Compre Hot Tub Filters online no Ubuy Angola com os melhores preços (2024)

`; jQuery("#usstore-products").append(html_); jQuery("#s-sidebar-filter").html(""); return; } var requestData = { q: query, node_id: node_id, page: page, brand: brand, ufulfilled: ufulfilled, price_range: price_range, sort_by: sort_by, s_id: '117', lang: lang, dc: dc, search_type: search_type, skus:all_products_sku, store:ubuy_store, csrf_token:csrftoken_search }; requestData = Object.assign(requestData, custom_filters); // requst_base64 = window.btoa(JSON.stringify(requestData)); ajaxRequest = jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", dataType: "html", data: requestData, // data: {"req":requst_base64}, headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=10' }, url: esonesearch_url + "?ubuy=" + ubuy + "&docType="+ubuyType, success: function (response,textStatus,jqXHR) { if(jqXHR.status == 204 || jqXHR.status == 203){ window.location = window.location.href; } load_time = 1; if (blank == "1") { return false; } if (isValidHttpUrl(response)) { location.href = response; return false; } removeAECTProduct(); jQuery("#usstore-products").append(response); 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showDotLoader(); } changeCurrentUrl(); no_items = true; product_unique_arr = []; stickySearchFilter("#usstore-product-block-section"); isComplete = (isLoadEmpty(response) == false) ? true : false; isComplete = jQuery(".item-view").length == 0 ? false : true; /*===========*/ moniterPageScroll("us", isComplete); //not in use /*===========*/ if (brand !== "") { topBrands(); } hideLoaderImageAbs(); document.getElementsByTagName('main')[0].scrollTo(0,0); if (customer_id != "") { updatewishlist(); } }, error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { //redirectToScrap(); getFirstScrapping(); }, //timeout: 20000 }); } function getFirstScrapping(){ var current_store = ""; if(ubuy_store == "us"){ current_store = "usstore"; } else if(ubuy_store == "uk"){ current_store = "ukstore"; } else if(ubuy_store == "eu"){ current_store = "destore"; } else if(ubuy_store == "in"){ current_store = "instore"; } else if(ubuy_store == "ch"){ current_store = "jd"; } else if(ubuy_store == "hk"){ current_store = "china"; 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if (isUsstore == false) { getProductAppendData("usstore"); } else if (isMart == false) { getProductAppendData("mart"); } else if (isUsed == false) { getProductAppendData("used"); } else if (isTarget == false) { getProductAppendData("target"); } else if (isGShopping == false) { getProductAppendData("gshopping"); } else if (isHomeDepot == false) { getProductAppendData("homedepot"); } else if (isUkstore == false) { getProductAppendData("ukstore"); } else if (isDedr == false) { getProductAppendData("dedr"); } else if (isUsedde == false) { getProductAppendData("usedde"); } else if (isDestore == false) { getProductAppendData("destore"); } else if (isInstore == false) { getProductAppendData("instore"); } else if (isInny == false) { getProductAppendData("inny"); } else if (isInfl == false) { getProductAppendData("infl"); } else if (isInsp == false) { getProductAppendData("insp"); } else if (isInaj == false) { getProductAppendData("inaj"); } else if (isUseduk == false) { getProductAppendData("useduk"); 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icon.addClass("fa-chevron-down").removeClass('fa-chevron-right'); parentElm.addClass('shown'); } return false; } function getFiltersForUsStore(all_brands, all_categories, query,is_scrap=false) { getShowMoreActive(); if (ubuy_store == "hk" || ubuy_store == "ch") { jQuery(".desktop-filter-sort-by").hide(); jQuery(".sort_by_mobile_div").hide(); } if (ubuy_store == "hk" || ubuy_store == "kr") { jQuery("#s-sidebar-filter").html(""); showClearAllFilter(); setShowMoreActive(); showActiveParentCategory(); showInterlinkingFooter(); return ""; } var search_type = '' var request_type = 'GET' if(is_scrap==false){ request_type = 'GET' all_brands=[] all_categories=[] } if (is_brand_search) { search_type = 'brand'; } if (is_cat_search) { search_type = 'category'; } if (ubuy_store == "tr") { request_type = 'POST'; } var csrftoken_search = '036e7fb28ea7cf8ee3ef98cb151f586dsearch'; var requestData = { q: query, node_id: node_id, brand: brand, ufulfilled: ufulfilled, price_range: price_range, all_brands: all_brands, all_categories: all_categories, s_id: '117', search_type:search_type, filter_type: filter_type, is_scrap: is_scrap, lang: lang, store:ubuy_store, csrf_token:csrftoken_search } requestData = Object.assign(requestData, custom_filters); requst_base64 = window.btoa(JSON.stringify(requestData)); if (ubuy_store == "tr") { requestData = {"req":requst_base64}; } ajaxFilterRequest = jQuery.ajax({ type: request_type, data: requestData, // data: {"req":requst_base64}, url: esonesearch_filter_url + "?ubuy=" + ubuy, dataType: "html", beforeSend:function(){ abortPreviousAjaxFilterRequest(); }, success: function (response) { jQuery("#s-sidebar-filter").html(response); es_filter_status = jQuery("#es_filter_status").val(); showClearAllFilter(); setShowMoreActive(); showActiveParentCategory(); showInterlinkingFooter(); } }); } function showInterlinkingFooter() { var brands = jQuery("#bjson").val(); var categories = jQuery("#cjson").val(); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", data: { all_brands: brands, all_categories: categories, lang: lang, searchqtr: "Hot%20tub%20filters", is_brand_url: is_brand_url, is_category_url: is_category_url }, url: interlink_url, dataType: "html", success: function (resp) { jQuery("#bottom-filter-brands").html(resp); } }); } /*===== Store Function Start======*/ function showActiveParentCategory(){ if(jQuery(".list-group-item").length < 5){ jQuery(".list-group-item").each(function (index, value) { jQuery(this).find("i").removeClass("fa-chevron-right"); jQuery(this).find("i").addClass("fa-chevron-down"); }); jQuery(".list-group-item").removeClass("d-none"); jQuery(".list-group-item").addClass("shown"); } } function resetSingleStorePageScroll(current) { if (current == "usstore") { isUsstore = true; } else if (current == "mart") { isMart = true; } else if (current == "used") { isUsed = true; } else if (current == "target") { isTarget = true; } else if (current == "samsclub") { isSamsclub = true; } else if (current == "gshopping") { isGShopping = true; } else if (current == "homedepot") { isHomeDepot = true; } else if (current == "ukstore") { isUkstore = true; } else if (current == "destore") { isDestore = true; } else if (current == "instore") { isInstore = true; } else if (current == "inny") { isInny = true; } else if (current == "infl") { isInfl = true; } else if (current == "insp") { isInsp = true; } else if (current == "inaj") { isInaj = true; } else if (current == "dedr") { isDedr = true; } else if (current == "usedde") { isUsedde = true; } else if (current == "argos") { isArgos = true; } else if (current == "useduk") { isUseduk = true; } else if (current == "asos") { isAsos = true; } else if (current == "zlnduk") { isZland = true; } else if(current == "jd"){ isJd = true; } else if(current == "jdajax"){ isJdajax = true; } else if(current == "you163"){ isYou163 = true; } else if(current == "taobao"){ isTaobao = true; } else if(current == "jpstore"){ isJpstore = true; } else if(current == "usedjp"){ isUsedjp = true; } else if(current == "jpzen"){ isJpzen = true; } else if(current == "jpfr"){ isJpfr = true; } else if(current == "china"){ isChina = true; } else if(current == "gmarket"){ isGmarket = true; } else if(current == "trendyol"){ isTrendyol = true; } } function getProductAppendData(next_store) { console.log("append request==="+next_store); resetSingleStorePageScroll(next_store); next_call_status = 1; all_products_sku = jQuery("#all_skus").val(); var query = q; s_node_id=node_id; if (node_id && ubuy_store == "us" || ubuy_store == "in" || ubuy_store == "tr" || ubuy_store == "eu" || ubuy_store == "ch" ) { // query = ""; }else{ s_node_id = ""; } if (jQuery('input[name=ufulfilled]:checked').length > 0) { ufulfilled = 1; } var price_range_selected = jQuery('input[name=price_usstore]:checked').val(); if (typeof price_range_selected !== typeof undefined) { price_range = price_range_selected; } checkajaxrequest(); if (new_loader == 0) { scrapping_no++; showDotLoader(); } var csrftoken_search = '036e7fb28ea7cf8ee3ef98cb151f586dsearch'; var search_type = ''; if (is_brand_search && ubuy_store == "us") { search_type = 'brand'; } if (is_cat_search) { search_type = 'category'; } var total_es_products = jQuery("#es_products_count").val(); var total_products_fetched = jQuery(".product-inner-list").length; next_append_request = 1; var brand_request = brand; var brand_selected = []; var brand_exist = 0; jQuery("input[name='brand']:checked").each(function() { brand_exist = 1; var value = jQuery(this).attr("data-name"); console.log("selected brand name: "+ value); value = value.replace(" ", "+"); brand_selected.push(value); }); if(brand_exist == 1){ brand_request = brand_selected.join('|'); } //} var search_type_append_request = search_type; //search_type_append_request = ""; if(next_store == "china" && brand_request != "" ){ query = brand_request; brand_request = ""; } var requestData = { q: query, node_id: s_node_id, page: page, brand: brand_request, ufulfilled: ufulfilled, price_range: price_range, sort_by: sort_by, s_id: '117', lang: lang, dc: dc, search_type: search_type_append_request, skus:all_products_sku, next_store:next_store, is_scrap:1, es_count:total_es_products, store:ubuy_store, total_fetched:total_products_fetched, es_filter_status:es_filter_status, csrf_token:csrftoken_search }; requestData = Object.assign(requestData, custom_filters); requst_base64 = window.btoa(JSON.stringify(requestData)); ajaxRequest = jQuery.ajax({ type: "GET", headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=10' }, data: requestData, // data: {"req":requst_base64}, url: esonesearch_url + "?ubuy=" + ubuy, dataType: "html", success: function(response,textStatus,jqXHR) { if(jqXHR.status == 204 || jqXHR.status == 203){ window.location = window.location.href; } //jQuery("#all_skus").remove(); if ((next_store == "instore" || next_store == "trendyol" || next_store == "destore" || next_store == "gmarket") && page == 1 ) { removeAECTProduct(); } if(ubuy_store == "hk" || ubuy_store == "eu" || ubuy_store == "in" || ubuy_store == "tr" || ubuy_store == "kr" ){ var data_con = getStringBetween(response, "scrap_products_count", " />") data_con = data_con.match(/\d+/g); data_con =; if (scrapping_status == false) { removeAECTProduct(); } if (data_con > 0 ) { scrapping_status = true; } hideLoaderImageAbs(); showClearAllFilter(); } if ((next_store == "usstore" || next_store == "jpstore" || next_store == "ukstore") && (total_es_products == 'undefined' || total_es_products == 0) ) { removeAECTProduct(); } jQuery("#usstore-products").append(response); total_sc_pro_len = $('.catalog-v2-tpl-append').length; if( scraping_banner_status && scraping_banner != "" && total_sc_pro_len > 12 ){ $(".catalog-v2-tpl-append").eq(11).after(scraping_banner); scraping_banner_status = false; } if( scraping_banner_2_status && scraping_banner_2 != "" && total_sc_pro_len > 36 ){ $(".catalog-v2-tpl-append").eq(35).after(scraping_banner_2); scraping_banner_2_status = false; } next_append_request = 0; var s_result_count = jQuery("#scrap_products_count_"+next_store).val(); if(s_result_count > 0 && total_es_products > 0){ jQuery("#new_release_products_display_title").removeClass("d-none"); } if (s_result_count > 0 || total_es_products > 0 ) { new_loader == 0 jQuery(".new_loader").hide(); } console.log(mainStores.indexOf(next_store)); console.log(total_es_products + "total_es_products"); console.log(s_result_count + "s_result_count 2024"); console.log(next_store + "next_store 2024"); if(mainStores.indexOf(next_store) >= 0 && (typeof total_es_products=='undefined' || isNaN(total_es_products) || parseInt(total_es_products)<=0 /*|| es_filter_status <= 0*/)){ var all_brands = jQuery("#all_brands_sc").val(); var all_categories = jQuery("#all_categories_sc").val(); var has_brandfilter = jQuery('.es-brand-filter').length; var has_catfilter = jQuery('.es-category-filter').length; if (has_catfilter==0 && has_brandfilter==0 ) { console.log("scrapping filter called") console.log(has_catfilter+" "+has_brandfilter) getFiltersForUsStore(all_brands, all_categories, query,true); } } isComplete = (isLoadEmpty(response) == false) ? true : false; if( s_result_count == 0 && ( next_store == 'usstore' || next_store == 'ukstore' || next_store == 'jpstore') ){ jQuery(".loader-spin").hide(); jQuery(".loadmore-bt").hide(); } var count_id = jQuery("#scrap_products_count_"+next_store).val(); if(count_id == 0){ callNextScrappingStore(); } moniterPageScroll(next_store, isComplete); if(jQuery(".loadmore-bt").length){ jQuery(".loadmore-bt").prop('disabled', false); jQuery(".loadmore-bt").html('Load More'); } if(jQuery(".see-translation").length>1){ jQuery(".see-translation").last().parent().remove(); } }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { isComplete = false; next_append_request = 0 moniterPageScroll(next_store, isComplete); } }); /* here we get next store data from scrap request*/ } function getInsertData(scrap_products_arr) { requestData = { data: scrap_products_arr, } ajaxRequest = jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=10' }, data: requestData, url: temp_bulk_url + "?ubuy=" + ubuy, success: function(response,textStatus,jqXHR) { console.log(response) }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { isComplete = false; next_append_request = 0 moniterPageScroll(next_store, isComplete); } }); } function getStringBetween(originalString, startString, endString) { var startIndex = originalString.indexOf(startString); if (startIndex === -1) { return ""; } var endIndex = originalString.indexOf(endString, startIndex + startString.length); if (endIndex === -1) { return ""; } return originalString.substring(startIndex + startString.length, endIndex); } function getLastStore(){ var last_store = ""; switch(ubuy_store) { case "us": last_store = "target" break; case "uk": last_store = "zlnduk" break; case "ch": last_store = "taobao" break; case "hk": last_store = "china" break; case "kr": last_store = "gmarket" break; case "jp": last_store = "jpfr" break; case "tr": last_store = "trendyol" break; case "eu": last_store = "dedr" break; case "in": last_store = "inaj" break; default: // code block } return last_store; } function moniterPageScroll(current, isComplete) { /**/ if(next_append_request == 1){ return false; } scrapping_no_hide++; //"gshopping", /* "lyst", */ "gap", let whatNext = ["usstore","mart","used","target","gshopping","homedepot","ukstore","destore","inny","infl","insp","inaj","instore","dedr","usedde","argos","zlnduk","asos","jd","jdajax","taobao","you163","jpstore","usedjp","jpzen","jpfr","china","gmarket","trendyol"]; if (scrapping_no == scrapping_no_hide) { hideDotLoader(); }else{ var dot_src = $('.dot-loader-image').attr('src'); console.log(dot_src) $('.dot-loader-image').attr('src', dot_src+'?time_=1719035949'); } let last = getLastStore(); hideLoaderImageAbs(); if (product_unique_arr.length > 0 && current != "china") { let noProductElement = document.querySelector(""); if (noProductElement) { noProductElement.remove(); } } console.log("current " + current + " last " + last ); /*remove filter*/ if (current == last && jQuery(".product-outer-list").length == 0) { jQuery(".no-product").removeClass('d-none'); let noFilterElement = document.querySelector("div#aside"); if (noFilterElement) { noFilterElement.remove(); } let noSortElement = document.querySelector(".search_sorting"); if (noSortElement) { noSortElement.remove(); } let storeElement = document.querySelector("div#store"); // storeElement.classList.remove("col-md-9"); // storeElement.classList.add("col-md-12"); let noProductElement = document.querySelector(""); jQuery("#search-result-title").remove(); } else { jQuery(window).on('scroll', function () { if (isScrollReachToElement(jQuery('#load-other-store'))) { console.log("isDedr==="+isDedr) if (isUsstore == false) { getProductAppendData("usstore"); } else if (isMart == false) { getProductAppendData("mart"); } else if (isUsed == false) { getProductAppendData("used"); } else if (isTarget == false) { getProductAppendData("target"); } else if (isGShopping == false) { getProductAppendData("gshopping"); } else if (isHomeDepot == false) { getProductAppendData("homedepot"); } else if (isUkstore == false) { getProductAppendData("ukstore"); } else if (isDestore == false) { getProductAppendData("destore"); } else if (isInstore == false) { getProductAppendData("instore"); } else if (isInny == false) { getProductAppendData("inny"); } else if (isInfl == false) { getProductAppendData("infl"); } else if (isInsp == false) { getProductAppendData("insp"); } else if (isInaj == false) { getProductAppendData("inaj"); } else if (isUsedde == false) { getProductAppendData("usedde"); } else if (isDedr == false) { getProductAppendData("dedr"); } else if (isUseduk == false) { getProductAppendData("useduk"); } else if (isAsos == false) { getProductAppendData("asos"); } else if (isZland == false) { getProductAppendData("zlnduk"); } else if (isArgos == false) { getProductAppendData("argos"); } else if (isJd == false) { getProductAppendData("jd"); } else if (isJdajax == false) { getProductAppendData("jdajax"); } else if (isYou163 == false) { getProductAppendData("you163"); } else if (isTaobao == false) { getProductAppendData("taobao"); } else if (isJpstore == false) { getProductAppendData("jpstore"); } else if (isUsedjp == false) { getProductAppendData("usedjp"); } else if (isJpzen == false) { getProductAppendData("jpzen"); } else if (isJpfr == false) { getProductAppendData("jpfr"); } else if (isChina == false) { getProductAppendData("china"); } else if (isGmarket == false) { getProductAppendData("gmarket"); } else if (isTrendyol == false) { getProductAppendData("trendyol"); } } }); } mobileFilterSticky(); } function resetPageScroll() { product_unique_arr = []; isUsstore = isMart = isUsed = isGShopping = isTarget = isHomeDepot = true; isUkstore = isUseduk = isAsos = isArgos = true; isJd = isJdajax = isYou163 = true; isJpstore = isUsedjp = isJpzen = isJpfr = true; isGmarket = true; isChina = true; isTrendyol = true; switch(ubuy_store) { case "us": isUsstore = isMart = isUsed = isGShopping = isTarget = isHomeDepot = false; //isTarget = true; isGShopping = true; isHomeDepot = true; break; case "uk": isUkstore = isUseduk = isAsos = isArgos = isZland = false; break; case "eu": isDestore = isDedr = false; break; case "in": isInstore = isInny = isInfl = isInsp = isInaj = false; break; case "ch": isJd = isJdajax = isYou163 = false; break; case "hk": isChina = false; break; case "kr": isGmarket = false; break; case "jp": isJpstore = isUsedjp = isJpzen = isJpfr = false; break; case "tr": isTrendyol = false; break; default: } } function hasUbuyCategoryTopProduct() { if (jQuery('.ubuycat-list').length > 0) { return (jQuery('.ubuycat-list').css('display') == 'none') ? false : true; } return false; } function isScrollReachToElement(elm, eval) { eval = eval || "object visible"; 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  • Compre Hot Tub Filters online no Ubuy Angola com os melhores preços (5)' + value + '
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    Compre Hot Tub Filters online no Ubuy Angola com os melhores preços (2024)
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    Author: Neely Ledner

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    Author information

    Name: Neely Ledner

    Birthday: 1998-06-09

    Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

    Phone: +2433516856029

    Job: Central Legal Facilitator

    Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

    Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.