Louis Arthur Johnson Papers ca. 1930-1964 (2024)

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Captain L. A. Abercrombie 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Dean Acheson, Secretary of State 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Frank J. Agnew 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with A. V. Alexander, C. H.: M. P., Minister of Defense, London 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with C. E. Alfaro of the Eloy Alfaro Foundation 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with George E. Allen 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with General Leven C. Allen 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Raymond B. Allen 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Mrs. Henry H. Arnold 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence re: Autographing a placard containing a quotation by Abraham Lincoln 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Colonel Jesse Auton 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Louis Fabian Bachrach 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Doctor Donald Balfour 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Doctor Allen Barker 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Alben W. Barkley, the Vice-President of the United States 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Bernard M. Baruch 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Karl R. Bendetsen 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with M. L. Benedum 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with William Benton, Senator 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Adolf A. Berle, Jr. 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with J. Raymond Berry, General Counsel, the National Board of Fire Underwriters 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with James T. Berryman 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Remster Bingham 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with G. D. Birla, industrialist of India 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Van. A. Bittner, vice-president of CIO United Steelworkers 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with James B. Black 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Jacob Blaustein 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with various dignitaries re: Bohemian Grove Encampment, July 1949 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Admiral J. T. Boone 1949

  • Box 102

    TL (carbon), Monroe Schaff to Frank W. Boykin 1950 Aug. 11

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with James A. Branch 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Charles F. Brannan 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with W. M. Breed 1950 Sept.

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Owen Brewster, U. S. Senate 1949-1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Louis Bromfield 1949

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with Overton Brooks 1950

  • Box 102

    Correspondence with William E. Brooks, author, lecturer, and leader in the Presbyterian Church 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Gerald B. Brophy 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Clarence J. Brown, Congressman 1950

  • Box 103

    CWO Drew E. Brown, Classified Files OSD; Personal and Confidential Files of Sec. Of Defense Johnson re: a variety of official topics 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Maxwell Brown, Congressman 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Paul Brown, Congressman 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Thomas G. Brown 1950 Sept.

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with James Bruce, former U. S. Ambassador to the Argentine Republic; Director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with John M. Budinger 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Usher L. Burdick, Congressman 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Carter L. Burgess, General Aniline and Film Corp. 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with E. H. Burgess, vice-president, The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with General J. H. Burns 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Robert Butler, The American Embassy, Cuba 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Senator Harry F. Byrd 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with George T. Cameron, The San Francisco Chronicle 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Alex Campbell, Assistant Attorney General 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with C. Cannon, American Ambassador, State Dept. 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Champ Carry 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Amon Carter, Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with John Cartwright 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Elizabeth Cather 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Wm. M. Chadbourne 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Stephen F. Chadwick 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Lafe B. Chafin, Prosecuting Attorney's Office 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Howard Chandler Christy 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Oscar Chapman 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with [?] Chiang 1950 May

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with James R. Childs, American Ambassador 1949

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with various people re: Christmas greetings, 2 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence re: Citizens Committee for the Army and Navy, Inc. Award presentation 1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Tom Clark, Justice Supreme Court of the United States and former Attorney General 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Brooke Claxton, Minister of National Defense, Canada 1949-1950

  • Box 103

    Correspondence with Clark M. Clifford 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Jacqueline Cochran (Mrs. Floyd B. Odlum) 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with O. S. Colclough 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Charles Collingwood, CBS 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with General J. Lawton Collins 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with U. S. Senate Committee on Banking and Currency re: S. 3936, Defense Production Act 1950 Aug. 11-14

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Karl Compton 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Colonel Rollo C. Conley 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Charles P. Cooper 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with John J. Cornwell 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Myron Cowan, American Embassy, Manila, Philippine Islands 1949-1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Ronald M. Craigmyle 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Joan S. Crane 1950 Sept.

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Sir Stafford Cripps, Treasury, London, England 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Luige Criscuolo, Chairman, American Italian Congress 1950 Sept.

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Willis D. Crittenberger 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Robert Crosser, Congressman 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with General Benedict Crowell 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with R. Granville Curry 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Mr. Snydam Cutting 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Franklin D'Olier 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with R. S. Damon 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Colgate W. Darden, Jr. 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Joseph E. Davies 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Elmer Davis, American Broadcasting Company 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with George A. Davis 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Mr. R. S. Davis, Universal Glass Products Co. 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Charles G. Dawes 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Gordon Dean, Atomic Energy Commission 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Albert Deveze, Minister of National Defense, Belgium 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Thomas E. Dewey, Governor, State of N. Y. 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Mrs. Walter F. Dillingham 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Armistead M. Dobie 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Lewis W. Douglas 1949-1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Paul H. Douglas, Senator 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Michael F. Doyle, Attorney 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Lloyd Dumas 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Edgar B. Dunlap 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Samuel C. Dunlap 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Stephen T. Early, Deputy Secretary of Defense 1949-1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Robert Easton 1950

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with F. Eberstadt 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with Marriner S. Eccles, Federal Reserve System 1949

  • Box 104

    Correspondence with David Edelstein, Assistant Attorney General of the United States 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Dwight D. Eisenhower 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Mark Eisner 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Herbert B. Elliston, The Washington Post 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence re: Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services 1940-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with James A. Farley 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with General Philip B. Fleming, U. S. Maritime Commission 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Robert D. Flory 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with James F. Fogarty 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Peyton Ford, Assistant to the Attorney General 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Mrs. James V. Forrestal 1950 March 21

  • Box 105

    Correspondence and Papers re: Fort Omaha property, Omaha, Nebraska 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with James D. Francis 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Warren B. Francis, Los Angeles Times 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with John M. Franklin, United States Lines 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with William Frye Director of Public Information, Department of Defense 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Walter D. Fuller, Curtis Publishing Co. 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Leon W. George 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Amadeo Peter Giannini, Transamerica Corp., Bank of Virginia 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with L. M. Giannini, Bank of America 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Guy M. Gillette, Senator 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Earl B. Gilmore 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Brig. Gen. Robert Ginsburgh 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Tom M. Girdler 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with John B. Glenn 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Earl Godwin 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Samuel Goldwyn 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Edward B. Gordon 1950 Sept. 11

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with George J. Gould 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Marshall C. Graff 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Mrs. Philip Graham 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Gorden Gray, the Secretary of the Army 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Colonel Paul Griffith 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence re: Bohemian Grove, Midsummer Encampment 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with James M. Guiher, Steptoe & Johnson 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Chan Gurney, U. S. Senate 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with W. Averell Harriman 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Harriet Meade Hass 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Lowell H. Hattery, The American University 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Jens Christian Hauge, Minister of Defense of Norway 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Erland Hedrick, Congressman 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Sissy Barth Heistand 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Louis B. Heller, Congressman 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Robert Heller 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Mrs. Arthur Herrington 1950 April July

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Paul M. Herzag, National Labor Relations Board 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Charles Colby Hewitt 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Downey Hines 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Harold Hinton 1949 May

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Sam Hobbs, Congressman 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Richard W. Hoffman, Congressman 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Wm. B. Hogg, attorney 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with John W. Hollister 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Homer A. Holt, Union Carbide and Carbon Corp. 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Herbert Hoover 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Russell J. Hopley, Northwestern Bell Telephone 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Harold J. T. Horan 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Emma Hornor 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Roy W. Howard, Scripps-Howard Newspapers 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Charles R. Howell, Congressman 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Palmer Hoyt, The Denver Post 1949-1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Arthur M. Hughes, West Side Presbyterian Church 1950

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with Cordell Hull 1949

  • Box 105

    Correspondence with George Hutton 1950 Sept.

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Harold L. Ickes 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Donald Jackson, Congressman 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Colonel H. Nelson Jackson 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Robert H. Jamison 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Mertie McDonald John 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Edwin C. Johnson, U. S. Senate 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with F. L. Johnson 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Robert B. Johnson 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with General Robert W. Johnson, Johnson & Johnson 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Olin D. Johnston, Senator 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Harold A. Jones 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Doctor H. H. K'ung 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with H. V. Kaltenborn 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Irving Kaufman, U. S. District Court, New York 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with James S. Kemper 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with John A. Kennedy, San Diego Journal 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with William P. Kennedy, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Frank Kent, The Baltimore Sun 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with A. N. Kemp, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Harly M. Kilgore, U. S. Senate 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with [] [King] 1949 April

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Robert E. Kintner, American Broadcasting Company 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Alfred P. Knapp 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with John T. Koehler, Assistant Secretary of the Navy 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Weaden C. Koon, Veterinarian 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with K. R. Kreps, Colonel, USAF 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Arthur F. Kroeger 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Harry Jutik 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Chaman Lal, author 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Mrs. Gordon Lamont 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Harry Lang 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Doctor Frank v. Langfitt 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with C. T. Lanham, Brigadier General, U. S. A. 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Mr. Jack Lann 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with R. D. Lapham 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Jess Larson, Federal Works Administrator 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Robert Lawson 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with H. M. Lay 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with George LaVallee 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Paul R. Leach, Knight Newspapers 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Edward L. Leahy, Senator 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Charles H. Leavy, U. S. District Judge 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Herbert L. Lehman 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Admiral Lewis 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with John L. Lewis 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Edmond E. Lincoln 1949-1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with William T. Lovins, Judge 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with General Frank E. Lowe 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Jim Lucas, Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance 1949

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Scott W. Lucas 1950

  • Box 106

    Correspondence with Lauren D. Lyman, United Aircraft Corp. 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Lillie McAndrews, National Board of Fire Underwriters 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with General MacArthur 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Carl W. McCardle, The Evening Bulletin 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with John J. McCloy 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with John McCone 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Robert R. McCormick, Chicago Tribune 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Harry McDonald 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Admiral Ross T. McIntire, U. S. Department of Labor 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Gilbert MacKay 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with W. J. McNeil 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Wm. K. Macy 1950

  • Box 107

    Memorandum with enclosure re: Mr. Mahon's speech on the U. S. military situation and Korea 1950 Aug. 25, Sept. 7

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with W. C. Marland 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with General George C. Marshall 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Francis P. Matthews, Secretary of the Navy 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Maury Maverick re: the great seal of the U. S. 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Burnet R. Maybank, Senator 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with George Meany 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Merrill C. Meigs, the Hearst Corporation 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Richard L. Meiling 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Perle Mesta, United States Minister to Luxembourg 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Memoranda re: MATS (Military Air Transport Service) 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with T. E. Millsop, Weirton Steel Company 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Justice Sherman Minton 1949

  • Box 107

    Message from Ronald Moist 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Robert H. Mollohan 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with C. A. Montgomery, Aviation Committee 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Henry Morgenthau, Jr. 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Stanley C. Morris, attorney with Steptoe and Johnson 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Wayne Morse, Senator 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Walter J. Munro 1949

  • Box 107

    Mrs. Mary Murray to Mrs. Louis Johnson 1950 Aug. 15

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Mrs. Unni Nayar 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Matthew M. Neely, Senator 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with R. K. Nehru, Legation of India 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with various people re: New Year Greetings 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Clyde M. Newhouse 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Admiral Chester Nimitz 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with W. F. Norrell 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Mary T. Norton, Congressman 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Basil O'Connor 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with William O'Dwyer, Mayor, New York City 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence re: Offers of Services (Individuals or Companies), Korean Crisis 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with John Ohly 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Thomas W. O'Hara 1949

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Michael J. O'Neill, General Counsel, Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 1949-1950

  • Box 107

    Memo from A. H. Onthank 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with Victor Orestes 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with James B. L. Orme 1950

  • Box 107

    Correspondence with John Osborne, Life Magazine 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Frank C. Page, International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Madame Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, Ambassador of India 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Maj. J. R. Parten, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Ira J. Partlow, Judge 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Richard C. Patterson, American Embassy, Guatemala 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Mrs. Robert P. Patterson 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Edwin W. Pauley 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Calling Cards of Dasturzada Paury and Miss Bapsy Paury 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with William D. Pawley 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Stuyvesant Peabody 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Cloyce Pearson 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with John Peurifoy 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Miss Philibert 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Harold K. Philips 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Rev. W. E. Pierce 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Poor's Register of Directors and Executives 1949

  • Box 108

    Request from the Press for a background session in Paris [1950] March 30

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Samuel Pryor, Jr. 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Elpidio Quirino 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Robert Ramspeck 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with A. Philip Randolph, Committee against Jim Crow in Military Service [1950?]

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with B. Shiva Rao, India Delegation to the United Nations 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with General Milton A. Reckford 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Daniel A. Reed 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Justice Stanley Reed 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with William S. Renchard 1950

  • Box 108

    Memorandum re: Reproduction of the Secretary's Flag 1950 June 16

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with H. G. Rhawn, the Clarksburg News 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with F. D. G. Ribble 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with F. H. Richardson 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with E. V. Rickenbacker, Eastern Air Lines 1949

  • Box 108

    Biographical note on General Sir Neil Ritchie [ca. 1949?]

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with L. Mendel Rivers, Congressman 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Owen J. Roberts 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with A. Willis Robertson, Senator 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Hugo E. Rogers, attorney 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with William P. Rogers, Senator 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Sol. A. Rosenblatt 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with M. M. Rosten 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Kenneth C. Royall, Attorney, former Secretary of the Army 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with E. H. Rynearson 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Noel Sargent, National Post-War Conference 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Charles Sawyer, Secretary of Commerce 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with W. A. Schmitt 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Frank D. Schroth, publisher, the Brooklyn Eagle 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Mrs. Tom Schully 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with the Right Reverend Maurice S. Sheehy 1949

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with John F. Shelley, Congressman 1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Admiral Forest Sherman 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Robert Sherrod, Time , Inc. 1949-1950

  • Box 108

    Correspondence with Emanuel Shinwell, Minister of Defense, England 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Max Siskind 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Charles P. Skouras 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with John Slack 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Mrs. William Slocum, National Broadcasting Co. 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with George Smathers 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Frederick C. Smith, Congressman 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with H. Alexander Smith Senator 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Harold V. Smith 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with General W. B. Smith 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with John Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Benjamin Sonnenberg 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence re: the decision by the Administration to intervene actively in South Korea, 2 folders 1950 June-Aug.

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with General Carl A. Spaatz 1949-1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with C. Lee Spillers 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Harley O. Staggers, Congressman 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Ingram M. Stainback 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Laurence A. Steinhardt, American Embassy, Canada 1949-1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Mrs. Edward R. Stettinius 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Irvin Stewart 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Isaac M. Stewart, Union Carbine and Carbon Corp. 1949-1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Wm. Stewart 1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Henry L. Stimson 1949-1950

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Arthur Hays Sulzberger, the New York Times 1949

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Admiral C. A. Swanson

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Charles Sweeny

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with Herbert Bayard Swope

  • Box 109

    Correspondence with W. Stuart Symington, Dept. of the Air Force

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Henry J. Taylor 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Myron C. Taylor 1950

  • Box 110

    Memorandum re: Tentative Legislative Program for the Department of Defense for 1951 1950 Sept. 1

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Mollie Thayer 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with L. Newton Thomas 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Walter Thurmond 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Louis B. Tim 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Maurice J. Tobin, Secretary of Labor 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Harry Aubrey Toulmin, Jr. 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with James W. Trimble 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with President Harry Truman, includes correspondence from various other people as enclosures 1949 Feb. 5-1950 Sept. 5

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with President Harry Truman 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Millard E. Tydings, Senator, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with James B. Underwood 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with A. H. Vandenberg, Senator 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Cornelius Vanderbilt 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with James K. Vardaman, Jr., Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Major General Harry H. Vaughan 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Bruce Vickers 1950 Aug.

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Carl Vinson, Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Memorandum re: Carl Vinson statement before the House of Representatives re: strength of Armed Forces 1950 July 25-26

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Tracy S. Voorhers 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with John M. Vorys, House of Representatives 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with James E. Webb, the Under Secretary of State 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with William Webster 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Sumner Wells, former Under Secretary of State 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with A. L. Wenner-Gren 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Compton I. White, Congressman 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Rev. Robert J. White 1949-1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Roy B. White, The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Joseph S. Whiteford 1950 Aug.

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Mrs. A. F. Whitney 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Robert E. Wilson 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Walter Winchell 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with J. M. Wolfe 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Matthew Woll, American Federation of Labor 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Lyttleton W. Wood 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with General R. E. Wood, Sears, Roebuck and Co. 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Roy O. Woodruff 1949

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with Stanley Woodward 1950

  • Box 110

    Correspondence with W. H. Worrilow, Lebannon Steel Foundry 1949

  • Box 111

    Calling Cards list 1949

  • Box 111

    Directives, for various departments and government heads, 3 folders 1949 Dec.-1950 Sept. 18

  • Box 111

    Disposition Form 1949-1950

  • Box 111

    List of items taken to Cabinet Meeting 1949 June 10

  • Box 111

    List of persons primarily responsible for the preparation of the budget 1950

  • Box 111

    List of the Secretary of Defense's Official and Out-of-Town Engagements 1949-1950

  • Box 111

    Messages and Statements 1949 March-Sept.

  • Box 112

    Messages and Statements, 3 folders 1949 Oct.-1950 Sept. 19

  • Box 112

    Printed Material, "A Scientific Pilot Training Plan," Link Aviation, Inc., prepared by E. O. Carmody 1948

  • Box 112

    Statements before Congressional Committee 1950

  • Box 113

    Correspondence, Commendatory Mail re: Johnson's Resignation, A-H , 4 folders 1950 Sept.-Oct.

  • Box 114

    Correspondence, Commendatory Mail re: Johnson's Resignation, I-R , 5 folders 1950 Sept.-Nov.

  • Box 115

    Correspondence, Commendatory Mail re: Johnson's Resignation, S-Z , 3 folders 1950 Sept.-Nov., 1951 Jan.

  • Box 115

    First and final drafts of Louis Johnson's letter of resignation as Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept. 12

  • Box 115

    Correspondence re: Johnson's resignation as Secretary of Defense, taken from 2 scrapbooks, 2 folders 1950 Sept.

  • Box 115

    Correspondence re: Johnson's resignation as Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept.-Oct.

  • Box 115

    Letters of appreciation by Louis Johnson upon the occasion of his resignation as Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept.

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with John B. Adams 1950

  • Box 116

    Memorandum re: Russell Adams, member Civil Aeronautics Board 1949

  • Box 116

    "Agenda" of things to take up with the President 1949 May-June

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with H. W. Alden 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Archibald S. Alexander, Under Secretary of the Army 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: the first Armed Forces Day 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Wm. R. Arnold 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: M. H. Aylesworth 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Edward A. Bacon 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Ernest L. Bailey 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Frank Bane 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: J. R. Barefoot 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Randy H. Barnard 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Lt. Col. Thomas M. Barton 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Morgan Beatty 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with John Bennett 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Adolf Berle 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Peter Berry 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with John E. Bierwirth 1949-1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Samuel W. Bishop 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Paul Bissinger 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Jacob Blanstein 1949-1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Mrs. O. L. Bodenhamer 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with A. G. Boesel 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Frances Bolton 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Edwin Bond 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Commodore Pedro Borges 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Nassos Botsis 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: the Boy Scouts 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Eldred Brandon 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Lyon W. Brandon 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Owen Brewster, Senator 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Edgar A. Broan 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Walter Buchanan 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Clayton R. Burt 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with John Carroll 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Amon G. Carter 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with M. E. Carver 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with C. L. Chennault 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Brooks Claxton 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Mr. Charles Coates 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Ross A. Collins 1949-1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Grover Combs 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Phil Conley 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Clifford D. Cooper 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Herbert Corey [1950]

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Courtesy Calls 1949 April 18

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Leo T. Crowley 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Wm. R. Daley 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Marshall N. Dana 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with J. W. Davis 1949-1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Thomas Delzell 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Admiral Sir Cyril E. Douglas-Pennant 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Lewsi W. Douglas 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Frances Drake, Roving Editor, Reader's Digest 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Wm. W. Drummey 1949

  • Box 116

    Memo re: Mr. Durga-Das 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Richard Durham 1949

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Governor George Earle 1950

  • Box 116

    Correspondence with Walter Ernst 1950

  • Box 116

    Memo re: [Melik] Esenbel 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Abraham Feinberg 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Doris Fleeson 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Robert D. Flory 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Henry Ford, II 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Cedric Foster 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with James D. Francis 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Jack Franklin 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Admiral Fraser 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: French Chiefs of Staff 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Earl E. Gangewere 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Fraser S. Gardner 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Frank Gigliotti 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with A. Robert Ginsburgh 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with J. M. Gordon 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with John Gunther 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with E. K. Haibach 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with John M. Hall 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Jake Halsted 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: General Thomas T. Handy 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with David A. Harrison 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Horace Heidt 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Col. A. W. Herrington 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Randal Heymanson re: Sir Keith Murdoch 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with M. J. Hickey 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with W. A. Higinbotham 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence re: Harry W. Hill 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Col. Howard G. Hill 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with J. H. Hoeppel 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Homer A. Holt 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Jackson Holtz 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Harold Horan 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Arthur A. de la Houssaye 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with D. K. Howe 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with F. S. Hugill 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: R. A. Hummel 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Vice Admiral G. F. Hussey 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Wm. A. Hyman 1949

  • Box 117

    wanted to schedule for meetings 1949 March

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Interfaith in Action Gold Medal 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Introduction to Group of 27 College Professors from the American University [1949?]

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Col. Charles Johnson 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Erwin Johnson 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Catesby L. Jones 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with George S. Jones 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Robert Jones 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Sam H. Jones 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with W. Alton Jones 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with R. M. Kant 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Irving R. Kaufman 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Clark Kee 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: James S. Kemper 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Robert Kent 1950

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Liaquat Ali Khan 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with George Killion 1949-1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with J. R. Kinder 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with S. R. Kirkpatrick 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Wm. Kloepfer, the Times Herald 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Ambassador Koo 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Col. Kenneth Kreps 1950

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Arthur F. Kroeger 1949

  • Box 117

    Memo re: Dr. Joseph Ker 1949

  • Box 117

    Correspondence with Laurence S. Kuter, Major General, re: MATS 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Chester H. Lang 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Felix Larkin, General Counsel, Office of Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept.

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with George A. LaVallee 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Robert A. Learnard 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Marx Leva 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Anthony Leviero, N. Y. Times and Sidney Shalett, Saturday Evening Post 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Lt. General Gilberto R. Limon, Secretary of Defense, Mexico 1950

  • Box 118

    Lists of Senators and Congressmen invited to briefings 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Al Lodwick 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Edward V. Laughlin 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Mr. Hugh Love of Travelers' Insurance Co. 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Carson F. Lyman 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Mr. McDonald 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Captain F. L. McGaha 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Mrs. James McGranery 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Gilbert MacKay 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Clinton D. McKinnon 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: General James F. McManmon 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Joseph T. McNarney, Office of Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept.

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with General John Magruder 1950 Sept.

  • Box 118

    Memo re: B. Majewski 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Lester Markel 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Jackson Matthews 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Roy James Mayo 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Merrill C. Meigs 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Edwin B. Meissner 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Izetta Jewel Miller 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Ray T. Miller 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with E. A. Mobley 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Henry S. Moser 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with S. C. Moody 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with B. F. Moomaw 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with James E. Mooney 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Lewis J. Moorman 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Eunice Morris 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Stanley C. Morris 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: C. F. Morrison 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Walter Munro 1949-1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with A. S. Murphy 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: National Association of Manufacturers, Gov. Relations Advisory Committee 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Elliott Newcomb 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Lloyd Norman, Chicago Tribune 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: the recording for Congressman O'Hara 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with John H. Ohly 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Outstanding Servicemen 1949

  • Box 118

    List of Outstanding Servicemen, guests of Department of Defense 1950 Jan.

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Pageant Magazine 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Paul Palmer, Editor, Reader's Digest 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Wm. C. Parks 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Judge Robert Patterson 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Sedley Peck 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: O. E. Petersen 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Irving Pflaum, Chicago Sun Times 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Philippine Ambassador's visit 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Roxanna Pownall 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Robert H. Pritchard 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Norton G. Pritchett 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Mr. Potofsky 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with H. J. Procope 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Raymond S. Pruitt 1949

  • Box 118

    Memos re: Paul Ramadier 1949-1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with J. Arthur Rank 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with G. P. Reed 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with H. L. Remmel 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Report of the Service Academy Board 1950

  • Box 118

    Memo re: J. H. Retinger 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Major George Ribble 1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Elizabeth Robinson 1949

  • Box 118

    Memo re: Mr. Rogge 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with James Roosevelt 1949

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with Sol. A. Rosenblatt 1949-1950

  • Box 118

    Correspondence with A. M. Rucker 1950 Sept.

  • Box 118

    Memo re: General Ruiz 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Maharaja Jam Saheb of Nawanagar 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Carol O. Schmidt 1950

  • Box 119

    Memorandum re: Secretary's Daily Calendar of Appointments 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Michael Shea 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Daniel M. Sheaffer 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Doctor W. M. Sheppe 1949-1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Charles Shreve 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Lieut. General Frank Simpson 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with J. J. Singh 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Helen Sioussat, CBS 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Spyros Skouras 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Harry Slattery 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with J. D. Small 1949

  • Box 119

    Memorandum re: Sydney Small 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Arthur Clarendon Smith 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Millard F. Snider 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Benjamin Sonnenberg 1949

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Visit of S. African Ambassador 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Congressman Spence 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Harry Spratt 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with A. C. Spurr 1949-1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Sir Bertram Stevens 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Earl Stevenson 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Ingram Stainback 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Joe Starnes 1949

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Ernest Stauffen 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Col. Van R. Sternbergh 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Clarence Streit 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Robert A. Taft, Senator 1950 Sept.

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Olin Teague, Congressman 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Charles Allen Thomas 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Commander R. S. Thomas 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Louis B. Tim 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Col. Harry A. Toulmen 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Walter Trahan, Chicago Tribune 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with R. E. Truman 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with R. B. Tucker 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence re: Captain Vacheresse 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Arthur W. Vanaman 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Mrs. Robert Vaughn 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Tracy S. Voorhees, Under Secretary of the Army 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Doctor C. R. Wagner 1949

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Elmer Walker 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Col. James L. Walsh 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Thomas J. Ward 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Mark Watson, Baltimore Sun 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Thomas Watters 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with G. J. Watumull 1950 Sept.

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Wm. Webster 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Frank L. Weil 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Sumner Welles 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with R. H. White 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Robert W. White 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Westmore Willcox 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with A. N. Williams 1949

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with T. J. Williams 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with E. A. Williford 1950

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Richard Wilson 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Dr. Robert E. Wilson 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Dr. R. A. Winnacker, Office of Secretary of Defense 1950 Sept.

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with William F. Wise 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Marrs Wiseman 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Walter B. Witherell 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with Harry H. Woodring 1950

  • Box 119

    Rough draft, "The World Peace Act of 1950," and "The Leadership Emancipation Act of 1950" 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with General W. A. Worton 1950

  • Box 119

    Correspondence with James H. Wright 1949

  • Box 119

    Memo re: Wilson W. Wyatt 1949

  • Box 120

    Correspondence re: Photographs, autographed photos, includes some personal notes, A-Z, 2 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 120

    Correspondence re: Newspaper clippings, editorials, articles, cartoons, and television programs, A-E, 5 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 121

    Correspondence re: Newspaper clippings, editorials, articles, cartoons, and television programs, F-Q, 11 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 122

    Correspondence re: Newspaper clippings, editorials, articles, cartoons, and television programs, R-Y, 5 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 122

    Correspondence re: Johnson's appointment as Secretary of Defense, A-B, 2 folders 1949

  • Box 123

    Correspondence re: Johnson's appointment as Secretary of Defense, C-M, 11 folders 1949

  • Box 124

    Correspondence re: Johnson's appointment as Secretary of Defense, N-Y, 9 folders 1949

  • Box 124

    Correspondence re: the dinner in honor of Louis Johnson on March 28, 1949 1949 March-April

  • Box 125

    Correspondence re: the dinner in honor of Louis Johnson on March 28, 1949, Acceptances and Regrets, 2 folders 1949 March

  • Box 125

    Correspondence and Papers re: the dinner in honor of Louis Johnson, March 28, 1949 1949 March-May

  • Box 125

    Correspondence and Papers re: "Coffee Caucus," at the Army and Navy Club, March 29, 1949, for Louis Johnson 1949 March-July

  • Box 126

    Correspondence re: luncheon and dinner invitations from Secretary of Defense Johnson, A-W , 2 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 126

    Correspondence and Papers re: Nehru's dinner, Greenbrier Hotel, 5 folders (Removed and placed with series on India) 1949 June-1950 Jan.

  • Box 126

    Guest Lists, luncheon and dinner, of Secretary of Defense Johnson 1949-1950

  • Box 126

    Correspondence re: clubs, club memberships, and requests to serve on special committees, B-W , 2 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 126

    Correspondence re: letters of introduction for various people traveling abroad, B-J 1949-1950

  • Box 127

    Correspondence re: letters of introduction for various people traveling abroad, K-W 1949-1950

  • Box 127

    Correspondence: Louis Johnson's thank-you messages for copies of articles, books, and gifts, A-W , 2 folders 1949-1950

  • Box 127

    Correspondence and Papers re: Louis Johnson's visit to Creighton University for Commencement Exercises 1949 April-July

  • Box 127

    Correspondence and Papers re: Louis Johnson's visit to Marietta College for Commencement Exercises 1949 April-July

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: a proposed visit to New York University 1950 Feb.-March

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: Louis Johnson's visit to the Pennsylvania Military College for Commencement Exercises 1950 Jan.-June

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: Louis Johnson's visit to Villanova College for the Dedication of the Commodore John Barry Hall 1949

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: Louis Johnson's visit to Yeshiva University for Dedication Exercises 1949 May-June

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: 35th Division Reunion 1949 Jan. 24-Aug.

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: Neal Dow Becker Publisher's Dinner 1949 March 3-May

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: Conference of National Organizations 1949 March 4-April

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: National Celebrities Golf Tournament 1949 March 8-May

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: West Virginia, Department of Veterans Affairs Council Meeting 1949 March 9-July

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: 1949 National Convention of the American Red Cross 1949 March 9-July

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: Women's National Press Club Annual Dinner 1949 March 15-May

  • Box 128

    Correspondence and Papers re: U. S. S. ROANOKE commissioning 1949 March 16-May

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: an address at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Casualty and Surety Cos. 1949 March 17-1950 June

  • Box 128

    Correspondence with Lawrence Spivak re: "Meet the Press" 1949 March 21-1950 Aug.

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: Business Advisory Council 1949 March 22-April

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: American Legion State Convention, West Virginia 1949 March 28-July

  • Box 128

    Correspondence re: International Association of Insurance Council 1949 March 29-April

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Burning Tree, Golf Tournament 1949 March 30-April

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Commemoration of Sherman's War is Hell!" speech 1949 March 30-July

  • Box 129

    Invitation, French Ambassador 1949 March 30-April 2

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Navy Ball 1949 March 30-April

  • Box 129

    Invitation, U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff 1949 March 31

  • Box 129

    Invitation, the Commandant, USMC 1949 April 1

  • Box 129

    Invitation, His Britannic Majesty's Ambassador 1949 April 2

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Italian Ambassador 1949 April 2

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Eugene Myers 1949 April 4

  • Box 129

    Invitation to signing ceremony, North Atlantic Treaty 1949 April 4

  • Box 129

    Memo re: T. W. Hacker 1949 April 5

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: National Board of Fire Underwriters Dinner 1949 April 5-June

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: American Society of Newspaper Editors Banquet 1949 April 7-May

  • Box 129

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: the "military mind" before the Society for Newspaper Editors 1949 April 7-22

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Ambassador of the Philippines 1949 April 8

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: California Manufacturers Association Annual Banquet 1949 April 9-July

  • Box 129

    Invitation from Albert Cox 1949 April 11

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Independence Day address, Boston 1949 April 11, 18

  • Box 129

    Address by Louis Johnson at the Second Joint Orientation Course, Fort Benning, Georgia 1949 April 11

  • Box 129

    Memo - National Press Club Speech 1949 April 12

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: "I Am An American Day" address, N. Y. 1949 April 12-20

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Luncheon invitation from Harry F. Byrd 1949 April 12-1950 June

  • Box 129

    Invitation, the Colombian Ambassador 1949 April 13, 19

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Secretary of State 1949 April 13

  • Box 129

    Invitation, the Chatterbox Club 1949 April 14

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Copies of various speeches made by Secretary of Defense Johnson 1949 April 15-1950 June

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Recognition dinner in Clarksburg 1949 April 18-June

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Capital Airlines 1949 April 18, 22

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: "Salute to President of Israel" 1949 April 19-21

  • Box 129

    Correspondence re: Ceremonies on V-J Day 1949 April 19-May

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Rear Admiral F. Stam 1949 April 21

  • Box 129

    Correspondence with Samuel F. Haines, M. D., Mayo Clinic 1949 April 22-29

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Joseph Davies 1949 April 24

  • Box 129

    Invitation, Hoosier reception 1949 April 24

  • Box 129

    Correspondence and Papers re: Johnson's visit to Ottawa, 11 August 1949 1949 April 25-Aug.

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Sir Frederick Shedden 1949 April 27

  • Box 130

    Invitation, the Congressional Club 1950 April 27

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Secretary of Commerce 1951 April 27

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: a speech at the Air War College 1949 April 28-1950 March

  • Box 130

    Correspondence and Papers re: Congress of American Industry Address 1949 April 29-Dec.

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Mrs. George Mesta 1949 April 30

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Mr. Justice Reed 1949 May 1

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: American Forestry Association Meeting 1949 May 4-Aug.

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: the Chatterbox Club 1949 May 4-June

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: Time, Inc. 1949 May 4-12

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Chief of Staff, U. S. Army 1949 May 4

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: National War College graduation exercises 1949 May 5-June

  • Box 130

    Memo re: Gridiron Dinner 1949 May 5-June

  • Box 130

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's remarks before the 37th Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce 1949 May-June 9

  • Box 130

    Correspondence and Papers re: talks before the Roanoke Chamber of Commerce 1949 May 6-1950 Feb.

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: Kiwanis International Convention 1949 May 11-July

  • Box 130

    Memo re: Veterans Administration Radio Show 1949 May 12

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: Highway Safety Conference 1949 May 12-June

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: 80th birthday of M. L. Benedum 1949 May 12-July

  • Box 130

    Invitation, the Vice-President 1949 May 13

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: Maryland State Bar Association Address 1949 May 13

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Reception for Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt 1949 May 14

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Industrial College of the Armed Forces 1949 May 17, 20

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo 1949 May 17, 23

  • Box 130

    Invitation, John Osborne, Time, Inc. 1949 May 18, 21

  • Box 130

    Invitation, President Truman 1949 May 18

  • Box 130

    Correspondence with J. Raymond Berry, National Board of Fire Underwriters 1949 May 19

  • Box 130

    Invitations, President of Brazil 1949 May 20, 21

  • Box 130

    Invitation, Ambassador of Argentina 1949 May 25

  • Box 130

    Correspondence re: L. Johnson's speech re: a memorial tablet to Thomas Jefferson 1949 May 25-Sept.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: an international "building code" for world peace before the National Board of Fire Underwriters 1949 May 26-Oct.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: The American Legion Convention in Philadelphia 1949 May 27-Sept.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence re: Blair Moody Dinner 1949 May 31-June

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech at Creighton University 1949 June 2-Aug.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence re: Business Advisory Council Dinner 1949 June 2

  • Box 131

    Memo re: Perry Brown, American Legion 1949 June 2

  • Box 131

    Memoranda re: American Legion, Nebraska State Convention 1949 June 8-28

  • Box 131

    Correspondence re: Bicentennial of Washington and Lee 1949 June 8-July

  • Box 131

    Correspondence re: Ninetieth Division Association Reunion 1949 June 9-Oct.

  • Box 131

    Invitation, British Ambassador 1949 June 9

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech at the Dedication Exercises, Yeshiva University 1949 June-Sept.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: Founder's Day Speech, University of Virginia 1949 June 15-1950 April

  • Box 131

    Correspondence re: Louis Johnson's article "Teamwork for Defense," published in the American Magazine, 1949 July 1949 June 15-Aug.

  • Box 131

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: Defense Dept. policy and plans before the National War College 1949 June 21-Aug. 15

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech on the Red Cross 1949 June 21-Aug

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's Fourth of July Speech 1949 June 23-Aug.

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Ambassador of Thailand 1949 June 24

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Frederick Alger Post #86, American Legion 1949 June 24-Sept.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Joint Chiefs Meeting 1949 June 30-July

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Munitions Board luncheon 1949 July 1-26

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Ambassador of Pakistan 1949 July 1

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Theater Owners of America dinner 1949 July 5-Sept.

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Women's Nation Press Club 1949 July 6-8

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Moose State 1949 July 11-Aug.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence with Henry L. Stevens, Judge 1949 July 12, 15

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Air Force Association, Navy League, Army Club joint meeting 1949 July 14-Aug.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: the AAA annual meeting 1949 July 15-Nov.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: West Virginia ?Society Dinner 1949 July 19-1950 Feb.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Charles Town V-J Celebration 1949 July 21-Aug.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's Defense Broadcasts, "The Nation's Defenses" 1949 July 22-Oct.

  • Box 132

    Invitation, the Polish Ambassador 1949 July 22

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Ambassador of Burma 1949 July 25, Aug. 18

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Ambassador of Liberia 1949 July 26

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: a speech by J. Wm. Fulbright, "America At the Cross Roads" 1949 July 27-29

  • Box 132

    Correspondence with Aviator's Post 1949 Aug. 2, 8

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Industrial College of the Armed Forces 1949 Aug. 3-Sept.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: United Nations Week, Detroit 1949 Aug. 5-17

  • Box 132

    Invitation, American Newspaper Women's Club 1949 Aug. 7

  • Box 132

    Invitation, the President 1949 Aug. 8

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: Annual Inspection of the NACA Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland 1949 Aug. 9-Sept.

  • Box 132

    Invitation, the Philippine Ambassador 1949 Aug. 9

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Dinner for Pandit Nehru 1949 Aug. 18-Oct.

  • Box 132

    Invitation, Ambassador of Union of South Africa 1949 Aug. 19

  • Box 132

    Correspondence and Papers re: New England Council Annual Meeting 1949 Aug. 19-Nov.

  • Box 132

    Correspondence re: Freedom House Dinner 1949 Aug. 26-Oct.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: American Memorial Foundation Benefit 1949 Sept. 5-9

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: a reception for the President of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale 1949 Sept. 8-14

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: the Army and Navy football game 1949 Sept. 9-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Navy-Princeton game 1949 Sept. 9, 22

  • Box 133

    Correspondence with Robert Johnson, Chairman, Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report 1949 Sept. 9-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Invitation, Secretary of the Treasury 1949 Sept. 14

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: Gold Medal Award of the Interfaith in Action 1949 Sept. 15-Dec.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: American Federation of Labor Convention 1949 Sept. 15-1950 March

  • Box 133

    Invitations, Secretary of Sate 1949 Sept. 17-Oct.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: World Town Hall Seminar 1949 Sept. 19-Oct.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: L. Johnson's speech re: National defense at the Theatre Owners of America Convention 1949 Sept. 21-29

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: Defense before the American Ordnance Association 1949 Sept. 22-Nov. 9

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Fort Worth Independent Petroleum Association 1949 Sept. 23

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities Convention 1949 Sept. 28-Oct.

  • Box 133

    Invitation, Commandant Potomac River Naval Command 1949 Sept. 29

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: Commercial Club of Chicago and Irish Fellowship Club of Chicago speeches 1949 Sept. 29-1950 April

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Athenaeum of Summit, N. J. 1949 Oct. 2, 5

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Fifteenth Air Force Society 1949 Oct. 3-28

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Canadian Women's Clubs luncheon 1949 Oct. 4-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: the Tax Foundation 1950 Oct. 4-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: National Executive Committee, American Legion 1951 Oct. 4-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: a hunting trip with Brooke Claxton, Minister of National Defense 1949 Oct. 4-25

  • Box 133

    Invitation, British Ambassador 1949 Oct. 6

  • Box 133

    Correspondence re: Navy-Notre Dame football game 1949 Oct. 7, 14

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: New York Herald Tribune Forum 1949 Oct. 10-Nov.

  • Box 133

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: reduction of defense expenditures 1949 Oct. 10-1950 March 10

  • Box 134

    Invitation, the President 1949 Oct. 11

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Washington Chapter of the University of Virginia Alumni Association 1949 Oct. 11-1950 Feb.

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Luncheon with Senators Johnson and Brewster 1949 Oct. 13-14

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: The Sojourners Club 1949 Oct. 13-Nov.

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: United Nations Childrens Fund 1949 Oct. 18

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Kiwanis luncheon 1949 Oct. 19, 24

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Business Advisory Council Luncheon for Nehru at Homestead Hotel 1949 Oct. 19-Nov.

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: The Citizens Army of the U. S. meeting 1949 Oct. 19-21

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Homecoming celebration, West Virginia University 1949 Oct. 21

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Gridiron Dinner 1949 Oct. 24-Dec.

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Eric Johnston 1949 Oct. 24

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: defense policy 1949 Oct. 26-Nov. 25

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Democratic National Committee Dinner 1949 Oct. 27-Dec.

  • Box 134

    Invitation to U. S. Naval Academy 1949 Nov. 1, 3

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: Annual Bar Dinner, N. Y. Co. Lawyers' Association 1949 Nov. 4-Dec.

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: preparedness and national defense 1949 Nov. 5-Dec. 16

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: Brotherhood Week, 1950 1949 Nov. 6-1950 April

  • Box 134

    Invitation, U. S. S. R. Ambassador 1949 Nov. 7

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Dinner for Harold Stuart 1949 Nov. 9, 14

  • Box 134

    U. S. Naval Medical School Course description 1949 Nov. 10

  • Box 134

    Invitation, National Guard 1949 Nov. 10

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Harrison Co. Democratic Club of Women Voters 1949 Nov. 10, 14

  • Box 134

    Speech by Louis Johnson re: Armistice Day and Defense Economy 1949 Nov. 11

  • Box 134

    Dinner Invitations from President Truman 1949 Nov. 16-1950

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Post Mortem Club 1949 Nov. 17-23

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Ambassador of Iran 1949 Nov. 18

  • Box 134

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech re: National Defense and economy 1949 Nov. 18-Dec. 6

  • Box 134

    Invitation, Southern Society Meeting 1949 Nov. 22

  • Box 134

    Correspondence re: Natural Law Institute 1949 Nov. 22-Dec.

  • Box 134

    Invitation, British Ambassador 1949 Nov. 22

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech, "The Ramparts We Watch" 1949 Nov. 23-1950 Jan. 10

  • Box 135

    Invitation, Commandant Schuirmann 1949 Nov. 26

  • Box 135

    Invitation, honoring Wm. M. Boyle 1949 Nov. 29, Dec. 2

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: a trip to Paris for the North Atlantic Defense Committee Meetings 1949 Nov.-1950 Jan.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Dinner in honor of Associate Justice Tom C. Clark 1949 Dec. 1-1950 Jan.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Over-Seas Writers' Luncheon 1949 Dec. 5-17

  • Box 135

    Memo re: Presentation of seal of Department of Defense at West Point 1949 Dec. 7

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's speech, "Unification" Means Dollars and Makes Sense" 1949 Dec. 13-1950 Aug. 14

  • Box 135

    TLS, Mrs. Joseph V. Reed to Louis Johnson 1949 Dec. 16

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Address at the Command and General Staff College 1949 Dec. 16-1950 Sept.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: the 1950 Kiwanis International Convention 1949 Dec. 23-1950 June

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: Robert P. Patterson's speech, "Unification in the Armed Forces" 1949 Dec. 29-1950

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: American Ordnance Association Luncheon 1949 Dec. 30-1950 Feb.

  • Box 135

    Draft for March issue of American Legion Magazine , "The First Year is the Hardest" 1949 Dec.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 1950 Jan. 4-Feb.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Annual Wallow of the Military Order of the Carabao 1950 Jan. 4-Feb.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: the Publisher' Dinner 1950 Jan. 5-1950 May

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: a banquet in honor of President Truman 1950 Jan. 6-10

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: An award for Amon Carter 1950 Jan. 9-10

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: A benefit Dog Show 1950 Jan. 9-11

  • Box 135

    Correspondence re: Norge Ski Club Trophy 1950 Jan. 9-Feb.

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: Reserve Officers Association Banquet 1950 Jan. 9-July

  • Box 135

    Correspondence and Papers re: John F. Floberg's speech, "Your Navy Today and Tomorrow" 1950 Jan. 13-17

  • Box 136

    Invitation to dinner in honor of Chiefs of Staff Committee, Canada - U. S. Regional Planning Group, NATO 1950 Jan. 17

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: White House News Photographers' Association Dinner 1950 Jan. 17-Feb.

  • Box 136

    Correspondence and Papers re: the Thirty-fifth Division Reunion at St. Louis 1950 Jan. 18-June

  • Box 136

    Invitation to luncheon for the Vice-President and Mrs. Barkley 1950 Jan. 22

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Annual dinner of the Women's National Press Club 1950 Jan. 25-April

  • Box 136

    Correspondence and Papers re: Overseas Press Club of America Annual Dinner 1950 Jan. 25-March

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Breakfast in honor of the President 1950 Jan. 26-Feb.

  • Box 136

    Correspondence and Papers re: Depart of Justice Speech 1950 Feb. 6-March

  • Box 136

    Correspondence and Papers re: U. S. Naval Academy speech 1950 Feb. 7-June

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Visit to Key West 1950 Feb. 8-May

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: White House Correspondents' Association Dinner 1950 Feb. 9-March

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Armed Services Liaison Committee 1950 Feb. 13-March

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Reserve Officers Association of Texas Convention 1950 Feb. 13-23

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Exhibition of orchids 1950 Feb. 14-June

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Association of Radio News Analysts Luncheon 1950 Feb. 21-24

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Address at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Washington, D. C. 1950 Feb. 21-July

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Eleanor Roosevelt's television debate proposal 1950 Feb. 23-April

  • Box 136

    Correspondence and Papers re: L. Johnson's remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner, 20 May 1950 1950 Feb. 23-June

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Union Industries Show 1950 Feb. 28-March

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: A request to speak at Davis-Elkins 1950 March 1-April

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: 14th National School Safety Patrol Parade 1950 March 2-April

  • Box 136

    Correspondence re: Operation Portrex 1950 March 6-15

  • Box 137

    Miscellaneous dinner and wedding invitations 1950 March 6-Oct.

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: U. S. Savings Bond Dinner 1950 March 7, 13

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Second Division Reunion 1950 March 10-June

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Opening session of the Third Meeting of the North Atlantic Defense Committee 1950 March 11-June

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Dinners by General Bradley 1950 March 12-May

  • Box 137

    Memorandum re: U. S. Air Force Fighter Gunnery Meet 1590 March 14

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: A parade in honor of the Secretary of the Army 1950 March 15-April

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: a telecast "On Trial" 1950 March 22-April

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: a panel discussion on the military budget 1950 April 6-11

  • Box 137

    Correspondence and Papers re: National Board of Fire Underwriters Dinner 1950 April 6-May

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Joint Exercise SWARMER 1950 April13-15

  • Box 137

    Address of Lewis L. Strauss before the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce 1950 April 14

  • Box 137

    Invitation to sit on Speakers Stand, Salute to Freedom Celebration 1950 April 14

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Observation of Demon III 1950 April 17-19

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: an exhibition at the Truxton-Decatur Museum 1950 April 20

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Joint Civilian Orientation Conference 1950 April 21-July

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Luncheon on Pier 60 for the initial shipment of food to Berlin 1950 April 21, 24

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Armed Forces Day 1950 April 22-May

  • Box 137

    Invitation to swearing in of Mr. Symington as Chairman of NSRB 1950 April 24

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: the Northwest Institute of International Relations Conference 1950 April 29-June

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: a trip to Ramey Air Forces Base, Puerto Rico 1950 May 4-Aug.

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Speeches by J. Edgar Hoover 1950 May 5-June

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: a speech by General Omar Bradley 1950 May 18, 26

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: the presentation of a trophy by the Army and Navy Journal 1950 May 26, 31

  • Box 137

    Correspondence re: Monogahela Golf party 1950 May 29-July

  • Box 137

    Lists of invitations regretted by Secretary and Mrs. Johnson 1950 May, July

  • Box 138

    Correspondence and Papers re: a visit to Mexico and other Latin American countries 1950 June 1-Sept.

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: a joint dinner of NSIA and American Ordnance 1950 June 1

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: President's Committee on National Employ-The-Physically-Handicapped Week 1950 June 15-Aug.

  • Box 138

    Invitation to the laying of the Cornerstone, U. S. Courthouse for the District of Columbia 1950 June 27

  • Box 138

    Correspondence and Papers re: Johnson's trip to Japan and visit with the Eighth Army, 2 folders 1950 June

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: West Virginia, Bankers Association Convention 1950 July 17

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: American Federation of Labor Convention 1950 July 19-Sept.

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: the Sesquicentennial of the U. S. Military Academy 1950 July 26-Aug.

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: a cruise on Admiral Sherman's barge 1950 July 31

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: a cruise weekend on board the U. S. S. Sequoia 1950 Aug. 15

  • Box 138

    Invitation to celebrate the Dominican Republic's Restoration Day 1950 Aug. 16

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: Commanders Banquet, The American Legion Convention 1950 Aug. 26-Sept.

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: Address at the American Bar Association 1950 Aug. 26-Sept.

  • Box 138

    Correspondence re: National Industrial Conference Board Dinner 1950 Sept. 8-16

  • Box 138

    Correspondence and Papers, Miscellaneous invitations for speaking engagements 1949 Nov.-1950 Sept.

  • Louis Arthur Johnson Papers 
         1930-1964 (2024)
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    Name: Rob Wisoky

    Birthday: 1994-09-30

    Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

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    Job: Education Orchestrator

    Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

    Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.