Best Solas build - Complete Guide (2024)

By zanuffas
Last updated:


In this post, I will be covering how you should build your Solas for best damage and AI support. This will help you better enjoy Dragon Age Inquisition.

Solas is an elf who will join your party early in the game. He prefers to stay in the Veil, and will provide interesting dialogues.

Important! The companion build is compatible with Nightmare difficulty, however, to pull it off correctly, be sure to have a good Inquisitor build

So let us go through Solas build


  • Solas level 1 - 10
  • Solas Winter Rift Mage build
    • Abilities investment - short version
    • Abilities investment - long version
    • Solas Stats
    • Equipment
    • Solas Tactics
  • Conclusion

Solas level 1 - 10

Until level 10 we want Solas to be a good mage all around for a few reasons:

  • Enemies are fairly strong when you play on harder difficulties
  • In case you do not have another mage, Solas should be able to cast all element magic
  • Solas also needs to support your party with Barrier spell
1Barrier + Energetic DefenseThis is the main ability to save your party members by providing them with barriers
2Best Solas build - Complete Guide (2)Winter's Grasp
Although it is expensive ability in terms of MP, it will freeze enemies
3Best Solas build - Complete Guide (3)Immolate
Fire spell, that has small AOE and decent damage
With this passive talent if you land a critical hit the next spell doesn't have a cooldown
5Best Solas build - Complete Guide (5)Energy Barrage + Energy BombardmentWorks well with Flashpoint. Moreover, you can use it to release projectiles of any element that your staff has.
6Best Solas build - Complete Guide (6)Peaceful Aura
With this talent enemies will target you less
7Best Solas build - Complete Guide (7)Dispel
Use it to take out enemy spawning from the Veil tear. Useful spell early in the game
8Best Solas build - Complete Guide (8)Conductive Current
The more mana you lose the more damage you will do with your spells

Once you reach level 11, specializations will unlock and you can start working on the full Solas build

Solas Winter Rift Mage build

With this Build, Solas will take a role of a support mage crowd controlling the battlefield. To best utilize it I recommend having another mage in the party (either Inquisitor or Vivienne/Dorian) who could concentrate on dealing large amounts of damage.

Thanks to the skills acquired Solas will have no problems by constantly freezing, weakening, and knocking down enemies.

Remember that you will need to respecialize skills before making this build

Abilities investment - short version

In this section, I will show skill tree images so that the reader could get a fast overview on how Sola's skill points should be allocated

IMPORTANT: Get relevant Amulet of Power for Solas to maximize the number of ability points

Spirit Tree

Sola's main objective is to get Barrier to support party members

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (9)

Storm tree

Storm tree will provide Energy Barrage. With this ability, you can expand Solas elemental damage by using different staves

Inferno tree

Fire tree unlocks good passive talents that decrease spell cooldowns

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (11)

Winter tree

Winter tree will provide spells to crowd control enemies: freeze and chill them

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (12)

Rift Mage

Solas main specialization tree gives mana regeneration passive and spells to weaken enemies

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (13)

Abilities investment - long version

In this section, I will go through all the skills and talents that need to be picked for this Solas build in the Dragon Age Inquisition.

IMPORTANT: Get relevant Amulet of Power for Solas to maximize the number of ability points

1Best Solas build - Complete Guide (14)Veilstrike + Punching DownAlthough this ability does not deal any damage it knocks down enemies with AOE. Moreover, it applies to a weakened state.
2Best Solas build - Complete Guide (15)Restorative VeilDealing damage with Solas to enemies will restore MP
3Best Solas build - Complete Guide (16)Stonefist + Shatterstone
Deals 500% of Weapon damage and knocks down enemies. Moreover, with the upgrade, it provides 4 meter AOE effect.
4Best Solas build - Complete Guide (17)Encircling VeilStatus effects will stay longer for 25% against weakened enemies
5Best Solas build - Complete Guide (18)Twisting VeilDamage Bonus of 15% to Weakened enemies
6Best Solas build - Complete Guide (19)Winter's GraspAlthough this ability can freeze enemies we take it more for progression reasons. It is not as useful due to high Mana costs.
7Best Solas build - Complete Guide (20)Winter StillnessMana Regeneration will increase 3 seconds after you sit still
8Best Solas build - Complete Guide (21)Ice Mine + Brittle GlyphExtremely strong ability. Although it will not deal damage, it will totally reduce enemy armor. Moreover, it will freeze enemies holding them in place
9Best Solas build - Complete Guide (22)Ice ArmorReduces incoming damage
10Best Solas build - Complete Guide (23)Blizzard + Winter WindsYour staple DPS spell. It will create a large storm that will constantly deal damage, chill, and freeze enemies. You will want Solas to use it as often
11Best Solas build - Complete Guide (24)ImmolateA great spell to have in the arsenal in case enemies are weak to fire. However, the main reason we take it is to unlock the next passive skills
12FlashpointAfter a critical hit, Solas' next spell will have no cooldown
13Best Solas build - Complete Guide (26)Clean BurnEach spell cast will reduce your other spell cooldown by 1 second.
14Barrier + Energetic DefenseI suggest having a barrier-generating spell. It is extremely useful to have to strengthen your other group members
15Best Solas build - Complete Guide (28)Peaceful AuraReduces generated threat. This means that Solas will be attacked less
16Best Solas build - Complete Guide (29)Energy Barrage + Energy BombardmentExtremely strong ability. Its element will depend on what staff you have. For this reason, I recommend having non-cold staff.
17Best Solas build - Complete Guide (30)FirestormFocus ability. I suggest taking it as it is extremely effective against large enemies like dragons or bosses

With this, the core of the build is finished.

Late game skill investments

These abilities are the ones which I think are useful to have to further improve your build:

  • Dispel - to remove summoning of the enemies when Veil Tear appears
  • Pull of The Abyss + Devouring Veil - I think this ability is good, but it requires additional micromanaging to be cast correctly
  • Conductive Current - increase your damage the less mana Solas has

Solas Stats

  • Critical chance - I suggest having 50% - 75%. This way you will ensure that most of your attacks are critical

  • Critical Damage – After you have a high critical rate of at least 50%. Concentrate on critical damage.

  • Dexterity - will boost critical damage. Prioritize this once Solas has a high critical rate of 50%+

  • Willpower - increases attack and gives bonus magic defense

  • Magic - Increases your overall attack

  • Attack - overall increase to attack

  • Armor – a priority for low levels, up to level 10. Mage's are quite squishy and you want Solas to survive


In this section, I will go through recommended equipment for Solas

Weapons - obtainable

Generally, the ones with a boost to critical damage should be equipped when Solas has a 50%+ critical chance

1Hakkon's WisdomThis staff gives +100% critical damage. It is a good alternative to Isana's Song if you have at least a 50% Critical chance
2Isana's SongThis staff can be obtained in The Descent DLC. Provides +41 to magic. In terms of pure damage, it has no equals. It also has a 10% chance to cast Chain Lightning.
3Earnest ReprisalI recommend this staff, only if you have a high critical chance of 50% or more. That is hard to pull off on level 18 for Solas.
4Staff of the VoidThe staff is obtained from high dragon Hivernal. Moreover, it provides adequate stats

Weapons - craftable

Generally, I prefer craftable staves if you have good masterwork and other materials

1Staff of Corruption SchematicAlthough this is Tier 4, I would still go for Wrath of Lovias Schematic that provides better slots for the end game.
2Encore SchematicOne of the best staves in the game as it gives offensive buffs for all party members
3Wrath of Lovias SchematicThe stave gives leather slots for increased critical chance or critical damage

Armors - obtainable

Here is a recommended list of obtainable armors that you can wear.

1Vestments of the PureSimilar to craftable version. So choose the one that you prefer. Gives 45 points to willpower
2Masterwork Battlemage ArmorReduces the cost of the abilities and spells. Moreover, gives +6 to the magic attribute
3Robes of the High KeeperThe Robe provides decent stats, especially if you use Focus abilities often

Armors - craftable

I think all of the armors listed below are extremely good, choose the one to your liking

1Superior Battlemage Armor SchematicBest craftable Armor. This version has one Cloth and a leather utility slot. Quite powerful and can be bought in Hissing Wastes. Moreover, you can add Arms and Legs upgrades to have an even larger boost to damage
2Superb Antaam-saar Schematic
For this armor, you will need Spoils of the Qunari DLC pack. The schematic gives 3 Utility slots to increase offensive stats. I think it trades blows with Superior Battlemage Armor Schematic, due to the leather slots that it provides
3Vestments of the Pure SchematicTop-tier armor schematic. However, it does not have leather utility/offensive slots

Helmets - obtainable

1Cowl of the PureCan be an alternative to the Mask of the Grand duch*ess. However, it will only increase attack and not critical stats
2Helm of the Drasca
A mid-tier helmet, I would recommend equipping this if you do not have the Winter Palace masks or Cowl of the Pure
3Best Solas build - Complete Guide (46)Ambassador's MaskI would still recommend Mask of the Grand duch*ess. However, if you have a high critical rate (50%+), this helmet is much better.
4Mask of the Grand duch*essThe best helmet in terms of the boost to critical chance.

Helmets - Craftable

1Superior Skirmisher Hat SchematicGreat slots for increasing critical stats. best craft
2Battlemage Cowl SchematicUpgraded version of Tier 2 schematic. Provides better utility slots. Similar to other Tier 3 schematics
3Superior Seer CowlSimilar to the other options in Tier 3.


-Amulet of PowerGives Solas a single ability point. It is consumed once you use it.
1Andraste’s SacrificeThis amulet provides both mana regeneration and a reduced cooldown modifier. However, it can be risky as occasionally enemies will get taunted as a side effect.
2Master Cooldown AmuletBecause Solas will have plentiful mana, having faster cooldowns will benefit immensely
3Superb Amulet of CunningUse this amulet to increase Solas' critical chance by 5%
4Superb Amulet of DexterityEquip this amulet once you reach a high critical chance of about 50% or more
5Amulet of RenewalThis amulet will increase the mana regeneration rate


1Superior Belt of FocusI suggest equipping this belt if you get Firestorm focus ability and allow Solas to use it
2Enhanced Belt of Winter PactAlthough this belt increases the cold spell's power by 125% you will have the HP decreased by 50%
3Superb Belt of HealthThe belt can be obtained in Emerald Greaves. It gives +200 health.
4Belt of LifeSimilar to the above belt provides a large increase in HP.


1Ring of SlicingThe rings boost critical damage by 10% and critical chance by 5%. It is one of the best rings for this build
2Superb Ring of Critical DamageGives +20% critical damage, equip it once you have high enough critical Chance
3Superb Ring of Critical ChanceGives a +10% critical chance. Great to boost it, if you have less than 50%
4Superb Ring of AttackBoosts overall attack damage
5Enhanced Blizzard RingOnce you have Blizzard ability, this ring will boost its damage by 30%

Solas Tactics

Solas will have to use almost all 8 of his skill slots. I think this is possible due to the way Rift mages regenerate mana: dealing constant damage. Here is my tactics setup:

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (66)

All skills should be set to "Active", except these: Winter's Grasp and Firestorm. Here is my reasoning:

  • Firestorm should be used during difficult encounters, however, if you forget to use it then set "Active"
  • Winter's Grasp is quite costly and does not deal a lot of damage. For this reason, I would rather have Solas spending the mana on other spells.


I hope you enjoyed reading this guide. I tried to go into great detail about how you should be building Solas in Dragon Age Inquisition. This includes spells, stats, and tactics.

Feel free to leave any feedback down in the comments below

Best Solas build - Complete Guide (2024)


Can you kiss Solas? ›

Shortly after arriving in Skyhold, speaking to Solas will spark a conversation between him and the player where they wander through a Fade-version of Haven. If the flirtation option is picked, the player will be prompted to kiss Solas.

How do you make Solas like you? ›

Gain Approval

Letting him know he can trust the Inquisitor to protect him from the Inquisition, who aren't exactly keen on mages, is a good place to begin. Asking Solas questions about himself and his interest in the Fade, and expressing fascination and interest in his answers, will continue to build on that approval.

How do you trigger Solas cutscenes? ›

Cutscene at Haven (first one) Cutscene at Skyhold, reliant on high approval (choose the star option when speaking to him/asking to know more about him) Companion quest cutscene, requires first Skyhold cutscene and high approval. Another cutscene at Skyhold, requires companion quest completed and high approval.

What does Solas want to do? ›

Remorseful over his direct role in the downfall of his people, Solas now plans to unmake the Veil he created millennia ago and restore the ancient elven world by reuniting the physical world and the Fade, being fully aware and regretful that this act may potentially destroy the world in its present state and killing ...

Does Solas actually love Lavellan? ›

It sets it up for the player who has romanced Solas to know that their romance was real, that, finally, Solas and Lavellan have a positive ending, and their love was not for nothing. It sets it apart from a storyline with a non-Solas romanced Inquisitor in a way that's meaningful but not difficult to do.

How do you get the secret Solas ending? ›

Secret Solas Ending
  1. Heading to the Eleven Ruins. Early on in the game you will head to a secret shiny Eleven ruin in that ruin you have the options to explore a Castle like citadel in the final portion of the map. ...
  2. Go Deeper into the Deep Roads. ...
  3. Shattering in the Shattered Library. ...
  4. The Final Piece to the Puzzle.

Is blood magic evil Solas? ›

In Inquisition, Solas states that blood magic, used properly, is no more evil than any other type of magic. He also says, however, that the use of blood magic makes entering the Fade more difficult, which is why he doesn't use it

Can you romance Solas as an elf? ›

Can you romance Solas in Dragon Age: Inquisition? Yes but only as a female Elf. You also have to try not to be too “dalish” or too “city”, he really dislikes both elven cultures.

How to tell if Solas likes you? ›

If the inquisitor is an elf, Solas will occasionally greet him/her with "Lethallin"/"Lethallan" and bid the Inquisitor farewell with "Goodbye." If romanced, Solas will greet her with "My heart" or "Vhenan" or just a simple, quiet "Hello" and bid her farewell with "Dareth shiral."

Have Solas removed vallaslin? ›

Further, it is the mere fact that he finds himself in this scenario at all that makes him realize he has endured a massive, unexpected failure, and so he must abort. In the end, Solas removes Lavellan's vallaslin as a consolation for his cowardice, and in the process, he makes a promise he cannot keep.

Should I bring Solas to fight Corypheus? ›

After you defeat Corypheus, Solas will not be available as a party member, nor will you be able to access his inventory. If you plan to do other side quests or DLCs afterwards, you should not bring Solas to the final fight and should remove all his equipped gear before hand.

Who can romance Josephine? ›

GenderRomanceable By (Gender, Race)Personal Quest
FemaleMales and Females, AnyOf Somewhat Fallen Fortune, Heraldry From a Herald, An Unexpected Engagement

What is Solas's real name? ›

Solas, better known as Fen'Harel, is an extremely powerful and ancient mage who is wrongly believed to be a god.

Does Solas betray you? ›

By now, Solas' betrayal and ultimate reveal as the elven god Fen'harel is much less of a shock than it is the result of excellent foreshadowing done by the writers. Solas either intentionally, or by accident, almost shatters his carefully constructed mask of a lonely hermit mage.

Why did they make Solas bald? ›

Solas, a unique party member in the Dragon Age games, stands out with his bald head, symbolizing his ageless wisdom and making him seem unassuming. Solas' true motivation is guilt, as he seeks to correct his past mistakes that caused the fall of the elves and their loss of magic in Thedas.

Can you romance Solas in Dreadwolf? ›

You can only romance Solas if you're a female elf, a measured decision by writer Patrick Weekes to avoid perpetuating the 'depraved bisexual' trope.

Can you romance another character after Solas? ›

The romance fizzles at this point; make sure to break up with Solas first, or romance options with other characters will not be possible.

How to lock Solas romance? ›

The Inquisitor can flirt with Solas starting in Haven.

Following the move to Skyhold, the Inquisitor can soft lock the romance during the cutscene in the Fade, if she chooses to kiss him. To proceed in the romance, the player will need to complete Solas' second personal quest, All New, Faded For Her.

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