When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (2024)

Move over ‘farm to table’, and make room for seed to table! Growing a vegetable garden from seed is an incredibly exciting and rewarding process. It doesn’t get any more fresh and nutritious. Yet new gardeners may feel overwhelmed or confused about exactly when to start seeds, and this is an important piece of the puzzle to figure out. Knowing the correct timing when to start seeds and transplant seedlings outside in your particular area isparamount for success! Thankfully, it is fairly easy to get an ideal planting schedule down – once you learn more about your growing zone, frost dates, and the crops you’d like to grow. Even better, we’ve done most of that hard work for you!

  • In this article, you’ll find our Homestead and Chillgarden planting calendars for every USDA hardiness zone 2 through 12. The planting calendars provide a visual guide on exactly when to start seeds indoors, transplant seedlings outdoors, or sow seeds directly outside – for over a dozen different vegetables! The garden planting calendars are also printable. We keep ours in a sheet protector on our fridge for easy reference.

Not growing entirely from seed? No problem! You can still use the garden planting calendar to determine the best time to plant outnursery bought seedlingsin your area too. Just follow the “transplant outside” dates. But first, let’s go over a few concepts that will help you decipher how to make best use of your new garden planting calendar.

Starting Seeds Too Early, or Planting Too Late

What happens when I start seeds at the wrong time, you ask? Well, planting seeds directly outdoors too early in spring can result in slow, uneven, orpoor germinationresults due to cold soil temperatures. Similarly, transplanting seedlings outside too early may put them at risk of harm from frost or inclimate weather. Even in frost-free climates, winter-sown seeds (or transplanted seedlings) willgrow very slowlyoutside due to the short daylight hours compared to when they’re planted in spring or fall.

If you’re an eager beaver and start seeds indoors too soon, you may end up with leggy, overgrown, root-bound, or otherwise overly mature seedlings before conditions are ideal to transplant them outside. Root-bound seedlings may become stunted permanently. Be sure to pot uplarge seedlings as needed to help prevent this!

On the other hand, starting seeds or planting seedlings too late into the spring season canput your garden behind schedule, and result in delayed maturity and harvests. While they may not like freezing conditions, some vegetable crops thrive in the cooler weather of early spring and will be unhappy if you plop them outdoors in the middle of summer heat. Even worse, a late start in a zone with a short growing season may result in the plant failing to produce it’s bounty before the first fall frost arrives!

Be sure to visit ourIndoor Seed Startin Guideto learn all the best practices for seed starting, including how to provide the ideal warmth, light, water, fertilizer, and more. You can also find our favorite seed starting supplies here.

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (1)

A nice healthy root system on this seedling, starting to wind around a bit… but not yet “root bound”. We prevent our greenhouse(“indoor”) seedlings from becoming root bound by starting them in largerseedling potsand/orpotting them uponce or twice before they are transplanted outside.

Frost Dates and Seed Starting

Determining the right time when to start seeds indoors (and transplant seedlings outside) begins with learning the frost dates in your area. The “first frost”is the average time of year that the first frost occurs in fall or winter, and it is expected to be increasingly cold from there on out. The“last frost”date is the average time when you may expect the last frost in spring (or late winter) in your area before things begin to warm up once again.

Every type of vegetable has a general recommended timing of when to start seeds indoors or transplant seedlings outside relative to the last spring frost date. Or in some cases, prior to the first frost of fall. For example, if you flip over a package of seeds you’ll likely see instructions such as“sow seeds indoors 5 weeks before last frost”or “plant outside 2 weeks after last the frost has passed”.

As you can imagine, counting forward or backward several weeks to determine the perfect timing to plant dozens of veggies can easily get confusing and difficult to keep track of! Even more, some seed packages don’t include instructions for timing at all. That is where our garden planting calendars save the day, packing all that information into one easy-to-follow page.

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (2)

Botainical Interestsis great about including information on when to start seeds on their seed packages. Not all companies do, which leaves you guessing or looking elsewhere. Curious where we buy seeds? Check outthese 12 places that sell organic, heirloom, and non-GMO garden seeds.

USDA Hardiness Zones

The USDA hardiness zone system is largely based around common low temperatures, grouping zones by averagefrost dates for a certain region. If you aren’t sure what zone you are in,use this handy zip code lookup tool. Once you know your hardiness zone, use the corresponding planting calendar as ageneral guide. Keep in mind the frost dates are simply averages! Frost dates can vary from year to year, neighborhood to neighborhood, and even amongst microclimatesin a single yard. You may need to make slight adjustments for your unique garden.

Also, keep in mind that the hardiness zonesdo not account for heat, humidity, precipitation, or other climatic factors. For example, our homestead here on the Central Coast of California is located on the border of zones 9b and 10a – the same zones found in the Florida panhandle. However, the differences between those two climates are quite significant! There, they have high humidity, hot summers, and a ton of rainfall. Here, we have cool foggy summers, temperatures are rarely over 80℉, and very little rain. But wait, they’re the same zone?!It’s no wonder some new gardeners feel confused.

It may take a few seasons of trial and error to figure out the best timing and plant varieties for your particular garden. That is perfectly okay!When you’reseed shopping, look for varieties with characteristics that sound well-suited to your climate. For instance, leafy greens or broccoli that are described as “heat tolerant” or slow to bolt” if you’re area gets quite hot. Or, if you have an especially short growing season, veggies with quick maturation dates (days to harvest) or that are frost-tolerant.

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (3)

Starting Seeds Indoors vs. Direct Sowing

Within the planting calendars, you’ll see the best time to start seeds indoors along with an option for planting seeds directly outside – otherwise known as “direct sowing”. There are numerous benefits to starting seeds indoors. Therefore, it is generally the preferred option for most gardeners. By starting seeds indoors, you get a jump start on the season. You can also provide the seeds an ideal controlled environment for speedy germination, protect seedlings from pests, and offer superior light viagrow lights.(We start our seeds in agreenhouse, which provides many similar benefits to starting them indoors, but is also more prone to temperature swings without careful climate control.)

However, some types of plantsdon’t take kindly to transplantingand prefer to be directly sown outdoors in their final growing destination. On the garden planting calendar, those crops will have a “plant seeds outside” option only. For instance,root vegetablessuch as carrots and radishes do not transplant well. Other cropscanbe started indoors, but seem to thrive best when directly sown, like peas and beans. Don’t let those get root bound if you do start them inside! One perk is that sowing seeds directly in place outdoors requires less supplies and steps.

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (4)

Radishes are a prime example of a veggie you don’t want to start inside because they don’t transplant well. Direct-sow radish seeds in place outdoors when the time is right, and then be sure to thin them down to one sprout per spot around this stage! Check out ourradish grow guidefor more tips.

Spring, Fall, or Succession Planting

In the garden planting calendar, you’ll see a fairly long window for planting certain seeds outdoors. This likely means you have the option to use succession sowing for that crop!Succession plantingmeans to continually sow seeds every few weeks over several months. This results in steady and staggered harvests of an otherwise usually short-lived crop. Radishes, bush beans, arugula, carrots, baby bok choy, and even summer squash are prime examples of crops suitable for succession planting.

Bear in mind that succession planting certain vegetables may not work in your specific location. For example, if you have intense heat waves during summer that would cause radishes or tender leafy greens to bolt. In that case it would be best to plant those cool-season crops in early spring and perhaps again in fall, but not midsummer. You’ll have to experiment to see exactly what planting times within those windows work best for you!

Another option you’ll see within the garden planting calendar isboth a spring and fall planting timefor one crop, such as broccoli. Again, this practice may not work in your specific garden or climate. Try out one or the other, and talk to local gardeners in your area to see what they’ve had success with!

Transplant Time: Hardening Off & Protecting Seedlings

Remember to check the weather forecast and properlyharden offany seedlings that were started inside before transplanting them out! In a nutshell, hardening off is the process of slowly introducing once-sheltered seedlings to a wider variety of conditions – including direct sun, wind, and temperature swings. It is done in a slow and methodical way, generally over the course of a week. The hardening off process helps seedlingsbuild strength and avoid shock, stunting, or harmdue to a sudden relocation.

Also keep an eye out forcritterslike squirrels or birds that tend to go after small, tender seedlings. Use row covers, cloches, or netting to protect vulnerable plants as needed. There is nothing more frustrating than raising seedlings and then losing them all! Sprouts from directly-sown seeds are also at the same risk. We always cover our beds withhoops and row covers(insect netting) to keep the birds at bay until the plants are larger.

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (5)

After planting out hardened-off seedlings, we need to protect them withhoopsandinsect nettingrow covers. Otherwise, the little wild birds here destroy them! You can also use frost coveras needed in the same manner.

FAQ: When to start seeds within the given range on the planting calendar

Our garden planting calendars show a span of time that is appropriate to start seeds in your zone. It may range from a few weeks or even a couple months. So, at what time within that range should you start? It’s up to you! You’re going to have to do a experimentation and personalization with your planting schedule.

For example, we can technically start our peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and herbs all at the same time. Yet over the years, we’ve found that peppers and eggplant seedlings take a bit longer to sprout and grow. Meanwhile, tomato seedlings tend to get large quickly. So, we start the eggplant and peppers towards the beginning of their range (along with other early spring crops like leafy greens, onions, and peas). Then, we start the tomatoes a few weeks later. We also start dozens to hundreds of seeds each season, so it is nice to break up the work over several different sessions of sowing seeds.

Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone

Now, here is what you likely came here for! Below are garden planting calendars for every USDA hardiness zone. You can also download a PDF to print.

Zone 2 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (6)

Zone 3 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (7)

Zone 4 Garden Planting-Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (8)

Zone 5 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (9)

Zone 6 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (10)

Zone 7 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (11)

Zone 8 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (12)

Zone 9 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (13)

Zone 10 Garden Planting Calendar Printable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (14)

Zone 11-12 Garden Planting CalendarPrintable PDF

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (15)

Thank you so much for tuning in today! I hope you love using your new planting calendars. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, please feel free to spread the love by pinning or sharing this post. Have a successful growing season ahead!

When to Start Seeds: Garden Planting Calendars for Every Zone (2024)


When to start seeds in my zone? ›

When working with vegetable seeds, when to plant is dependent on the time it takes each plant to reach maturity and the length of the growing season in your USDA Planting Zone. But as a general rule of thumb, you should start most seeds four to six weeks before your last frost date.

What month should you start seeds? ›

Early to mid-March is the best time to plant early season cold-tolerant plants like broccoli, cabbage, and head lettuce, and long-season heat-loving plants like peppers, okra, and eggplant. If you mainly just start tomatoes at home, you can wait until early April.

When to start tomato seeds farmers almanac? ›

Start: Start tomatoes indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Use a quality seed starting mix and grow under grow lights or in a very sunny, warm window.

When should I start seeding flowers? ›

Though spring is the most common and conventional time of the year to sow flower seeds; successful results can also be achieved by planting in summer and fall as well. This seasonal versatility is a great advantage to the flower gardener and brings many diverse benefits and possibilities.

Is February too early to start seeds indoors? ›

Even if the last thing you're thinking about in January or February is the garden, it's actually a great time to start seeds indoors for frost-hardy leafy greens and for slow-to-get-started herbs.

Is March too early to start seeds? ›

March is the perfect time to get those tomato and pepper seeds started indoors so they can be ready for an early spring planting! Also now is a great time to start planting cool weather vegetables that can withstand those last frost days of March and April.

Is it too late to start seeds in May? ›

You may think it's too late to grow all your favorite vegetables from seeds, but warm May temperatures have made the soil perfect for sowing seeds. Warm soil will allow for fast germination and growing plants! Good choices are summertime kitchen garden staples like squash, beans, cucumbers and melons.

When can I start planting seeds outside? ›

For example, spinach seeds can go in the ground as soon as the soil is dry enough to work in. Other seeds, like those of squash and pumpkins, need to be planted when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past, usually a week or two after the last frost date.

What month is best to seed? ›

Seeding in Late Summer/Early Autumn is the best time of year to plant grass seed for a lush and healthy lawn. Milder temperatures and less competition from other plants during this time make it easier for grass seeds to take root. This makes it easier for new turf growth to establish itself quickly.

When to plant zucchini? ›

We recommend planting zucchini and summer squash from late May to early July, depending on the season's temperatures and rainfall. It's a warm season crop, so it needs warm air, warm soil, and no chance of frost.

What are the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden? ›

  • Easiest vegetables to grow. ...
  • Leafy greens. ...
  • Root vegetables: Radishes, turnips and carrots. ...
  • Did you know? ...
  • Cucumbers. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Peas/Snow Peas. ...
  • Strawberries. Everyone wants to grow their own strawberries, and nothing is more deliscious than one straight from your patio or backyard.

What is the best month to start growing tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes are warm-season plants that do not tolerate frost or chilly temperatures. We normally recommend planting early to mid-May when the danger of frost has past and soil has had a chance to warm. Be sure to save the sunniest spots for your tomatoes, this will give you optimum fruit production.

What month should you start a garden? ›

As a general rule, you should plant hardy greens and cruciferous vegetables (cool weather crops) a few weeks before your final frost. If you start these crops in February or March, you'll likely be harvesting your own fresh veggies by April or May.

Is April too late to plant flower seeds? ›

Although March is typically the optimum time to plant cool-weather annuals, it's important to know that April isn't too late to plant those adorable pansies and violas. They perform well until temperatures get hot, so you will still spend a lot of time with them.

Can I plant flower seeds in May? ›

Annual types of scabious are simple plants to grow from seed and can be directly sown into the soil in May, after the last frost. Sow seeds outdoors in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist. The plants should quickly grow and provide a great display of flowers to cut come late summer.

When should I start seeds indoors in my area? ›

General rule of thumb for most varieties is to start seeds six weeks before the last frost. Know your growing zone.

What happens if you plant seeds too early? ›

Planting too early in cooler temperatures can cause stunted growth, wilting, surface pitting, foliage necrosis and increased susceptibility to disease. Low soil temperatures can stunt plant growth and prevent root development.

When to start seeds indoors in California? ›

By Linda Carloni. For gardeners in Alameda County, California, January through March is the time to start seeds indoors for summer vegetables - for example, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash. But why start from seeds rather than just buying nursery seedlings?

When should I start gardening seeds outside? ›

Sowing Perennials and Annuals Outdoors

In the North, sow from early spring through summer. Allow at least 4 months from sowing till first killing frost, so plants will have time to grow big enough to endure winter weather. In the South, sow seeds that require cool germination temperatures in spring or fall.

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