Devourment Remastered Design (2024)

The Skyrim Mod Devourment Remastered is a mod geared toward eating people whole in Skyrim. This mod is descended from the original Devourment mod on that was split and made into different versions. Namely, a version to allow the player to eat both male and female. This mod has recently been undertaken by a new development team and the new version is named Devourment Remastered.

The github for the mod is here:


  • 1 Core Idea
  • 2 Features
  • 3 Game Flow
  • 4 Characters
  • 5 Story
  • 6 Feature Details
    • 6.1 1. Use the various methods or have the various methods of vore used on you.
    • 6.2 2. Use various spells to help vore or have those spells used against you
    • 6.3 6. Engage in various vorish activites with NPCs
    • 6.4 7. Tweak in game parameters to customize your vore experience
    • 6.5 8. Gain various perks to assist with voring or help you to resist being vored by others
    • 6.6 9. Gain levels in your vore skills or when you are vored by others
  • 7 Example Timeline

Core Idea[]

The player is able to vore or vore others in skyrim


Use the various methods of vore on others or have the various methods used on you.

Use various spells to vore or have spells used on you to do vore

Engage in vorish activity with npcs/creatures

Tweak in game parameters to customize your vore experience

Gain various perks to assist with voring or help you when you are vored by others

Gain levels in your vore skills or skills when vored by others

Game Flow[]

Player establishes character -> Player is given basic vore abilities -> Player eats other npcs/creatures -> Player is eaten by others -> Player grows in skill -> Player grows in perks -> Player gains spells -> Player gets equipment -> Player gets potions -> Player gets enchantments -> Player uses enchantments on equipment -> Player engages in vorish activities with npcs -> Player tweaks game parameters as desired -> Player recruits followers/ creatures -> Player keeps increasing skills, perks, equipment spells, etc. to become top predator and/or prey


Player Character -> Hero -> Dragonborn

Non Player Characters -> NPC -> Various


The dragonborn and others are suddenly gifted with the power to eat others and the dragonborn whole. Through this the dragonborn travels about skyrim devouring or being devoured. The dragonborn talks with others to engage in friendly vorish desires or gain knowledge to help in the vorish endeavors. The dragonborn gains in levels, skills, and abilities, forging a path ahead to the topmost tier of predator and prey to rival alduin himself as the eater of the world.

Feature Details[]

1. Use the various methods or have the various methods of vore used on you.[]

Oral vore - The player will use a shout-like ability on a target within close hit box range. The calculations will happen for success in the background depending on skills, perks, etc. and if successful a swallowing animation will play and the player's stomach and belly will show expansion depending on the prey size.

The player may also use another shout ability that will force an npc to swallow the player, however, this is generally non lethal and the npc is usually non hostile.

If the player swallows another then the prey is hit with acid damage but can struggled back out however if unsuccessful it will be acid damaged and digested to death.

The players disposal method will then trigger and leave the remains to be looted outside of the player. The loot from the vitim is thus stripped during the digestion cycle and can be gotten depending on the disposal method by the player.

Oral vore scripting- The way the game processes oral vore is to establish an overall skill called the devourment skill. This is flanked by swallow strength and stomach acid type modifiers. The calculation in the script first tackles is successful swallowing or failure and no animations trigger with a failure and the screen animation flahses slowly blue as a reaction to either success or failure but if a failure the player must try again. If the swallow is successful based on swallow modifiers and devourment skill then it changes over to digestion cycles. The acid damage in the stomach whittles away the health of the victim and it dies after so many digestive seconds or ticks. If it does not digested in a certain amoutn of time the script enacts a regurgitation sequence and the victim is outside of the player or npc. The victim's image is blanked out otherwise invisible on successful swallow and the movement is disabled on the victim and the victim is tied in third person camera view to the predator. Once the digestion kills the victim the items carried by the victim that are registered when the swallow sequence starts are made available to be received by the player using selected disposal method. The corpse is then sent to the death cell as normal. The usual default is only one victim swallowed while one is being digested or not otherwise disposed of each swallowed victim is dealt with by the script in chronological sequence.

Belly size with oral vore - The belly size matches the animation for larger prey and smaller for smaller prey but shrinks in size in stages depednign on the victim's health with more health being the larger belly size and smaller belly size as the digestion continues. However, even after the victim is killed the sequence in the animation runs down to the original non victim filled belly size.

Additional script variables for oral vore - A consideration for prey struggling is calculated and hurts the preadtor and damage is pitted against stomach strength factors of the prey to resist this. Stomach damge acid vs struggling damage

Prey swallowed stats - The script also uses stat record keeping to tally up the amoutn of each type of creature, race, npc eaten and digested.

Breast vore - Upon trigger and passing a successful swallow chance calculation the animation will occur with the breasts. Then, instead of the belly growing, the breasts will grow and reduced depending on death of the prey and digestion into milk. The system uses scripting to handle the swallow and digestion. The similar way that oral vore and anal vore does. The only difference is animations and some stat records. The animation is typically the jutting forth or shoving of the breasts toward the target.

**** vore - It is triggerd in much the same way as oral vore, breast vore, and anal vore. It passes a successful swallow chance calculation. The **** size will increase in animation and then shrink but increase the size of the **** growing in size to match the size of the prey as with other types. The animation that plays at the beginning is the thrust or shoving of the ***** forward. Once the prey is successfully swallowed into the *** and finally passing into the ****, the **** shrink accordingly with the digestive cycle as the victim is digested into ***.

2. Use various spells to help vore or have those spells used against you[]

Teleport spells- provides a magicka used bypass of swallow resistances, replaced that check with a level cap based on what level the victim is. The spells call an ingestion part of the scripts that puts the victim into the user directly into digesting and incurring digestion damage.

Digestion speed up - if a prey is already killed and digesting, this spell will decrease digestion time. A spell for companions as well for the player.

Conjure voracious helper - varying levels of summons that call up a temporary or permanent follower that has vore abilities to fight alongside of the player.

Frenzy vore spells - varying levels that specifically enrage targets to attack each other using vore abilities in a set amount of time and level

Calm vore spells - Reduce the inhibitions of the target to being swallowed reducing their struggle factor in addition to making them not want to fight the player all for a set amount of time and level

Shrink spells - varying levels of spells that reduces swallow resistance of the target(s)

See who are voracious - Detect life spell but for seeing others that are vorish and reaidn their stats if directly aimed.

Increase digestive damage spells - when the foe is still alive and digesting adds a boost to the damage received in the digestive cycle

Regurgitation spells - spells that make prey vored by a predator be brought out of being vored by the vore method used or that is digesting but not dead

Rate my swallow chance spell - Returns your probability fo swallowing someone for a limited duration. Displays this every few seconds until spell ends

Force pull spell - A target is brought close enough for melee hit box range. Teleport but not inside the caster.

Absorption spells - spells that drain health and stamina from enemies. Any enemies that die are absorbed completely.

Necro absorption spells - Absorb a corpse to recover health and stamina. Absorb health and stamina from the undead.

Decrease swallow resistance spells - spells that reduce swallow resistance for several seconds

6. Engage in various vorish activites with NPCs[]

- Ask the NPC to swallow you

- Tell the NPC to swallow you at random

- Tell NPC to stop swallowing you at random

- Collect a bounty on digesting the dovakin (and becoming the dovakin yourself)

- Specific responses to a predator by prey

- Taunt prey (digesting lethally) struggle

- Taunt prey size

- Taunt prey struggling against digest

- Taunt prey if digestive damage inside pred

- Taunt prey after digested

- Prey beg pred to be let out

- Prey angry response to pred after eaten and want to be let out

- Prey persuasion of pred to let out

- Prey intimidate pred to be let out after eaten

- Prey bribe pred to be let out after eaten

- Non lethal pred ask to digest prey

- Non lethal pred tell prey will let them out

- Non lethal pred ask of well being of eaten prey

- Non lethal pred ask prey to ******** them while inside them

- Non lethal pred tell prey going to digest in a nice way

- Non lethal pred tell prey they will force them to digest or not

- Non lethal pred persuade prey to digest or not

- Non lethal pred intimidate prey to digest or not

- Non lethal pred bribe prey to digest and say will take care of those the prey left behind

- Non lethal prey comfy perk response

- Non lethal prey asks to be released from pred

- Non lethal prey has *** with pred while inside

- Non lethal prey asks and surrenders to digestion

7. Tweak in game parameters to customize your vore experience[]

NPC Predators - toggles whether npcs, player, or the player and followers can attempt to vore the player or others

Skill gain from digestion - when an npc is digested the player gains a skill level up if the npc had a higher level skill than the player. This is for creatures as well as other npcs. Selections are: Only mage type skills, only thief type skills, only warrior type skills, or all skill gains.

Continue playing after digestion - If the player is digested the player continues playing as the person that digested you, inheriting the dovakin powers, but keeping the person that digested you's skills and their stats. Perks are cleared and converted to perk points.

Fate of digested characters - the player can choose defecation whereas the remnants of the inventory will be placed in a scat pile to access and loot. The choices are also, the body is absorbed and the items are regurgitated, bones. The only differnce instead of crouching to defecate the player upchucks the goo that is accessed by the same way as the scat pile is. The bones are thrown up and accessed the same way. A final option is absorbed completely wheras the items held by the victim are transferred automatically to the player's inventory.

Digest essential characters - removed the essential marker for an npc's digestion if the npc has the essential marker.

Disable racemenu upon character switch - if the player is digested usually by default the racemenu shows up for the character that digested the player to tweak but this option prevents that from happening and the player plays as the person digested them without any switch in appearance.

Digestion time multiplier - allows the player to control the time factor it takes to digest. Digestion damage is adjusted inversely. Default is 1.0x

Minimum Swallow chance - The modifier for the percentage to swallow prey. All predators have at least this chance of swallowing anyone. 5% default.

Stomach acid damage multiplier - Modify the stomach acid default damage by this amount. 1.0x default.

Body digestion time - increase/decrease the time it takes to digest dead bodies or prey that died in the ingestor. This occurs at 50x as quickly in combat, or when rapid digestion is cast. 250 seconds by default.

Belly size- affects belly size scaling of the player belly after eating a prey. Default 1.0x

Weight gain per NPC digested - adds a certain amount of weight gain each time a character digests another to that character's weight slider. 2% default.

Male and female predators - limits on what gender NPCs and the player can vore another, essentially causing one, another, or both to only function.

Player/NPC multiprey- allow the player and NPC to eat more than one prey at a time or while digesting another.

Animal predators - toggle that allows animals to eat the player or another NPC or animal.

Struggle mechanic - when eaten by a predator, allows the fictim to struggle to be released and may do damage depending on whether the player has a perk to damage the predator upon exit.

Prey gear shown when disposed - shows the list of the victim's gear before being disposed (depends on the disposal selection previously: scat, vomit, bones, or absorbed completely)

Breast vore - triggers a seperate set of animations involving the breasts when swallowed and digested instead of the default belly animations.

**** vore - triggers a seperate set of animations involving the **** and **** as well as digestion involving them instead of the default oral vore belly animations.

No escape once swallowed- the victim cannot struggle or be released once vored unless the struggle mechanic is used in tandem. Makes death inevitable otherwise for the victim and lets the digestive sequence and acid damage to loop until the victim is dead. If not used in tandem with the struggle mechanic then struggling and regurgitation is disabled.

Player strips in stomach- player is stripped of gear when swallowed and is essentially naked once swallowed leaving all behind. If escaping it essentially makes the player fully naked.

Loading screens - enables special vorish loadin screen stills when fast traveling, entering a new cell, loading the game, etc.

Unwilling struggling sounds - when the player or npc is swallowed by another the struggling audio files are played

Scat sounds - enables specific gender oriented sounds during defecation.

Only morphs - NPCs/Player will use morph animations rather than the default belly animations. This will happen despite whether indicator keywords are present or not.

8. Gain various perks to assist with voring or help you to resist being vored by others[]

Perks that increase swallow factor success - These perks are in various tiers every 20 devourment skill levels starting at 15 for the first level and being give tiers with the final skill requiring 80 in the devourment skill. Their factor of power increase is by 20% each tier level. By the final level, the player will be at double default swallow power.

Digestive enzyme potency perks - as with teh swallow perks, these are three tier level perks that increase the enzyjes that digest ingested prey. The power increases from 50 to 150%. At devourment skill 15 is the first perk and increases from 30, 60, and 90 respectively.

Perks that increase stealth when swallowing - when swallowing someone, the player is not detected when sneaking. Minimum devourment skill 30.

Recover health, stamina, and magicka when digesting prey - If the player swallows a prey the player regains health and stamina up to twice or double the rate. The second tier adds in magicka recovery as well. The skill required is 35 to 45 respectively.

Keep prey inside longer - under normal circ*mstances, prey is automatically regurgitated if not dead by enzyme damage after a certain amount of time. This perk is a 3 tier level perk and increases in potency from 50 to 150%. The devourment skill required is from 25, 50, and 75 respectively.

Perks that normalize decreased speed - normally if the player has a full stomach the player is slowed down. This perk eliminates that condition.

Perk that increases bonuses gained to core vital stats - doubles the increase to health/magicka/stamina when completely digesting prey. Minimum skill 60.

Perk that reduces struggling effectiveness - decreases struggling effectiveness when swallowing prey. Minimum skill 90.

Stomach necromancy - digested prey are raised as bound thralls. Minimum skill 90.

Soul gem body - The players body acts like a soul gem trapping those that are digested. Minimum skill 100.

Perks that increase enzyme resistance - improves enzyme resistance if the player is swallowed by another lethally by 10 to 50% in five tiers and in increments of 20 for devourment skill. The first tier has no minimum skill requirement.

Perks that increase swallow resistance - improves swallow resistance if another attempts to swallow the player by10 to 50% in five tiers and in increments of 20 for devourment skill. The first tier does not have a minimum skill requirement.

Escape damage - if the player escapes a predator then the escape deals a critical amount of damage to the predator. Minimum skill 50.

Friendly predator perks - the first perk recovers health if inside of swallowed non lethally. The second perk gives the well rested bonus if in a friendly npc non lethall for 8 hours.

Devourment Perk Points - Devourment perk points are gained independent of devourment skill gains and are given based on digested foes including dead bodies. Each perk requires one perk point to take.

9. Gain levels in your vore skills or when you are vored by others[]

Devourment skill - The devourment skill is a skill of voring others and dealing with the consequences of being vored by others. Increasing this skill also allows you to vore easier and resist being vored lethally by others. The way to increase this skill the fastest is by eating live prey. Eating corpses gives a minimal skill increase. In order to purchase skills with perk points you must have the appropriate minimum devourment skill.

Example Timeline[]

Strip down code - 2 Weeks - Gameplay

Test Beta 1 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Iron Out Bugs - 2 Weeks - Testing

Test Beta 2 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Iron Out Bugs 2 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Test Beta 3 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Iron Out Bugs 3 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Test Beta 4 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Iron Out Bugs 4 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Beta Testing 5 - 2 Weeks - Testing

Full Release - 1 day - Finalization

Example Timeline Schedule

November - Gameplay & Testing

11/10 - 11/19 - Strip down code

11/19 - 12/10 - Beta testing

December - Testing

12/10 - 12/24 Fix Bugs

12/24 - 1/7 Beta Testing Part 2

January - Testing

1/7 - 1/21 - Fix Bugs Part 2

1/21 - 2/4 - Beta Testing Part 3

February - Testing

2/4 - 2/18 Fix Bugs part 3

2/18 - 3/4 Beta Testing Part 4

March - Testing

3/4 - 3/18 Fix Bugs part 4

3/18 - 4/1 Beta Testing Part 5

April - Finalization

4/1 Release full version

Devourment Remastered Design (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.