‘Today is a good day for the resistance, WHO concedes failure of Pandemic Treaty’ – Senator Roberts (2024)

ABC, Agenda 2030, ALP, AMA, Anthony Albanese, Senator Malcolm Roberts, WHO

‘Today is a good day for the resistance, WHO concedes failure of Pandemic Treaty’ – Senator Roberts (1)

Date: June 2, 2024Author: Editor, cairnsnews 27 Comments

By Senator Malcolm Roberts

WHO Director, General Tedros Ghebreyesus, has conceded the failure of the WHO Pandemic Treaty at the start of the World Health Assembly 77.

This is a great day for those of us who have stood against a global health dictatorship, including myself and One Nation Australia.

Ghebreyesus was a terrorist with the Tigre Liberation Army. While at the helm of WHO, he has actively covered up the rape and sexual exploitation of women in the Congo by WHO personnel, as found by his own investigative commission.

The world has decided that this man and the degenerates at the WHO should not be trusted to lead the next pandemic response. Perhaps by sacking this man and re-empowering the old guard at WHO—doctors who genuinely want to heal and do good—trust in the organisation could be restored.

Additionally, removing the influence of predatory billionaire Bill Gates and his foundation, as well as globalist front groups like CEPI, would also help WHO regain their damaged reputation.

Nations don’t need a Pandemic Treaty to review their COVID performance; they just need the will and courage to scrutinise every aspect and uncover the truth behind the advocacy and fake science. Instead, governments worldwide, including Australia, are avoiding these issues, fearing the loss of sponsorship and protection provided by the crony capitalist world order.

Years ago, I promised to hound down those responsible for the death and destruction caused by corporate cronyism in Australia, and I will continue to do so.

Today is a good day for the resistance. Let this encourage all of us to renew our efforts to bring the guilty to justice and eliminate cronyism from our governance.


27 thoughts on “‘Today is a good day for the resistance, WHO concedes failure of Pandemic Treaty’ – Senator Roberts

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  1. The dept of health was operating fully under instruction from the WHO during the plandemic. Was there a treaty in place then?
    It’s in black and white in their docs, anyone remember? Or has it all been forgotten already?


  2. Rob said – “The suffering and deaths caused as a result of their direct involvement means nothing.”

    They’re ALL in on this pre-planned STAGED genocidal Gloablist BS, folks. People might have noticed the SHOPPING CENTRES already “training” the shoppers for the NEXT big BS fake “pandemic” crisis.

    Check out the ENTRANCES where they’re already PRE-EMPTIVELY CLOSING the main doors and posting signs to the SIDE entrances, because that’s where they’ll be posting their VACCINE PASSPORT and QR CODE Gestapo to make sure NO-ONE escapes the DRAGNET.

    No “papers”, no fake “vaccine” injection, no TRACKING AND TRACING tags, no shopping for YOU.


  3. Labor just stumped up another $3B for pharmacies and $Millions for ‘pre-pandemic’ prepping. There’s no hiding the fact they’re happy to chip in for the next leg of the planned democide.

    Someone described the collective attitude of the medical ‘professionals’, politicial leaders & media involved as one of “depraved indifference”. The suffering and deaths caused as a result of their direct involvement means nothing.

    Sprinting towards hell and they think they’re smart.


  4. franna 42
    I think there are huge numbers behind you on that.
    For me I would go further, these Globalist organisations in Geneva, London, NY etc., why are we funding any of them, I don’t believe a word of anything they say and I don’t believe they do any good, I don’t want to pay. Likewise Medicare, I don’t want to pay, I don’t want to be in it.


  5. The Australian medical community happily put their hands out for the money that came their way for pushing the needle. This whole sorry mess has removed all respect I had for doctors and the AMA. It was all about money and they did not give a flying you know what about the damage the needle was doing.


  6. As I have stated before, this round of so-called pandemic treaty is nothing but gas-lighting. The WHO already has all the powers it needs to control every government and the whole world under their already existing treaty. They have already done it with CONVID. This new round is nothing but a distraction to make people believe that they are still on control. Not so says Catherine Watt. It is too late. The WHO has had this power since 2005. Read about it on the substack.


    The next thing coming is the Climate Change Emergency and the powers already vested in the WHO will be enforced again. The rest is nothing but red-herrings.


  7. As usual, Roberts is spouting rubbish. Nothing can restore what little credibility the WHO might have had. And One Nation hardly had anything to do with the resistance. In fact, wasn’t it Pauline who told the truckies to go home at the Queensland border? While these career politicians infest OUR Parliament with their fake corporate government and silly rules they call ‘laws’ designed to destroy us, they continue to commit crimes and TREASON against us. It’s time to hold them all accountable in our common law courts. Agreed?


  8. WAKE UP EVERYONE because the WHO is being ordered by its globalist masters from outside the WHO to reword/rearrange & present the case once again in a more deeply disguised manner = THESE MANIACS HAVE A KNACK OF GETTING WHAT THEY WANT & very unfortunately we still have thousands of stupid selfish & highly compromised politicians globally who strongly support the EVIL WHO along with several hundred crooked private WHO support groups which are hellbent on ramming through as many genocidal methodologies as they can in order to kill Earths population. I am outraged at any Australian Politician who supports the WHO = HOW CAN THEY BE SO NEGLIGENT IN THEIR DUTY OF CARE TOWARDS THEIR OWN CITIZENS? Hundreds of these private group/thinktanks which tell Govenments what to do, are guilty of crimes against humanity. We must not let down our guard just yet, as these despots are simply regrouping before foisting more Laws & Restrictions on the long suffering people of this beautiful planet.


  9. “WHO Member States launched the process to develop the world’s first pandemic accord, to prevent a repeat of the global health, economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, at a Special Session of the World Health Assembly in December 2021”

    “The reason we are so controlled is not that we don’t have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don’t like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem in the world, we say “What are they going to do about it”. At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand by introducing a ‘solution’ – more centralisation of power and erosion of freedom. If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more crime, violence and terrorism, and then it’s a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear. The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in ..And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution.

    Create the problem, encourage the reaction “something must be done”, and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ -order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order. The masses are herded and directed by many and varios forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it coud be done.”

    ― David Icke


  10. I’m not sure why Roberts is so joyful.

    The former senior Japanese minister’s dai apology recognising death, injury and misery caused by gene editing technologies is an indictment of WHO inspired non – committing statements, adopted unquestioned by their member States lackies and dumped on confused populations.

    Saving face is important in Japanese culture, a humbling experience not shared by western nations.

    Takes from the WHO news article dated June 1. 2024

    World Health Assembly

    🦆”An historic development”

    🦆”Made concrete commitments to completing negotiations on a global pandemic agreement within a year (++ 2025) at the latest.”

    🦆“introducing a definition of a pandemic emergency to trigger more effective international collaboration in response to events that are at risk of becoming, or have become, a pandemic….requires rapid, equitable and enhanced coordinated international action, with (++ capitalised for very good reason) WHOLE-OF-GOVERNMENT and WHOLE-OF-SOCIETY APPROACHES;”

    🦆“a commitment to solidarity and equity…. and other pandemic emergency prevention, preparedness and response-related capacities;”

    The WHO intends to set up shop in member States by governments establishing States Parties Committees

    🦆”establishment of the States Parties Committee to facilitate the effective implementation of the amended Regulations.

    The Committee will promote and support cooperation among States Parties for the effective implementation of the IHR; and”

    🦆”creation of National IHR Authorities to improve coordination of implementation of the Regulations within and among countries.”

    🦆“WHO Member States launched the process to develop the world’s first pandemic accord, to prevent a repeat of the global health, economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, at a Special Session of the World Health Assembly in December 2021.“

    The WHO is a run away train with no brakes.

    Member States’ representatives are blind, deaf and dumb well funded passengers seemingly oblivious to their own termination.



  11. If Drafting into the Armed Forces were to be compulsory I can’t imagine that would go well for them.
    By them, I mean the Defence Force.

    I guess it is one way of an unarmed citizen becoming armed.
    Do they really think that they can ‘trust’ enough Australian strong men (and women) to not ‘turn’ on them?
    Even if in uniform?

    They might just want to think about that.

    If people don’t want to ‘fight’ for their Government anymore, then they won’t sign up.


  12. For some time the Australian figure for pandemic deaths was some 9700 until I checked again to find the re-assessed number at 17000+.
    These are not pandemic numbers, and those numbers and alleged COVID deaths have never been accompanied by a single autopsy report proving that the actual cause was a virus, meaning (as we all know) that the show was a fraud.
    I have posted before Anna von Reitz’s article that shows that the UN is a corporation 52% owned by the Rothschilds.
    A further article by her states that the Treaty is not a treaty but a contract-and I think she is bang on correct:


  13. I certainly would not want to burst anyone’s bubble here, however it would be foolish to think that they did consider the fact that this may treaty may not have passed, if that is indeed the case.

    Remember how Tedros, told bare-face lies about the pandemic and the vaccines and everything else to do with CONVID? They are all trained to lie with a straight face. What makes anyone think that the treaty did not pass and if so, that the UN who owns and runs the WHO and the WEF, does not have another plan in mind or one that has already been put into action and that this was just a distraction?

    What makes one think that this plan was not the anti-thesis leading to the synthesis? Don’t be fooled or side-tracked by the sordid lies. The plan will march on unabated and no one will be able to slow it down unless God allows it. This world has to come to end and sin has to be completely eradicated whether we like it or not. Again, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the power of darkness in high places, against the one through which sin entered this world. This is what people need to understand. Some do but sadly many do not.


  14. And BTW, folks, you don’t think they’d DO that to us?

    You don’t think so-called “Australians” would allow such a rolling catastrophic DISASTER to befall other Australians?

    Just take another look at what these sold-out baby-eating BASTARDS did with the fake “vaccine” BIOWEAPONS, folks, and ALL for Thirty Pieces of Silver.

    MURDER FOR MONEY throughout the ENTIRE so-called “health care” industry. Cold-blooded MURDER at the hands of so-called “medical professionals” in EVERY HOSPITAL across the country, aided and abetted by EVERY organ of mass-media across the continent.

    Never mind the ARMIES of Granny-bashing child-trafficking kiddy-fiddling mass-murdering HIRED MERCENARY GANGSTERS impersonating Australian “police”.

    Think again, folks. There’s NOTHING these low-life bastards WON’T do for PROFIT or ADVANCEMENT or to SAVE THEIR OWN SKINS or just for the RUSH a bit of murder and mayhem gives these POWER-TRIPPING PSYCHOPATHIC ARSEHOLES.


  15. If only that were true.
    Dennis: “Arrest all covid injection pushers and hang them.” Umm, we’d only have about 100 doctors left in Oz.


  16. Just in from Martin Armstrong’s blog, folks…

    “Our staff in Germany have personally confirmed that a friend who is 59 years old was just drafted. Throughout Europe, the draft age will be up to 60 and that is coming to the USA no matter what BS the press tells you. They also intend to draft girls this time.”

    … and MARK WELL, folks, it’s coming to Australia TOO. You don’t think ALL the plans are already in the works and ready to go? Think again.

    Do you suppose the BULLDOZING of the Digital ID into “law” WITHOUT CONSULTATION OR CONSENT was just an accident? Think all the rest of the cascading totalitarian BS is just circ*mstantial? Think the Ministry of Truth appearing out of NOWHERE was mere chance?

    Funny how ALL these things are happening RIGHT NOW across the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD, in LOCKSTEP.

    All the pieces of a full-fledged POLICE STATE are being assembled ALL AROUND US, whether we like it or not.

    Is that MASSIVE UNPRECEDENTED FLOOD, that DELUGE of immigrants into Australia, starting to make just a teensy weensy bit of sense now? Be prepared for hordes of FOREIGNERS forcefully “policing” the Australian population, folks.

    And be prepared for FULL MOBILISATION for Exercise WWIII.

    And you’re NOT going to escape just because you’re FEMALE or a GERIATRIC in a walking frame. Anyone under 60 years of age better be ready to run for the hills or be gang-pressed into the army, and anyone OVER that better be ready to dodge COMPULSORY EUTHANASIA in a Hospital Death Camp or even at your front door when they come knocking.

    Want to see the DEPOPULATION ACCELERATE even FASTER? You’re all going to DIE fighting a POINTLESS war against China who NEVER PROVOKED ANYTHING and never did ANYTHING to us that we didn’t BEG FOR. Or maybe STARVE or die in the civil strife as the entire country collapses in a smouldering festering ruin.

    Of course, all this might seem “pointless” to US, but it’ll be VERY ADVANTAGEOUS to the Globalist psychopaths who want us ALL DEAD and OFF THEIR PROPERTY.

    And just BTW, folks, imagine what sort of DRACONIAN BS they’ll be able to RAM DOWN OUR THROATS under those circ*mstances. NOTHING will be off the table, NOTHING will be off-limits.


  17. The WHO Brand is irreparably damaged.
    ‘Global World Health’ orchestrated by a few was a pipe dream.
    Money was all it took to corrupt it.
    The world would be healthier without them.

    Allopathic Doctors train under a Rockefeller system. Why do we still want that system?

    I don’t think anything will change.
    The WHO may appear to say the International Health Regulations are not going ahead but they have regrouped, that’s all.

    When WHO leadership has been tried for the covid crimes of pushing an unsafe experimental injection on the world, then we will see who is left standing.
    Until then, the WHO should fail to exist.

    Otherwise it merely remains the same entity with a different mask.
    In which case, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
    They remain a clear and present threat.


  18. I’ll believe it when I see Tedros, Schwab, Smeagol and creepy Bill all swinging from lamp posts in downtown Davos.


  19. Close our borders and kick out every entity that should not be here including those in our hidden underground cities such as Pine Gap and any UN infiltraitors in Canberra or elsewhere.
    Arrest all covid injection pushers and hang them.
    Arrest all climate freaks that have sabotaged our food, electricity, gas, and coal supplies, and weather manipulations, and imprison them for life, or shoot them out into space.


  20. The Australian Government Corporation and it’s corporate agencies are not our government, and do NOT represent the Australian populace….not here and most certainly in international arenas that are not Constitutionally recognized as is the UN, WHO, WEF, everything Davos, European or British or Washington DC.
    Every politician or representative who attended forums or official meetings with any of these groups should be arrested and imprisoned for treason against the Australian people.


  21. Not true – it was rammed through somehow – source James Roguski Substack and on Twitter announcements from the WHO


  22. We prayed regarding this and the Holy Spirit told me He was going to stop it. Yes keep pushing against these people


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‘Today is a good day for the resistance, WHO concedes failure of Pandemic Treaty’ – Senator Roberts (2024)
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