MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (2024)

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (1)

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (2)

Better reading insights in less time

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (3)

Get precise, reliable insights to support early readers while maximizing valuable instructional time. With speech-recognition technology, group administration, and automatic scoring, MAP® Reading Fluency™—part of the Early Literacy Solution from NWEA— provides a clear view of early literacy skills and learning needs for an entire class in less than a class period.

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (4)

Go beyond fluency for a more complete picture of early literacy

Go beyond fluency for a more complete picture of early literacy

Aligned to the science of reading, MAP Reading Fluency measures and monitors oral reading fluency, literal comprehension, and foundational reading skills from season to season and year to year. Quickly screen students at risk of reading difficulty, including characteristics of dyslexia. Benchmark assessments are available in both English and Spanish.

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (5)

Now with personalized tutoring: MAP Reading Fluency with Coach

Get precise student placement combined with targeted intervention in this complete K–5 reading assessment and tutoring solution. MAP Reading Fluency with Coach measures a student’s reading level and places them in personalized 1:1 tutoring. As students practice their reading, the tutoring program actively listens and detects oral reading errors to deliver real-time micro-interventions that strengthen critical foundational skills.

Insights you can implement today

MAP Reading Fluency provides educators with comprehensive reports and actionable data to improve instructional decisions.

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (6)

Student audio recordings available for teacher playback

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (7)

Easy-to-use reports to support differentiation and planning

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (8)

A direct link to instructional resources for foundational skills

Identify challenges earlier with the dyslexia screener

Identify challenges earlier with the dyslexia screener

The earlier we can intervene with students likely to struggle, the more effective we can be. The MAP Reading Fluency dyslexia screener is an accurate, efficient, and reliable way to assess every child in grades K–3 for common indicators of dyslexia or other reading difficulties.

MAP Reading Fluency recommended professional learning pathways

MAP Reading Fluency recommended professional learning pathways

Tailored, intentional professional learning can help you most effectively support early readers. From administering the first assessments, analyzing data, and taking action to accelerating student achievement and driving system-wide improvement, we’ll meet you right where you are.

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (9)

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (10)

See MAP Reading Fluency in action

MAP Reading Fluency is an adaptive universal screening and progress monitoring assessment for grades pre-K to 5—and it’s available for remote and on-site administration. This powerful tool efficiently assesses in English and Spanish.

Ready to learn more?

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (11)

We use assessment data to really help drive where our instruction is needed. It helps us in observations and with coaching of teachers to help develop them, so that our students are learning. As an administrator, MAP Reading Fluency gives me those tools to support our coaches, which support the instructional needs of teachers as well.

Melissa Feinberg
Assistant Director for Chicago International Charter School (CICS) Irving Park

An industry leader

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (12)

Explore grades, languages and the time-saving features of MAP Reading Fluency.

MAP Reading Fluency with Coach (2024)


How do you administer map fluency? ›

Quick Start for MAP Reading Fluency
  1. Step 1—Prepare Your Equipment. Procure Devices. ...
  2. Step 2—Assign Passwords as Needed (required for new accounts) Every student needs a username and password. ...
  3. Step 3—Assign Tests. ...
  4. Step 4—Prepare and Test Students.

How long does map fluency take? ›

With MAP Reading Fluency you can assess the entire class—in just 20 minutes.

What grade levels is MAP Reading Fluency? ›

MAP Reading Fluency is an adaptive universal screening and progress monitoring assessment for grades pre-K to 5—and it's available for remote and on-site administration. This powerful tool efficiently assesses in English and Spanish.

What is the best assessment for reading fluency? ›

The following list is a sample of assessment measures to test fluency skills:
  • Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM)
  • Gray Oral Reading Test IV (GORT - 4)
  • TOWRE.
  • TPRI.

How do you conduct a reading fluency test? ›

This simple exercise can determine reading fluency, word recognition. Select a reading passage and set a timer for 60 seconds. Read aloud. Mark any words that were changed, skipped, or caused hesitation — Problem Words.

What are the four steps of reading a MAP? ›

Identify coordinates for specific map features. Locate your position on the map or vice versa. Locate a remote position on the map or vice versa. Identify and explain the process steps for navigating to a position.

How long should the MAP reading test take? ›

Although the tests are not timed, it usually takes students about one hour to complete each MAP test. MAP for Primary Grades tests take from 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

How can I improve my MAP reading score? ›

Highlight important points, underline key words, take notes, and summarize paragraphs. This will help you understand and remember what you've read. Develop Vocabulary: Many questions on the MAP Reading test revolve around vocabulary. Use flashcards, apps, or websites to learn new words.

What is the difference between MAP growth and map fluency? ›

The purpose of MAP Reading Fluency is to measure and gauge a student's oral reading fluency, literal comprehension, and foundational reading skills. MAP Growth Reading K-2 is broader and assesses standards in text comprehension.

How do students login to MAP Reading Fluency? ›

Log in at Choose MAP Reading Fluency from the main menu. Then select Access MAP Reading Fluency. Students testing on Windows or Mac computers or on Chromebook devices log in to MAP Reading Fluency at

Is MAP a dyslexia screener? ›

The Dyslexia Screener is based on the MAP Reading Fluency Benchmark test. Students complete the Foundational Skills assessment (the Benchmark test) along with a Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) measure. Foundational Skills include areas such as phonics, comprehension, and sentence reading fluency.

What are the IEP recommendations for reading fluency? ›

Reading skill: Fluency

Sample IEP Goal: By the end of the school year, the student will read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression at 90 words per minute with 90% accuracy, as measured by teacher records on three consecutive occasions.

What are the three types of reading fluency? ›

People think that fluency is how fast you read and actually fluency has three elements: accuracy, its rate, and its expression. [Graphics] Three Elements of Fluency: Accuracy. Rate. Expression.

How often should reading fluency be assessed? ›

For most students, every four to five weeks is sufficient (in the middle and at the end of each school term). Student scores should be recorded and evaluated against the relevant benchmarks. Generally speaking, students need to read at a rate of approximately 90-100 wcpm for basic comprehension.

How is the MAP test administered? ›

MAP Growth is a computer-adaptive test. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. This type of assessment challenges top performers without overwhelming students whose skills are below grade level.

How do you do a fluency intervention? ›

Fluency interventions for struggling readers
  1. Repeated reading.
  2. Choral reading.
  3. Echo reading.
  4. Paired/partner reading.
  5. Readers theatre.
  6. Audio-assisted reading.
  7. Varied practice.

How do students log into MAP Reading Fluency? ›

Log in at Choose MAP Reading Fluency from the main menu. Then select Access MAP Reading Fluency. Students testing on Windows or Mac computers or on Chromebook devices log in to MAP Reading Fluency at

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.