and his faithfulness in using what was revealed to him to help his fellow man. Countless people were healed with malaria and during the covid epidemic because of his love for people and God's Word. Thank you Jim

Tessa - 2023-09-05 04:35:33

I have contacted Jim many, many years ago with questions about MMS. He responded very quickly (at that time not many people heard about mms). My son was very sick fot 26 years, none of the doctors could help it. Course of three weeks of MMS cure my son 100%, the disease never come back (it is already 14 years since we did the mms protocol) and his is perfectly free of the symptons. We have cured with mms other "uncured" diseases in our family with 100% succes. Jim Humble - Thank You, God Bless You ! If you have similiar expirience with mms, please help Mark Grenon and his Family while he and his sons are in prison for promoting mms on line. You help other people=you go to prison!!!

Jerry - 2024-05-14 08:24:50

I have zero belief in god (by any name), prayer, or the afterlife. To me, these concepts are nonsense. But I do believe in Jim Humble and his promotion of MMS. In 2015, facing inoperable cancer, I was resigned to a shortened life until a chance meeting with a total stranger introduced me to MMS. I have continued to use this product and owe its effectiveness to my good health. I know Jim was a believer, but I am convinced that he did what he did NOT because of any "god", but because doing the right thing towards humanity is the right thing to do. It is a shame this wonderful man is no longer with us.

Michael Byrne - 2024-03-24 05:40:34

Jim, thank you very much, you were instrumental in saving thousands of people. Pray for us.

Ernesto Balcázar Suárez EBS - 2023-09-17 08:39:42

I have not used the product you recommended for many illnesses but I did purchase it and your book and Dr Kalkers book as well.
I wish you were still alive I have a ton of questions to ask you-
I am grateful that you shared your method of healing with the world.
I do keep it on hand just in case.
I am the one that told hospitals to use Ivemectin after I cured myself with food grade diatomaceous earth for covid severe case.
Many died because they refused to give it even after they used it to cure the police and nurses and those in congress and senate.
Being rich and in certain positions has it privileges.
This is the problem with the society we have now-
So now there are 126 research papers proving I waas right- covid is a parasite like I said and Food grade DE and Ivemectin cure it as I told hospitals in April of 2020.
MERS is also a parasite of the lung inside an envelope virus as I said before.
I know what it is like fighting THE SYSTEM to prove another method works.
Thank you for your service to humanity an much love to you and your family!
God Bless you!

Diana Smith Hill - 2023-09-14 21:16:18

Thank You and God bless Jim Humble !

TangleF - 2023-09-11 17:18:16

Loved your discovery. Thanks from the core of my heart.

Binod - 2023-09-09 18:23:52

See you in the after life dear friend , rest well please , may god bless you eternally.

Mariam - 2023-09-07 18:06:08

So very deeply shocked and saddened by this loss. While heaven may have gained an angel, we're left with a terrible void at a time when great humanitarians are needed more than ever. His contributions were great; and through his wisdom, generosity, and wealth of knowledge he helped so many. May he rest in peace.

LibertyLiz - 2023-09-07 00:46:10

Sending deepest sympathies to all his family. A great man who will be sadly missed

Cheryl Mcduff - 2023-09-06 19:29:25

RIP wise and generous man
Thanks for everything!!!

Gabriela V. - 2023-09-06 04:56:43

Did his job well, amidst adverse world, he did his job..... I owe him, we owe him.... and all those benefitted from his courage, suffering and sorrow and success..... Rest in peace brother.

L Ananth Srinivas - 2023-09-06 02:11:33

Thank you, Jim. Rest in peace. ♥️

Jin - 2023-09-05 20:03:44

I am Brazilian, and discovered the MMS in a very curious way. This is the discovery of the life of my family and friends. He woke up to a matter that the whole world is sleeping. I thank God for Jim's life.

Felipe João - 2023-09-05 18:03:32

Humanity is indebted to this great being.
Only God can repay him for all the good he has done!
Wherever he is, our deepest gratitude will go.
The world has been better because Jim has been with us.

Sagrario - 2023-09-05 15:54:10

Thank you Jim. You helped me and i will try to help others. DEP

Seb - 2023-09-05 14:27:08

RIP Jim !
Paradise is yours.
Respect from French patients.

madness12 - 2023-09-05 14:15:29

Many, many thanks, Jim!!!

Alba - 2023-09-05 12:52:47

Thank you Jim HUMBLE, for your wisdom and generosity. Humanity is indebted to you. A hug

Jorge Macarulla - 2023-09-05 12:04:17

Jim may the Almighty receive you with all honors, peace in his grave and much strength for his entire family. Rest in peace.

Fernando chaparro - 2023-09-05 09:59:04

Thank you for knowing everything you did to save people from lies. Knowing the CDS, it is something that we are going to save ourselves. My appreciation for your struggle. RIP

Darsy Soria de Uruguay - 2023-09-05 09:15:26

Simply, THANK YOU!

Birgit Steinbach - 2023-09-05 07:52:42

Hi Jim, Rest in peace.

Rudi - 2023-09-05 07:24:52


Masi - 2023-09-05 05:33:13

Thank you Jim Humble.

Rich - 2023-09-13 07:30:45

All I want to say is: Thank You!

Ting - 2023-09-11 19:04:41

Because of Mr. Humble I continue to share the good news of MMS.

Tamra - 2023-09-09 07:51:47

He walked with God just like Enoch.

Jesus Follower - 2023-09-06 18:34:19

#RIP and #ThankYou

William D. - 2023-09-06 15:31:23

Thanks a lot.

Román - 2023-09-05 14:50:29


Ana Maria - 2023-09-05 12:57:12

Thank you for your generous contribution to everyone's health.

Irma - 2023-09-05 05:39:09

The other past life you came to earth with another name. I know it and I don't say it. Now come back with another name. At this moment I will ask you with what name you will return to save lives...? Tell me....I know that you came to earth for one thing and you achieved it perfectly. We who came like you with a commitment to a mission. And we do nothing only wrong.. You made it very clear in your Mission How we should live here in this world. what do we do Jim? I hate sapiensa, we envy even the one who says something good and new about what you did. They want to know more than you... you didn't let someone who came after you help you in your great mission. Protect him from bad men so that nothing happens to him... Like you who died in your bed...take care of our Andreas from wherever he is...we will never forget you...or of you...

Brigida - 2023-09-18 10:46:12

My sincere condolences for your father.

Roberto Morales - 2023-09-06 02:06:06


Bernardo Becerra - 2023-09-05 05:07:55

I’m sipping chlorine dioxide right now Mr Humble.

Mark Bodiford - 2023-09-05 04:38:39

Remembering Jim Humble (1932-2023) – Jim Humble (2024)
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