Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to the Doom Eternal Trophy Guide! Doom Eternal has a small and straightforward trophy list consisting of only 34 trophies. It’s simple: beat the story and get all Collectibles (there are many types, all of them are needed for trophies, nothing is missable). Then play through the “Extra Life Mode”. Lastly finish the online trophies. You can play everything on the easiest difficulty, including the Extra Life Mode. A fairly standard list with an easy platinum that is doable for every gamer.

First you’ll want to play through Doom Eternal’s Story Mode on any difficulty. Do NOT pick the Extra Life Mode from the beginning (it’s a Permadeath Mode). Not because it would be hard (it isn’t because you can play it on easy) but for two other reasons: First, there is no Mission Select in Extra Life Mode so you have no way toget missingCollectibles or Trophies. Secondly, you can’t use Cheats in Extra Life Mode which means you can’t get trophy “Master of Fasting”.The Cheat Collectible it requires is found very late in the game. This means even if you’d finish Extra Life Mode first, you’d have toplay through Standard Mode again to find and use that Cheat Collectible.

Therefore, it makes no sense to start in Extra Life Mode, it would only make things more challenging andyou wouldn’t get around a 2nd playthrough either way.

What difficulty you pick for your first playthrough does not matter. You can do all trophies on the lowest difficulty “I’m Too Young To Die”.

Make sure you get all Collectibles as you play through the game. At the end of each mission you unlock Fast Travel. This allows you to revisit all areas in that Mission to mop up Collectibles right away. All Collectibles are pointed out by a Question Mark “?” on the map when you get near them. To make it easier, buy the Praetor Suit Exploration Upgrade “Item Finder” (becomes available in 3rd Mission). It reveals all Collectible Locations on the map. Some are still tricky to find though, as they require solving environmental puzzles. None of the collectibles are missable as you can use Mission Select at any time (except in Extra Life Mode which doesn’t let you replay missions).

Glitch Warning: There are some cases where players reported certain collectibles (particularly Slayer Gate Keys) not spawning. Trying via Mission Select doesn’t fix it. The only thing that worked was to use the pause menu Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1) and click “Reset Mission” before finishing it. You should go for all Collectibles on the 1st playthrough of the mission. In case something is bugged you will know right away and can Reset the Mission. It’s highly recommended to make a manual backup every few missions to be safe (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Copy to USB/PS+). In the worst-case scenario you can copy back your save so you don’t need to start from scratch.

Extra Life is a Permadeath Mode. However, you can play it on the easiest difficulty and there are lots of Extra Lives placed throughout the game. Dying from enemies or falling down doesn’t mean Game Over, it simply means you lose one of your collected Extra Lives. Since you can play on the lowest difficulty andfinished the game before it really won’t be a challenge. You might die once or twice but there are like 40+ Extra Lives placed throughout the levels. You can also skip the Slayer Gates (hardest encounters) because you already did them for collectibles in the 1st playthrough.

There are some timed countdown sections that can result in an instant Game Over if you take too long (won’t let you use an Extra Life). Anything with a countdown (e.g. Mission 5 Timer that goes down) can kill you instantly.

Luckily, it will still make save games. You don’t need to do it in one sitting.If you are dangerously low on extra lives, make a manual save game backupby going to PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Copy to USB / PS+ to back up your save. To be safe just back up your save after every mission. If for some reason you should run out Extra Lives you can copy back the save. Then you have your progress back.

There are 5 Trophies tied to BATTLEMODE which is the Multiplayer of Doom Eternal. Luckily, all 5 of these trophies can quickly be boosted in private matches but it requires 3 players to boost. Either way these trophies aren’t hard. The only somewhat time-consuming tasks are playing 25 matches and getting 200 kills.

Glitch Warning:Some players have reported online trophies not unlocking correctly (particularly “Weapons Expert”). Should this happen to you, delete your save game and it will wipeall of your online progress and stats. The only thing it actually saves online is your Event XP progress.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)Heavy Metal
Earn all TrophiesDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)Earn all other trophies in Doom Eternal to unlock Platinum (DLC not required).Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4)Doomsday
Complete Hell on EarthDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocksfrom Mission 1: Hell on Earth.Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)The Hunters Became the Hunted
Kill the Doom HuntersDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission 4: Doom Hunter Base.

The Doom Hunters are the 3 cyborg demons bosses at the end of the mission ‘Doom Hunter Base’. You can damage them by overloading their shields with the Plasma Rifle and then using whatever else in your arsenal to damage them whilst their shields are down, then finish them off with a glory kill once their health is low.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)Interplanetary Fracking
Blow a hole in MarsDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission 7: Mars Core.

This trophy is awarded when you complete the mission ‘Mars Core’, after you launch yourself into the core of mars.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Thumbs Down
Best the Gladiator in the coliseumDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission8: Sentinel Prime.

The Gladiator is the boss that you fight in the mission Sentinel Prime, and is the only combat in that entire level. It is a large humanoid boss with a shield that attacks in somewhat a similar way to the Marauder. For its first phase when it has its shield you need to shoot the shield whenever it blinks and then momentarily flashes green, which will stagger the Gladiator allowing you to deal a bit of damage. During its second phase it will have two whips and continually attack you with both, so you just need to avoid its attacks when it is doing normal swipes. When it blocks off two sides of the area so you cannot move, you then need to go under or jump over the waves it sends towards you to avoid damage.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)Reforged and Refueled
Acquire a new Crucible in Taras NabadDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission 9: Taras Nabad.

This trophy is awarded at the end of the mission Taras Nabad, after you fully acquire and then try out a new Crucible.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14)Nontraditionalist
Kill the Khan MaykrDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission 12: Urdak.

The Khan Makyr is the boss you fight at the end of the mission Urdak, and is fought after realigning all of the teleporter rings before exiting the level. You fight her in a large circular arena while a number of Makyr Drones continually spawn. She launches large area attacks that set the ground on fire, and launches projectiles at you. The whole fight is largely the same, you pump a bunch of damage into her to stun her, then use your Super Shotgun secondary to pull yourself towards her then Blood Punch her. Repeat this 6 times to complete the fight.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)Iconoclast
Kill the Icon of SinDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. UnlocksfromMission 13: Final Sin.

The Icon of Sin is the final boss of the game that you fight at the end of the mission Final Sin. This is a large humanoid bull that you face in two large building arenas, where it attacks you with its fists and projectiles while spawning large amounts of enemies. For the first phase it stays on one side, then during the second phase it will walk around all four sides of the building you are on. Both phases operate the same. You need to shoot each of the 8 places on its body to damage it until all 8 pieces are broken. There are plenty of fodder enemies around and ways to get ammo, so you just need to continually make sure you are aware of your resources while putting damage into the Icon while cleaning up other enemies.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)The Once and Future Slayer
Complete the Campaign on any difficultyDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Complete all 13 Missions.

What difficulty you play on doesn’t matter for this. You are allowed to play everything on the lowest difficulty “I’m Too Young To Die”.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)Treasure Hunter
Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)Taras Nabad is the 9th mission of the campaign, and for this trophy you need to basically 100% this specific level by getting every collectible and completing the three mission challenges. The mission challenges for this level are Aquire 6 Codex entries, Use the Ice Bomb to freeze 10 Demons, and Perform 3 different Glory Kills on Pain Elementals.

See Doom Eternal Taras Nabad Collectible Locations Guide.

The first challenge you will complete while working on all collectibles for this level, as there are 7 codex pages you need to collect.

The second challenge you only need to freeze any 10 enemies during the level, not 10 at once or at any specific point, so just make sure to be using your freeze bomb from the start of the level (you can change between grenade and freeze bomb by pressing Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22) and fire it with Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23) ).

The third challenge will require the most effort, because you need to do 3 different Glory Kills on Pain Elementals, meaning doing 3 of the unique animations. There are 4 – 6 Pain Elementals during the level and you can restart checkpoints to do this if you need so there are more than enough opportunities. They have a tendency to randomly die though if you are shooting them with higher power weapons, so while trying to do this it would be better to clear out nearby enemies then lower the Elemental’s health with the Plasma Rifle to get it to the stunned state. Then you position yourself in either the front, back, top, or side of the elemental to perform one of the Glory Kill animations. When you do one of the unique ones that you haven’t performed before you will have the challenge tracker come up on the side of the screen showing you performed a new one, so you will know if you did a repeat and need to try again.

Once you have collected all items and completed all challenges you will be awarded this trophy upon completion of the mission.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)Master of Fasting
Complete a Mission with only the Famine Mode cheat onDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25)Famine Mode is a cheat you can obtain in the 10th mission of the campaign, Nekravol.

See Doom Eternal Nekravol Collectible Locations Guide.

Once you have obtained this cheat, you can then enable it during level replays from the mission select menu. In Mission select press Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26) to bring up the cheat menu, then enable only the Famine Mode cheat. This cheat makes it so enemies don’t drop health or armor when killed, only ammo when they are killed with the chainsaw. You can only pick up health or armor from the pickups around the map. For the easiest time you can do this on the level Hell on Earth, which has mostly fodder enemies, then the occasional Arachnotron and Cacodemon. Most enemies you can just run by, outside of the combat encounters where you need to kill everything in order to progress. Once you reach the end of the level with this cheat on you will be awarded the trophy.

Beware, this trophy is unobtainable in “Extra Life Mode”. The reason being that this mode has no Mission Select (even after finishing it), thus no way to enable Cheats.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27)Running Up the High Score
Complete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your InventoryDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)For this trophy you need to select Extra Life Mode when starting a new game. You can then select the easiest difficulty“I’m Too Young to Die”.

This is basically a Permadeath Mode, but there are green Extra Lives placed throughout the missions.As long as you have an Extra Life left it won’t give you a Game Over (exception: when there are timer countdowns and you take too long, e.g. Mission 5, it will instantly give a Game Over). If your health goes to 0 from enemies or falling it just consumes an extra life.

You can find extra lives in all levels in the game and you need to make sure you have at least 10 upon completing the final mission. This shouldn’t be a problem on the easiest difficulty but bear in mind if you die it expends a life right there on the spot and saves, so you cannot recover it. Make sure to makesave game backup after every mission or if you ever run dangerously low on Extra Lives (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Copy to USB/PS+).

The Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide includes all extra life locations for all missions.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)Crystal Craving
Upgrade Health, Armor, or AmmoDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed.

You will earn this trophy upon finding your first Sentinel Crystal on the Fortress of Doom at the start of the 2nd mission ‘Exultia’ as part of the story. See trophy ‘King of the Crystals‘.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (31)King of the Crystals
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (32)This trophy is awarded for fully upgrading any one category of Health, Armor, or Ammo in one save slot. This only requires getting 4 Sentinel Crystals out of the possible 12 in the game, then putting 4 points into one category of upgrade type.

The collectible guide includes the location of all Sentinel Crystals. If you are following along and grabbing every one you will get the final one during the mission Nekravol – Part II.

SeeDoom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33)This One’s my Favorite
Complete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)This trophy is awarded for unlocking all 4 perks in any of the 5 categories of Praetor Suit upgrades. See trophy ‘They’re ALL My Favorite‘.Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)They’re ALL My Favorite
Purchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)This trophy is awarded for purchasing all 4 Praetor Suit Perks in all 5 categories.

You purchase these using Praetor Suit points, which are found either during missions from Sentinel Ghosts, or are awarded when you complete a mission challenges (from Mission 3 onward the Missions will include Challenges). There are 15 more Upgrade Points in the game than you need to upgrade all perks. So don’t worry if you miss out on some Mission Challenges, not all of them are required.

See Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37)Homemaykr
Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38)Sentinel Batteries are a type of collectible that are used in the Fortress of Doom (Hub Area) to open doors to get you to other upgrades or secrets. Counting the one story related one and the ones you can obtain from completing 3/3 mission challenges there are a total of 27, which is 4 more than it is actually possible to use in the Fortress of Doom. This means if you miss a few of them it’s not a problem.

See Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39)Extra Extra Lives
Pick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40)Extra lives are scattered around each mission in secret locations and are available on a standard or extra life mode playthrough and act as instant revives on the spot. For this trophy you need to collect 20 cumulatively, you do not need to have 20 of them at once.

See Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

You can also quickly farm this at the start of Mission 2: Exultia. At the very start of the mission, drop down the ledge straight in front of you to find an extra life (this is just 3 seconds from the mission start). Pause the game Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41) and Quit out to Main Menu. Via Mission Select restart the Exultia Mission and repeat. It will save the Extra Lives when you quit to Main Menu. You must have beaten the 2nd Mission Exultia for it to become available in Mission Select.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42)Reforged the Genie Lamp
Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (43)»Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide

Note: After finding all Collectibles / Cheats you still need to buy all Praetor Suit Upgrades to unlock the last Cheat “Quakecode Mode Cheat Code”. It’s simply a reward for fully upgrading your suit and is not found in the game world. Use the Praetor Suit Tokens you found throughout the game to buy all Suit Upgrades in the Pause Menu.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (44)Metal Head
Complete the album collection in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (45)»Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations GuideDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46)Playset Sold Separately
Complete the toy collection in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47)»Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations GuideDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48)If Only I Could Read…
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49)»Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations GuideDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50)Bonus Stage
Complete a Slayer GateDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (51)See trophy ‘Breaker of Gates‘.Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52)Breaker of Gates
Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53)Slayer Gates arethe most difficult enemy encounters in the game. On the map they are marked in purple color. There are 6 in total starting from the 2nd mission onward andthey requirea Slayer Key to access. The Slayer Key is always in close proximity to the Slayer Gate. Completing them awards you with 3 Weapon points and Empyrean Keys to use in the Fortress of Doom in order to unlock the Unmaykr weapon (Meet Your Unmaykr trophy).

See Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guidefor slayer key locations.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)Gunpletionist
Master all Weapon Mods in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55)Mastering a Weapon Mod first requires you to unlock the mod by finding a Modbot, purchasing both (or in two cases all three) of the upgrades for the mod, then completing the Mastery Challenge for that mod, which typically requires doing specific things to specific enemies or killing enemies in a specific way with that mod. A number of these require going a bit out of the way to perform and doing multiple times, so if there are ones you don’t want to do you can wait and buy some of them out with Mastery Tokens. These are a collectible that you start finding in Mission 9: Taras Nabad, and they let you bypass doing the Mastery Challenges and automatically unlock the mastery perk for the mod. There are 7 that you pick up in mission. To use them, go to Pause Menu > Arsenal > Press Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56) on an Upgrade (e.g. Shotgun ‘Sticky Bombs’) > Make sure you unlocked all Upgrades for a Weapon Mod > press Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57) > hold Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (58) to bypass the Mastery Challenge.

See Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

Glitch Warning: Several players have reported that some of the weapon masteries will display as incomplete in the weapons menu despite fulfilling the requirements, if this happens to you all you can do is revert to a previous save backup or start a new game entirely and repeat each weapon mastery.

List of Weapon Mastery Requirements:


  • Sticky Bombs – Destroy 25 Turrets off the back of Arachnotrons using Sticky Bombs
  • Full Auto – Kill 15 Pinkies with a Full Auto Mod

Heavy Cannon:

  • Precision Bolt – Get 75 Precision Bolt headshot kills
  • Micro Missiles – Hit at least 3 enemies in a single Micro Missile volley 15 times

Plasma Rifle:

  • Heat Blast – Kill at least 2 demons with a single Heat Blast 30 times
  • Microwave Beam – Kill at least one nearby demon with the Microwave explosion 15 times

Rocket Launcher:

  • Remote Detonate – Kill 60 enemies while the Proximity Flare is active
  • Lock-On Burst – Kill 15 Prowler demons with the Lock-on Burst

Super Shotgun:

  • Improvements – Kill 50 demons with the Super Shotgun while using the Meat Hook


  • Arbalest – Kill 20 Cacodemons with the Arbalest
  • Destroyer Blade – Kill at least 3 enemies 15 times with the Destroyer Blade


  • Mobile Turret – Kill 5 enemies during a single Turret deploy 10 times without overheating
  • Energy Shield – Deal 20,000 damage while the Energy Shield is active.

BFG-9000 & Unmaykr – No Masteries

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (59)Meet Your Unmaykr
Acquire the UnmaykrDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (60)The Unmaykr is a super weapon you gain access to in the Fortress of Doom (Hub Area you visit between missions) once you have completed all 6 Slayer Gates to get the 6 Empyrean Keys from them during the normal missions. You then use the Empyrean Keyson the cage at the back of the Fortress of Doom. This allowsyou to take the Unmaykr.

For all Slayer Keys / Slayer Gates / Empyrean Keys see Doom Eternal All Collectible Locations Guide.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (61)Darn It, They Keep BREAKING
Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slotDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62)This will be one of the first trophies you obtain. Damaging enemies enough makes them flash blue or orange, this indicates you can perform a glory kill up close using Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63) . Each different enemy has several glory kills you can perform on them, from in front, side, above, behind and so on. You will unlock this probably in the first or second mission of the game.Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (64)Mix and Match
Play as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODEDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65)There are currently 5 different playable demons you can use in Battlemode: Archvile, Mancubus, Marauder, Pain Elemental, and Revenant. For this trophy you need to complete one game while playing as each of them once.

You can also boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players).

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66)Fight Like Hell
Do 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODEDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67)During Battlemode matches you must do a cumulative total of 5000 damage to the enemy Slayer while playing as a Demon. This tracks across all matches and in both Public and Private games. To view progress towards it you can view the “Fight Like Hell” Milestone in the Milestones menu.

You can also boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players).

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (68)Blood Bath
Kill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODEDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (69)During Battlemode matches you must kill a cumulative total of 200 player-controlled opponents during matches, meaning killing the two player Demons as the Slayer or killing the Slayer as the Demons. Killing the fodder enemies as the Slayer doesn’t count towards this total. This tracks across all matches and in both Public and Private games. To view progress towards it you can view the “Blood Bath” Milestone in the Milestones menu.

You can boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players). If you boost it let the player farming the kills be the Slayer and keep killing 1 Demon, they will respawn every 20 seconds.

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70)Man vs Monsters
Play 25 BATTLEMODE matchesDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71)For this trophy you must complete a total of 25 Battlemode matches between Public and Private modes. You must be in the match until the end for it to count towards this, if you leave a match it does not count. However, if a game ends due to the opponent(s) leaving it still counts as a win for you and adds to this total. This tracks across all matches and in both Public and Private games. To view progress towards it you can view the “Man Vs Monsters” Milestone in the Milestones menu.

You can also boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players). Play as a Demon and have a Slayer leave the match (it won’t count for the Slayer but will count for the 2 Demon Players).

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)Weapons Expert
Kill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODEDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73)During Battlemode matches while playing as the Slayer you must kill an enemy player Demon using each of the 8 Slayer weapons. These weapons are the normal 7 weapons that you always have, plus the BFG which you can select as a third perk in a match that goes to a 4th round. This tracks across all matches and in both Public and Private games. To view progress towards it you can view the “Weapons Expert” Milestone in the Milestones menu where it shows how many out of the 8 weapons you have used, but not which ones so it might be better to track this yourself.

You can also boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players).

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)Truce between Demons
Heal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODEDoom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75)While playing as a Demon you have two Action loadouts you can choose from, either an “Offensive” or a “Defensive” style one (they will have their own names but that is effectively how they are balanced). In each Demon’s “Defensive” loadout they will have an ability called Healing Zone, which allows you to place an area on the ground where if you or your partner standing inside it will heal you for 100 health/second for 8 seconds. When reaching the fourth round of a match there is also another ability you can pick as a Demon that lets you instantly activate a heal to both you and your teammate for a significant amount of health. Using either of these abilities you need to heal you or your teammates for a cumulative total of 50000 health in Battlemode matches. This tracks across all matches and in both Public and Private games. To view progress towards it you can view the “Truce Between Demons” Milestone in the Milestones menu.

You can also boost this in a Private Match (requires 3 Players).

Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)It’s a Magic Number
Kill 666 Demons.Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)You will acquire this naturally and quite early in the game (around mission 4 or 5), just simply kill 666 demons across all missions, you can track this in the Milestones menu under Campaign if you wish.
Doom Eternal Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.